
Go to the documentation of this file.
00005 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
00006 // File and Version Information:
00007 //      $Id: NDArrIOV1.h 12297 2016-07-20 00:10:06Z dubrovin@SLAC.STANFORD.EDU $
00008 //      $Revision: 12297 $
00009 //      $HeadURL: file://localhost/reg/g/psdm/svnrepo/psdmrepo/pdscalibdata/tags/V00-05-43/include/NDArrIOV1.h $
00010 //      $Header$
00011 //      $LastChangedDate: 2016-07-19 17:10:06 -0700 (Tue, 19 Jul 2016) $
00012 //      $Date: 2016-07-19 17:10:06 -0700 (Tue, 19 Jul 2016) $
00013 //
00014 // Author: Mikhail Dubrovin
00015 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00017 //-----------------
00018 // C/C++ Headers --
00019 //-----------------
00020 #include <string>
00021 #include <vector>
00022 #include <iostream> // for cout, puts etc.
00024 //----------------------
00025 // Base Class Headers --
00026 //----------------------
00028 //-------------------------------
00029 // Collaborating Class Headers --
00030 //-------------------------------
00031 #include "ndarray/ndarray.h"
00033 //------------------------------------
00034 // Collaborating Class Declarations --
00035 //------------------------------------
00036 #include "pdscalibdata/GlobalMethods.h"
00038 //              ---------------------
00039 //              -- Class Interface --
00040 //              ---------------------
00042 using namespace std;
00044 namespace pdscalibdata {
00046 /**
00047  *  @defgroup pdscalibdata pdscalibdata package
00048  *  @brief Package pdscalibdata contains modules which retrieves the calibration parameters of all detectors
00049  */
00051 /**
00052  *  @ingroup pdscalibdata
00053  *
00054  *  This software was developed for the LCLS project.  If you use all or 
00055  *  part of it, please give an appropriate acknowledgment.
00056  *
00057  *  @see
00058  *
00059  *  @version $Id: NDArrIOV1.h 12297 2016-07-20 00:10:06Z dubrovin@SLAC.STANFORD.EDU $
00060  *
00061  *  @author Mikhail Dubrovin
00062  *
00063  *
00064  *  @anchor interface
00065  *  @par<interface> Interface
00066  *
00067  *  @li Expected format of the data file with metadata
00068  *  @code
00069  *  # line of comment always begins with # 
00070  *  # Mandatory fields to define the ndarray<TYPE,NDIM> and its shape as unsigned shape[NDIM] = {DIM:1,DIM:2,DIM:3}
00071  *  # TYPE        float
00072  *  # NDIM        3
00073  *  # DIM:1       3
00074  *  # DIM:2       4
00075  *  # DIM:3       8
00076  * 
00077  *  21757   21769   33464   10769   68489   68561   77637   54810 
00078  *  ... other data lines
00079  *  21757   21773   33430   10628   68349   68345   77454   54729 
00080  *  @endcode
00081  *
00082  *  @li Includes and typedefs
00083  *  @code
00084  *  #include "pdscalibdata/NDArrIOV1.h"
00085  *  typedef pdscalibdata::NDArrIOV1<float,3> NDAIO;
00086  *  @endcode
00087  *
00088  *  @li Instatiation
00089  *  \n Constractor 0:
00090  *  \n Uses file name as input parameter w/o default initialization:
00091  *  @code
00092  *  std::string fname("path/pedestals/0-end.data"); // mandatory parameter
00093  *  unsigned print_bits(0377);                      // optional parameter 
00094  *
00095  *  ARRIO* arrio = new ARRIO(fname, print_bits);
00096  *  @endcode
00097  *  \n
00098  *  \n
00099  *  \n Constractor 1:
00100  *  \n Uses file name, array shape, and single value for default initialization:
00101  *  @code
00102  *  std::string fname("path/pedestals/0-end.data"); // mandatory parameter
00103  *  unsigned shape[] = {2,3,4};                     // mandatory parameter
00104  *  TYPE   val_def = 123;                           // optional parameter
00105  *  unsigned print_bits(0377);                      // optional parameter 
00106  *
00107  *  ARRIO* arrio = new ARRIO(fname, shape, data_def, print_bits);
00108  *  @endcode
00109  *  shape is used for 
00110  *  \n 1) cross-check of metadata shape from file,
00111  *  \n 2) creation of ndarray<TYPE,NDIM> with default parameters if file is missing.
