
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
00002 // File and Version Information:
00003 //      $Id: Hdf5InputModule.cpp 8366 2014-06-11 00:09:46Z davidsch@SLAC.STANFORD.EDU $
00004 //
00005 // Description:
00006 //      Class Hdf5InputModule...
00007 //
00008 // Author List:
00009 //      Andy Salnikov
00010 //
00011 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00013 //-----------------------
00014 // This Class's Header --
00015 //-----------------------
00016 #include "PSHdf5Input/Hdf5InputModule.h"
00018 //-----------------
00019 // C/C++ Headers --
00020 //-----------------
00021 #include <list>
00023 //-------------------------------
00024 // Collaborating Class Headers --
00025 //-------------------------------
00026 #include "IData/Dataset.h"
00027 #include "MsgLogger/MsgLogger.h"
00028 #include "psddl_psana/alias.ddl.h"
00029 #include "PSHdf5Input/Exceptions.h"
00030 #include "PSHdf5Input/Hdf5EventId.h"
00031 #include "PSHdf5Input/Hdf5FileListIter.h"
00033 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00034 // Local Macros, Typedefs, Structures, Unions and Forward Declarations --
00035 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00037 using namespace PSHdf5Input;
00040 namespace {
00042   // test if the group is inside EPICS group (has a parent named Epics::EpicsPv)
00043   bool isEpics(const std::string& group)
00044   {
00045     return group.find("/Epics::EpicsPv/") != std::string::npos;
00046   }
00048   // test if the group is inside L3T data group (has a parent named L3T::DataV*)
00049   bool isL3TData(const std::string& group)
00050   {
00051     return group.find("/L3T::DataV") != std::string::npos;
00052   }
00054   // return true if event passed L3 selection (of there was no L3 defined)
00055   bool l3accept(const Hdf5IterData& data)
00056   {
00057     // Correct way to determine L3T decision is to find L3T data and check the value
00058     // of 'accept' field. This would involve reading of the data from file and may be
00059     // also unstable w.r.t. the group name changes. I try to avoid these problems by
00060     // guessing L3T decision based on the contributions to the event. Assumption is
00061     // that if event contain only L3T data and Epics data then it is a rejected event.
00062     // To make it even more general in case we decide no to store or not to merge
00063     // L3T data group I assume that event is rejected as well if it only contains Epics.
00064     const Hdf5IterData::seq_type& seq =;
00065     for (Hdf5IterData::seq_type::const_iterator it = seq.begin(); it != seq.end(); ++ it) {
00066       const std::string& grpname = it->;
00067       if (not isEpics(grpname) and not isL3TData(grpname)) return true;
00068     }
00069     return false;
00070   }
00072 }
00074 //              ----------------------------------------
00075 //              -- Public Function Member Definitions --
00076 //              ----------------------------------------
00078 namespace PSHdf5Input {
00080 //----------------
00081 // Constructors --
00082 //----------------
00083 Hdf5InputModule::Hdf5InputModule (const std::string& name)
00084   : psana::InputModule(name)
00085   , m_datasets()
00086   , m_iter()
00087   , m_cvt()
00088   , m_skipEvents(0)
00089   , m_maxEvents(0)
00090   , m_l3tAcceptOnly(true)
00091   , m_l1Count(0)
00092   , m_simulateEOR(0)
00093   , m_evtId()
00094 {
00095   // get number of events to process/skip from psana configuration
00096   ConfigSvc::ConfigSvc cfg = configSvc();
00097   m_skipEvents = cfg.get("psana", "skip-events", 0UL);
00098   m_maxEvents = cfg.get("psana", "events", 0UL);
00099   m_datasets = configList("files");
00100   if ( m_datasets.empty() ) {
00101     throw EmptyFileList(ERR_LOC);
00102   }
00103   m_l3tAcceptOnly = cfg.get("psana", "l3t-accept-only", true);
00105   WithMsgLog(this->name(), debug, str) {
00106     str << "Input datasets: ";
