
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import os
00002 import sys
00003 import time
00004 import psana
00005 import numpy as np
00007 NO_PARAM_CALIB_STORE_METHODS_TO_SAVE = ['pedestals', 'gain', 'common_mode']
00008 # will also save mask but pass status=True
00010 def warning(msg):
00011     sys.stderr.write('WARNING: %s: %s\n' % (os.path.basename(__file__), msg))
00012     sys.stderr.flush()
00014 def info(msg):
00015     sys.stdout.write('INFO: %s: %s\n' % (os.path.basename(__file__), msg))
00016     sys.stdout.flush()
00018 def callDetMethodTakingJustEvent(det, method, evt):
00019     arr = None
00020     try:
00021         arr = getattr(det, method)(evt)
00022     except AttributeError:
00023         warning("area det %s doesn't have method %s" % \
00024                 (alias, method))
00025     return arr
00027 class AliasedSrc(object):
00028     def __init__(self, src, alias, detector, evtnum):
00029         self.src=src
00030         self.alias=alias
00031         self.detector=detector
00032         self.evtnum=evtnum
00033         self.detxface_time = 0
00034         self.convert_int16_time = 0
00036 class PsanaModuleDetectorXface(object):
00037     def __init__(self):
00038         self.raw_freq = self.configInt("raw_freq")
00039         self.detmethod = self.configStr('detmethod')
00040         assert self.detmethod in ['image','raw','calib'], \
00041             'detmethod must be set to image, raw or calib'
00042         self.convert_to_int16 = self.configBool("convert_to_int16")
00044     def beginjob(self, evt, env):
00045         pass
00047     def beginrun(self, evt, env):
00048         amap=env.aliasMap()
00049         self.imageDetectorList = []
00050         for src in amap.srcs():
00051             alias = amap.alias(src)
00052             if not alias:
00053                 info('src=%s has no alias, skipping' % src)
00054                 continue
00055             det = psana.Detector(alias, env)
00056             if not hasattr(det, 'image'):
00057                 info("alias=%s for src=%s does not have a 'image' method, skipping" %
00058                      (alias, src))
00059                 continue
00060             info('identified an area detector: alias=%s src=%s' % (alias, src))
00061             self.imageDetectorList.append(AliasedSrc(src=src,
00062                                                      alias=amap.alias(src),
00063                                                      detector=det,
00064                                                      evtnum=-1))
00065             calib_data_to_save = []
00066             for method in NO_PARAM_CALIB_STORE_METHODS_TO_SAVE:
00067                 arr = callDetMethodTakingJustEvent(det, method, evt)
00068                 if arr is None:
00069                     info("method %s for area det %s returned None, not storing" % \
00070                          (method, alias))
00071                 else:
00072                     calib_data_to_save.append((arr, method))
00073             arr = det.mask(evt, status=True)
00074             if arr is None:
00075                 info("method mask, with status=True for area det %s returned None, not storing" % \
00076                      alias)
00077             else:
00078                 calib_data_to_save.append((arr, 'status_mask'))
00080             for arr, nm in calib_data_to_save:
00081                 env.configStore().put(arr, src, '%s:%s' % (alias, nm))
00084     def event(self, evt, env):
00085         for srd in self.imageDetectorList:
00086             src, det, alias = srd.src, srd.detector, srd.alias
00087             t0 = time.time()
00088             if self.detmethod == 'image':
00089                 arr = det.image(evt)
00090             elif self.detmethod == 'calib':
00091                 arr = det.calib(evt)
00092             elif self.detmethod == 'raw':
00093                 arr = det.raw(evt)
00094             if arr is None and self.detmethod != 'raw':
00095                 raw = det.raw(evt)
00096                 if raw is not None:
00097                     raise Exception("%s method for detector %s is None, however raw is "
00098                                     "NOT None. Make sure geometry calibration is "
00099                                     "deployed for this run" % (detmethod,alias))
00101                 continue
00102             srd.detxface_time += time.time()-t0
00103             if self.convert_to_int16:
00104                 t0 = time.time()
00105                 arr[arr >= 32767]=32767.0
00106                 arr[arr <= -32768]=-32768.0
00107                 arr = arr.astype(np.int16)
00108                 srd.convert_int16_time += time.time()-t0
00109             evt.put(arr, src, '%s:image' % alias)
00110             srd.evtnum += 1
00111             if (self.raw_freq <= 0) or (srd.evtnum % self.raw_freq != 0):
00112                 evt.put(str(""), src, "src_do_not_translate")
00114     def endrun(self, evt, env):
00115         for srd in self.imageDetectorList:
00116             src, det, alias, totaltime, numevents = \
00117                srd.src, srd.detector, srd.alias, srd.detxface_time, srd.evtnum
00118             hz = float(numevents)/totaltime
00119             print "detetor=%s method=%s timed %.2f hz, %.2f sec (src=%s)" % \
00120                (alias, self.detmethod, hz, totaltime, src)
00121             if srd.convert_int16_time > 0:
00122                 print "   convert to int16 at %.2f hz (%.2f sec)" % \
00123                     (numevents/srd.convert_int16_time, srd.convert_int16_time)

Generated on 19 Dec 2016 for PSDMSoftware by  doxygen 1.4.7