00112  *  \n
00113  *  \n
00114  *  \n Constractor 2:
00115  *  \n Uses file name and default ndarray:
00116  *  @code
00117  *  CalibPars::common_mode_t data_def[] = {1, 50, 10, Size};
00118  *  ndarray<CalibPars::common_mode_t,1> nda = make_ndarray(&data_def[0], 4);
00119  *  ARRIO* arrio = new ARRIO(fname, nda, print_bits);
00120  *  @endcode
00121  *
00122  *  @li Access methods
00123  *  @code
00124  *  const ndarray<const float,3>& nda = arrio -> get_ndarray(); // returns ndarray 
00125  *  // or
00126  *  const ndarray<const float,3>& nda = arrio -> get_ndarray(fname); // returns ndarray 
00127  *  std::string& str_status = arrio -> status(); // returns status comment
00128  *  @endcode
00129  *
00130  *  @li Print methods
00131  *  \n File name needs to be provided either in constructor or in the get_ndarray(fname) method.
00132  *  @code
00133  *  arrio -> print();         // prints recognized templated parameters
00134  *  arrio -> print_file();    // prints input file line-by-line 
00135  *  arrio -> print_ndarray(); // prints ndarray 
00136  *  @endcode
00137  *
00138  *  @li Save ndarray in file
00139  *  @code
00140  *  NDAIO::save_ndarray(nda, fname);  
00141  *  @endcode
00142  *  or save ndarray in file with additional comments
00143  *  @code
00144  *  std::vector<std::string> comments;
00145  *  comments.push_back("TITLE      File to load ndarray of calibration parameters");
00146  *  comments.push_back("EXPERIMENT amo12345");
00147  *  comments.push_back("DETECTOR   Camp.0:pnCCD.1");
00148  *  comments.push_back("CALIB_TYPE pedestals");
00149  *
00150  *  unsigned print_bits=1;
00151  *  NDAIO::save_ndarray(nda, fname, comments, print_bits);  
00152  *  @endcode
00153  *  where each record in the vector is added to the file header as a commented string. 
00154  *  The last command saves the file with content
00155  *  @code
00156  *  # TITLE      File to load ndarray of calibration parameters
00157  *  # 
00158  *  # EXPERIMENT amo12345
00159  *  # DETECTOR   Camp.0:pnCCD.1
00160  *  # CALIB_TYPE pedestals
00161  *  
00162  *  # DATE_TIME  2014-05-06 15:24:10
00163  *  # AUTHOR     <user-login-name>
00164  *  
00165  *  # Metadata for ndarray<float,3>
00166  *  # TYPE     float
00167  *  # NDIM     3
00168  *  # DIM:0    3
00169  *  # DIM:1    4
00170  *  # DIM:2    8
00171  *  
00172  *       21757      21769      33464      10769      68489      68561      77637      54810 
00173  *       ...
00174  *         102         40        272        270        194        246         60        118 
00175  *  @endcode
00176  */
00178 template <typename TDATA, unsigned NDIM> // stands for something like ndarray<TDATA, NDIM>
00179 class NDArrIOV1 {
00181   static const unsigned c_ndim = NDIM;
00183 public:
00185   typedef TDATA data_t;
00186   typedef unsigned shape_t;
00190   /**
00191    *  @brief Three constructors provide different default initialization.
00192    *  Each of them create an object which holds the file name and pointer (0 before load) to ndarray.
00193    *  File name can be specified later in the get_ndarray(fname) method, but print_file() and print_ndarray()
00194    *  methods will complain about missing file name until it is specified.
00195    */ 
00198   /**
00199    *  @brief Constructor with missing default initialization. Empty ndarray will be returned if constants from file can not be loaded.
00200    *  @param[in] fname - std::string file name
00201    *  @param[in] print_bits - unsigned bit-word to control verbosity
00202    */ 
00203   NDArrIOV1 ( const std::string& fname
00204             , const unsigned print_bits=0377 );
00206   /**
00207    *  @brief Constructor with default ndarray of specified shape filled by a single value.
00208    *  @param[in] fname - std::string file name
00209    *  @param[in] shape_def - default shape of the ndarray (is used for shape crosscheck at readout and in case of missing file or metadata)
00210    *  @param[in] val_def - value to fill all data elements by default(in case of missing file or metadata)
00211    *  @param[in] print_bits - unsigned bit-word to control verbosity
00212    */ 
00213   NDArrIOV1 ( const std::string& fname
00214             , const shape_t* shape_def
00215             , const TDATA& val_def=TDATA(0) 
00216             , const unsigned print_bits=0377 );
00218   /**
00219    *  @brief Constructor with externally defined default ndarray.