00107     std::copy(m_datasets.begin(), m_datasets.end(), std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(str, " "));
00108   }
00109   MsgLog(this->name(), debug, "skip-events: " << m_skipEvents);
00110   MsgLog(this->name(), debug, "events: " << m_maxEvents);
00111 }
00113 //--------------
00114 // Destructor --
00115 //--------------
00116 Hdf5InputModule::~Hdf5InputModule ()
00117 {
00118 }
00120 // Method which is called once at the beginning of the job
00121 void 
00122 Hdf5InputModule::beginJob(Event& evt, Env& env)
00123 {
00124   MsgLog(name(), debug, name() << ": in beginJob()");
00126   // make the list of files from the dataset names
00127   std::list<std::string> files;
00128   for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator dsiter = m_datasets.begin(); dsiter != m_datasets.end(); ++ dsiter) {
00130     IData::Dataset ds(*dsiter);
00132     // check that dataset is an HDF5 dataset
00133     if (not ds.exists("h5")) {
00134       throw NotHdf5Dataset(ERR_LOC, *dsiter);
00135     }
00137     const IData::Dataset::NameList& strfiles = ds.files();
00138     if (strfiles.empty()) {
00139       throw NoFilesInDataset(ERR_LOC, *dsiter);
00140     }
00141     for (IData::Dataset::NameList::const_iterator it = strfiles.begin(); it != strfiles.end(); ++ it) {
00142       MsgLog(name(), debug, "Hdf5InputModule::beginJob -- add file: " << *it);
00143       files.push_back(*it);
00144     }
00146   }
00148   // make iterator
00149   m_iter.reset(new Hdf5FileListIter(files));
00151   // At the beginJob fill environment with configuration data 
00152   // from the first configure transition of the first file   
00153   Hdf5IterData data = m_iter->next();
00154   MsgLog(name(), debug, "First data item: " << data);
00156   if (data.type() != Hdf5IterData::Configure) {
00157     throw FileStructure(ERR_LOC, "Non-configure data at the beginning of file");
00158   }
00160   // fill everything
00161   fillEventEnv(data, evt, env);
00162   fillEventId(data, evt);
00163   fillEpics(data, env);
00164 }
00166 // Method which is called with event data
00167 InputModule::Status 
00168 Hdf5InputModule::event(Event& evt, Env& env)
00169 {
00170   // are we in the simulated EOR/EOF
00171   if (m_simulateEOR > 0) {
00172     // fake EndRun, prepare to stop on next call
00173     MsgLog(name(), debug, name() << ": simulated EOR");
00174     evt.put(m_evtId);
00175     // negative means stop at next call
00176     m_simulateEOR = -1;
00177     return EndRun;
00178   } else if (m_simulateEOR < 0) {
00179     // fake EOF
00180     MsgLog(name(), debug, name() << ": simulated EOF");
00181     return Stop;
00182   }
00184   Hdf5IterData data = m_iter->next();
00185   MsgLog(name(), debug, "Hdf5InputModule::event -- data: " << data);
00187   InputModule::Status ret = InputModule::Abort;
00188   switch(data.type()) {
00189   case Hdf5IterData::Configure:
00190     fillEventEnv(data, evt, env);
00191     fillEventId(data, evt);
00192     fillEpics(data, env);
00193     ret = InputModule::Skip;
00194     break;
00195   case Hdf5IterData::BeginRun:
00196     fillEventId(data, evt);
00197     ret = InputModule::BeginRun;
00198     break;
00199   case Hdf5IterData::BeginCalibCycle:
00200     fillEventEnv(data, evt, env);
00201     fillEventId(data, evt);
00202     ret = InputModule::BeginCalibCycle;
00203     break;
00204   case Hdf5IterData::Event:
00205     if (m_l3tAcceptOnly and not ::l3accept(data)) {
00206       // did not pass L3, there may be other data in rejected events,
00207       // try to store anything that may be there but skip this event
00208       fillEventEnv(data, evt, env);
00209       fillEpics(data, env);
00210       ret = InputModule::Skip;
00211     } else if (m_maxEvents and m_l1Count >= m_skipEvents+m_maxEvents) {
00212       m_evtId = data.eventId();
00213       evt.put(m_evtId);
00214       ret = InputModule::EndCalibCycle;
