
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef PSANA_MODULE_H
00002 #define PSANA_MODULE_H
00004 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
00005 // File and Version Information:
00006 //      $Id: Module.h 9879 2015-04-08 21:17:39Z davidsch@SLAC.STANFORD.EDU $
00007 //
00008 // Description:
00009 //      Class Module.
00010 //
00011 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00013 //-----------------
00014 // C/C++ Headers --
00015 //-----------------
00016 #include <string>
00017 #include <boost/utility.hpp>
00019 //----------------------
00020 // Base Class Headers --
00021 //----------------------
00022 #include "psana/Configurable.h"
00024 //-------------------------------
00025 // Collaborating Class Headers --
00026 //-------------------------------
00027 #include "PSEnv/Env.h"
00028 #include "PSEvt/Event.h"
00030 //------------------------------------
00031 // Collaborating Class Declarations --
00032 //------------------------------------
00034 // this is not nice thing to do but we want to simplify user's life
00035 // and provide bunch of simple interfaces to our system
00037 namespace psana {}
00038 using namespace psana;
00039 using namespace PSEnv;
00040 using namespace PSEvt;
00041 using PSHist::Axis;
00042 using boost::shared_ptr;
00044 // define macro for definition of the factory function
00045 #if defined(PSANACAT2_)
00046 #undef PSANACAT2_
00047 #endif
00048 #define PSANACAT2_(a,b) a ## b
00049 #define PSANA_MODULE_FACTORY(UserModule) \
00050   extern "C" \
00051   psana::Module* \
00052   PSANACAT2_(_psana_module_,UserModule)(const std::string& name) {\
00053     return new UserModule(name);\
00054   }
00056 //              ---------------------
00057 //              -- Class Interface --
00058 //              ---------------------
00061 namespace psana {
00063 /**
00064  *  @ingroup psana
00065  *  
00066  *  @brief Base class for user modules in psana framework.
00067  *  
00068  *  This is the major customization point available to users. All analysis
00069  *  code should inherit from this class and provide implementation of 
00070  *  one or few methods which have access to all event and non-event data
00071  *  being processed by framework. 
00072  *  
00073  *  User modules have some influence on the framework event loop, by calling 
00074  *  one of the skip(), stop(), or terminate() methods user module can signal the
00075  *  framework to either skip the processing of the current event, stop
00076  *  analysis gracefully (after closing all output files) or abort anaylis
00077  *  immediately.
00078  *  
00079  *  Subclasses must implement at least event() method, other methods have 
00080  *  default implementation which does nothing useful.
00081  *
00082  *  This software was developed for the LCLS project.  If you use all or 
00083  *  part of it, please give an appropriate acknowledgment.
00084  *
00085  *  @version \$Id: Module.h 9879 2015-04-08 21:17:39Z davidsch@SLAC.STANFORD.EDU $
00086  *
00087  *  @author Andrei Salnikov
00088  */
00090 class Module : boost::noncopyable, protected Configurable {
00091 public:
00093   /**
00094    *  @brief Event processing status.
00095    *  
00096    *  The value returned from status() signals to framework what it should do next.
00097    */
00098   enum Status { OK,     ///< processing finished normally
00099                 Skip,   ///< skip all remaining modules for this event
00100                 Stop,   ///< finish with the events
00101                 Abort   ///< abort immediately, no finalization
00102   };
00104   // Destructor
00105   virtual ~Module () ;
00107   /// get the name of the module
00108   using Configurable::name;
00110   /// get the class name of the module
00111   using Configurable::className;
00113   /**
00114    *  @brief Method which is called once at the beginning of the job
00115    *  
00116    *  @param[in,out] evt  Event object. In this call it does not have any event 
00117    *                      data but can be used to pass information between modules.
00118    *  @param[in] env  Environment object. 
00119    */
00120   virtual void beginJob(Event& evt, Env& env);
00122   /**
00123    *  @brief Method which is called at the beginning of new run
00124    *  
00125    *  @param[in,out] evt  Event object. In this call it does not have any event 
00126    *                      data but can be used to pass information between modules.
00127    *  @param[in] env  Environment object. 
00128    */
00129   virtual void beginRun(Event& evt, Env& env);
00131   /**
00132    *  @brief Method which is called at the beginning of new calibration cycle (step)
00133    *  
00134    *  @param[in,out] evt  Event object. In this call it does not have any event 
00135    *                      data but can be used to pass information between modules.
00136    *  @param[in] env  Environment object. 
00137    */
00138   virtual void beginCalibCycle(Event& evt, Env& env);
00140   /**
00141    *  @brief Method which is called with event data
00142    *  
00143    *  @param[in,out] evt  Event object.
00144    *  @param[in] env  Environment object. 
00145    */
00146   virtual void event(Event& evt, Env& env) = 0;
00148   /**
00149    *  @brief Method which is called at the end of the calibration cycle (step)
00150    *  
00151    *  @param[in,out] evt  Event object. In this call it does not have any event 
00152    *                      data but can be used to pass information between modules.
00153    *  @param[in] env  Environment object. 
00154    */
00155   virtual void endCalibCycle(Event& evt, Env& env);
00157   /**
00158    *  @brief Method which is called at the end of the run
00159    *  
00160    *  @param[in,out] evt  Event object. In this call it does not have any event 
00161    *                      data but can be used to pass information between modules.
00162    *  @param[in] env  Environment object. 
00163    */
00164   virtual void endRun(Event& evt, Env& env);
00166   /**
00167    *  @brief Method which is called once at the end of the job
00168    *  
00169    *  @param[in,out] evt  Event object. In this call it does not have any event 
00170    *                      data but can be used to pass information between modules.
00171    *  @param[in] env  Environment object. 
00172    */
00173   virtual void endJob(Event& evt, Env& env);
00175   /// reset module status
00176   void reset() { m_status = OK; }
00178   /// get status
00179   Status status() const { return m_status; }
00181   /// Returns true if this module is interested in all events including skipped
00182   bool observeAllEvents() const { return m_observeAllEvents; }
00184 protected:
00186   /// The one and only constructor, needs module name.
00187   Module (const std::string& name, bool observeAllEvents = false) ;
00189   /**
00190    *   @brief Signal framework to skip current event and do not call other downstream modules.
00191    *
00192    *   Note that this method does not skip code in the current module, control is
00193    *   returned back to the module. If you want to stop processing after this call
00194    *   then add a return statement.
00195    */
00196   void skip() { m_status = Skip; }
00198   /**
00199    *   @brief Signal framework to stop event loop and finish job gracefully.
00200    *
00201    *   Note that this method does not terminate processing in the current module.
00202    *   If you want to stop processing after this call then add a return statement.
00203    */
00204   void stop() { m_status = Stop; }
00206   /**
00207    *  @brief Signal framework to terminate immediately.
00208    *
00209    *   Note that this method does not terminate processing in the current module.
00210    *   If you want to stop processing after this call then add a return statement.
00211    */
00212   void terminate() { m_status = Abort; }
00214 private:
00216   Status m_status;  ///< Current event processing status
00217   bool m_observeAllEvents; ///< If true then this module will receive all events, event skipped ones
00219 };
00221 // formatting for enum
00222 std::ostream&
00223 operator<<(std::ostream& out, Module::Status stat);
00225 } // namespace psana
00227 #endif // PSANA_MODULE_H

Generated on 19 Dec 2016 for PSANAclasses by  doxygen 1.4.7