00220    *  @param[in] fname - std::string file name
00221    *  @param[in] nda_def - default ndarray, which will be returned if file is missing 
00222    *  @param[in] print_bits - unsigned bit-word to control verbosity
00223    */ 
00224   NDArrIOV1 ( const std::string& fname
00225             , const ndarray<const TDATA, NDIM>& nda_def
00226             , const unsigned print_bits=0377 );
00228   /// Destructor
00229   ~NDArrIOV1 ();
00231   /// Returns number of dimensions of ndarray.
00232   unsigned int ndim() const { return NDIM; }
00234   /// Access methods
00235   /// prints recognized templated parameters.
00236   void print();
00238   /// Prints input file line-by-line.
00239   void print_file();
00241   /// Loads (if necessary) ndarray from file and print it.
00242   void print_ndarray();
00244   /// Loads (if necessary) ndarray from file and returns it.
00245   /**
00246    *  @param[in] fname std::string file name
00247    */ 
00248   ndarray<TDATA, NDIM>& get_ndarray(const std::string& fname = std::string());
00249   //ndarray<const TDATA, NDIM>& get_ndarray(const std::string& fname = std::string());
00251   /// Returns string with status of calibration constants.
00252   std::string str_status();
00254   /// Returns enumerated status of calibration constants.
00255   STATUS status() { return m_status; }
00257   /// Returns string with info about ndarray.
00258   std::string str_ndarray_info();
00260   /// Returns string of shape.
00261   std::string str_shape();
00263   /// Static method to save ndarray in file with internal metadata and external comments
00264   /**
00265    *  @param[in] nda ndarray to save in file
00266    *  @param[in] fname std::string file name to save ndarray
00267    *  @param[in] vcoms std::vector<std::string> vector of strings with comments; one-string comment per vector entry
00268    *  @param[in] print_bits for output control; 0-print nothing, +1-info about saved files
00269    */ 
00270   static void save_ndarray(const ndarray<const TDATA, NDIM>& nda, 
00271                            const std::string& fname,
00272                            const std::vector<std::string>& vcoms = std::vector<std::string>(), 
00273                            const unsigned& print_bits=0377);
00275 protected:
00277 private:
00279   /// Data members  
00281   ndarray<TDATA, NDIM>* p_nda;
00283   std::string m_fname;
00284   TDATA       m_val_def;
00285   const ndarray<const TDATA, NDIM> m_nda_def;
00286   ndarray<TDATA, NDIM> m_nda_empty;
00287   unsigned    m_print_bits;
00288   unsigned    m_count_str_data;
00289   unsigned    m_count_str_comt;
00290   unsigned    m_count_data;
00292   unsigned    m_ctor;
00293   unsigned    m_ndim;
00294   size_t      m_size;
00295   shape_t     m_shape[NDIM];
00296   std::string m_str_type;
00297   DATA_TYPE   m_enum_type;
00298   STATUS      m_status;
00300   TDATA* p_data;
00302   /// static method returns class name for MsgLog
00303   static std::string __name__(){ return std::string("NDArrIOV1"); }
00305   /// member data common initialization in constructors
00306   void init();
00308   /// loads metadata and ndarray<TYPE,NDIM> from file
00309   void load_ndarray();
00311   /// true if the file name non empty anf file is readable
00312   bool file_is_available();
00314   /// parser for comment lines and metadata from file with ndarray
00315   /**
00316    *  @param[in] str one string of comments from file
00317    */ 
00318   void parse_str_of_comment(const std::string& str);
00320   /// creates ndarray, begins to fill data from the 1st string and reads data by the end
00321   /**
00322    *  @param[in] in input file stream
00323    *  @param[in] str 1st string of the data
00324    */ 
00325   void load_data(std::ifstream& in, const std::string& str);
00327   /// creates ndarray<TYPE,NDIM> with shape from constructor parameter or metadata.
00328   /**
00329    *  @param[in] fill_def if true - fills ndarray with default values
00330    */ 
00331   void create_ndarray(const bool& fill_def=false);
00333   /// Copy constructor and assignment are disabled by default
00334   NDArrIOV1 ( const NDArrIOV1& ) ;
00335   NDArrIOV1& operator = ( const NDArrIOV1& ) ;
00336 };
00338 } // namespace pdscalibdata

Generated on 19 Dec 2016 for PSDMSoftware by  doxygen 1.4.7