psddl_hdf2psana/include/Exceptions.h File Reference

#include "ErrSvc/Issue.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


namespace  psddl_hdf2psana


class  psddl_hdf2psana::Exception
 Base class for exception classes for psddl_hdf2psana package. More...
class  psddl_hdf2psana::ExceptionGroupSourceName
 Exception thrown when group name cannot be converted to source address. More...
class  psddl_hdf2psana::ExceptionGroupTypeIdName
 Exception thrown when group name cannot be converted to TypeId. More...
class  psddl_hdf2psana::ExceptionDataRank
 Exception thrown when data rank is not as expected. More...
class  psddl_hdf2psana::ExceptionSchemaVersion
 Exception thrown when schema version number is not known. More...
class  psddl_hdf2psana::ExceptionNotImplemented
 Exception thrown when call is made to unimplemented method. More...

Generated on 19 Dec 2016 for PSDMSoftware by  doxygen 1.4.7