00215       m_simulateEOR = 1;
00216     } else if (m_l1Count < m_skipEvents) {
00217       ret = InputModule::Skip;
00218     } else {
00219       fillEventEnv(data, evt, env);
00220       fillEventId(data, evt);
00221       fillEpics(data, env);
00222       ret = InputModule::DoEvent;
00223     }
00224     ++m_l1Count;
00225     break;
00226   case Hdf5IterData::EndCalibCycle:
00227     fillEventId(data, evt);
00228     m_cvt.resetCache();
00229     ret = InputModule::EndCalibCycle;
00230     break;
00231   case Hdf5IterData::EndRun:
00232     fillEventId(data, evt);
00233     m_cvt.resetCache();
00234     ret = InputModule::EndRun;
00235     break;
00236   case Hdf5IterData::UnConfigure:
00237     fillEventId(data, evt);
00238     m_cvt.resetCache();
00239     ret = InputModule::Skip;
00240     break;
00241   case Hdf5IterData::Stop:
00242     m_cvt.resetCache();
00243     ret = InputModule::Stop;
00244     break;
00245   }
00246   return ret;
00247 }
00249 // Method which is called once at the end of the job
00250 void 
00251 Hdf5InputModule::endJob(Event& evt, Env& env)
00252 {
00253 }
00255 // Store EPICS data in environment
00256 void
00257 Hdf5InputModule::fillEpics(const Hdf5IterData& data, Env& env)
00258 {
00259   MsgLog(name(), debug, name() << ": in fillEpics()");
00261   // call converter for every piece of data
00262   const Hdf5IterData::seq_type& pieces =;
00263   for (Hdf5IterData::const_iterator it = pieces.begin(); it != pieces.end(); ++ it) {
00264     if (it->mask) m_cvt.convertEpics(it->group, it->index, env.epicsStore());
00265   }
00266 }
00268 // Store event ID object
00269 void
00270 Hdf5InputModule::fillEventId(const Hdf5IterData& data, Event& evt)
00271 {
00272   MsgLog(name(), debug, name() << ": in fillEventId()");
00274   // Store event ID
00275   evt.put(data.eventId());
00276 }
00278 // Store event data objects
00279 void
00280 Hdf5InputModule::fillEventEnv(const Hdf5IterData& data, Event& evt, Env& env)
00281 {
00282   MsgLog(name(), debug, name() << ": in fillEvent()");
00284   // may need to update alias map first
00285   if (data.type() == Hdf5IterData::Configure and env.aliasMap()) {
00287     boost::shared_ptr<PSEvt::AliasMap> amap = env.aliasMap();
00289     // search for Alias groups, update alias map with all found instances,
00290     // reset alias map once only
00291     bool reset = true;
00292     const Hdf5IterData::seq_type& pieces =;
00293     for (Hdf5IterData::const_iterator it = pieces.begin(); it != pieces.end(); ++ it) {
00295       const std::string grpname = it->;
00296       if (grpname.find("/Alias::ConfigV1/") != std::string::npos) {
00298         // found aliases, need to update alias maps, clear it first from old entries
00299         if (reset) {
00300           amap->clear();
00301           reset = false;
00302         }
00304         // convert it using standard tools and use immediately
00305         m_cvt.convert(it->group, it->index, evt, env);
00307         boost::shared_ptr<Psana::Alias::ConfigV1> cfgV1 = env.configStore().get(Source());
00308         if (cfgV1) {
00309           const ndarray<const Psana::Alias::SrcAlias, 1>& aliases = cfgV1->srcAlias();
00310           for (unsigned i = 0; i != aliases.shape()[0]; ++ i) {
00311             const Psana::Alias::SrcAlias& alias = aliases[i];
00312             amap->add(alias.aliasName(), alias.src());
00313           }
00314         } else {
00315           MsgLog(name(), warning, name() << "failed to find Alias::ConfigV1 in config store");
00316         }
00317       }
00318     }
00319   }
00321   // call converter for every piece of data
00322   const Hdf5IterData::seq_type& pieces =;
00323   for (Hdf5IterData::const_iterator it = pieces.begin(); it != pieces.end(); ++ it) {
00324     if (it->mask) m_cvt.convert(it->group, it->index, evt, env);
00325   }
00326 }
00328 } // namespace PSHdf5Input

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