
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef PSTIME_TIME_H
00002 #define PSTIME_TIME_H
00004 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
00005 // File and Version Information:
00006 //      $Id: Time.h 5859 2013-03-22 22:35:24Z salnikov@SLAC.STANFORD.EDU $
00007 //
00008 // Description:
00009 //      Class Time.
00010 // 
00011 //            The transformation to/from human-readable time format, required by I/O, 
00012 //            is based on the standard ISO8601 time presentation.
00013 // 
00014 //            This is essentially a wrap-up for clock_gettime() [UNIX/POSIX time]
00015 //            access to high-resolution time method,
00016 //            utilizing "struct timespec" and "struct tm" from <time.h>    
00017 //            Some arithmetics between PSTime and PSDuration objects is also available.
00018 //
00019 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00021 //-----------------
00022 // C/C++ Headers --
00023 //-----------------
00024 #include <time.h>
00025 #include <iosfwd>
00026 #include <string>
00027 #include <stdint.h>
00029 #include "PSTime/Duration.h"
00031 //              ---------------------
00032 //              -- Class Interface --
00033 //              ---------------------
00035 /**
00036  *  @defgroup PSTime PSTime package
00037  *  
00038  *  @brief Package defining time-related classes for psana framework.
00039  *  
00040  *  This package include several classes and functions which define
00041  *  time representation and operations with time. It is based on on 
00042  *  standard ISO8601 external representation (
00043  *  but it does not provide complete support and in samoe cases it is
00044  *  made more human-oriented.
00045  *  
00046  *  Core of the package are two classes: Time and Duration. Other classes define 
00047  *  formatting functions and various utility functions.
00048  */
00051 namespace PSTime {
00053 /**
00054  *  @ingroup PSTime
00055  * 
00056  *  @brief Standard time class for use in LCLS software.
00057  *
00058  *  The transformation to/from human-readable time format, required by I/O, 
00059  *  is based on the standard ISO8601 time presentation.
00060  *
00061  *  This is essentially a wrap-up for clock_gettime() [UNIX/POSIX time]
00062  *  access to high-resolution time method,
00063  *  utilizing "struct timespec" and "struct tm" from <time.h>    
00064  *  Some arithmetics between PSTime and PSDuration objects is also available.
00065  *
00066  *  This software was developed for the LCLS project.  If you use all or 
00067  *  part of it, please give an appropriate acknowledgment.
00068  *
00069  *  @version \$Id: Time.h 5859 2013-03-22 22:35:24Z salnikov@SLAC.STANFORD.EDU $
00070  *
00071  *  @author Mikhail S. Dubrovin
00072  */
00074 class Time  {
00075 public:
00077   /**
00078    *  @brief Type for time zone designation.
00079    *  
00080    *  There are several methods in Time class which can produce time
00081    *  representation in either local or UTC time zones. By default 
00082    *  all these methods assume local time zone, use UTC enum value as 
00083    *  the parameter to those methods to produce UTC representation.
00084    */
00085   enum Zone { UTC, Local };
00087   /**
00088    *  @brief Default constructor makes zero (epoch) time.
00089    *  
00090    *  Use now() method if you need current time.
00091    */
00092   Time ();
00094   /** 
00095    *  @brief Construct from UNIX time.
00096    * 
00097    *  Constructs a time from an unsigned number of seconds since the
00098    *  the Unix epoch of 1970-01-01; nanoseconds are optional, if needed.
00099    */
00100   explicit Time (time_t sec_since_1970_01_01, uint32_t nsec = 0);
00102   /**
00103    * @brief Construct from broken-down representation.
00104    * 
00105    * @param[in] year  Calendar year C.E. (e.g., 2010).
00106    * @param[in] month Month in the range [1,12].
00107    * @param[in] day   Day of the month in the range [1,31].
00108    * @param[in] hour  Hours in the range [0,23].
00109    * @param[in] min   Minutes after the hour in the range [0,59].
00110    * @param[in] sec   Seconds in the range [0,59*] (*) might be up to 61 for leap seconds. 
00111    * @param[in] nsec  Nanoseconds after the second in the range [0,999999999].
00112    * @param[in] zone  Time zone, default is local time zone.
00113    */
00114   Time (int year,
00115         int month,
00116         int day,
00117         int hour,
00118         int min,
00119         int sec,
00120         uint32_t nsec = 0,
00121         Zone zone = Local);
00123   /** 
00124    * @brief Constructs a time from the timespec struct (for high resolution time).
00125    */
00126   explicit Time (struct timespec& ts);
00128   /** 
00129    * @brief Constructs a time from the tm struct (broken-down time) and zone.
00130    */
00131   explicit Time (struct tm& tms, Zone zone = Local);
00133   /** 
00134    * @brief Constructs a time from the string representation.
00135    * 
00136    * Accepts the time stamp in format:
00137    *     @li <date>, or
00138    *     @li <date> <time>[.<fraction-of-sec>][<zone>], or
00139    *     @li <date>T<time>[.<fraction-of-sec>][<zone>]
00140    *     
00141    *     where
00142    *     
00143    *     @li <date> should be in format @c YYYY-MM-DD, @c YYYYMMDD, @c YYYY-MM, @c YYYYMM, 
00144    *            or @c YYYY, if month or day is missing they are assumed to be 1;
00145    *     @li <time> should be in format @c HH:MM:SS, @c HHMMSS, @c HH:MM, @c HHMM, @c HH, 
00146    *            if minutes or seconds are missing they are assumed to be 0;
00147    *     @li <fraction-of-sec> may have up to 9 digits; if this field is missing,
00148    *            it is assumed equal to 0, fraction require seconds to be specified;
00149    *     @li <zone> should be @c Z for UTC or in format @c {sign}HH[:MM] or {sign}HHMM,
00150    *             if this field is missing time is assumed to be in local time zone.
00151    *             
00152    *  Examples of valid input are:
00153    *  @li "2000-01-01 00:00:00" - beginning of year 2000 in local time zone
00154    *  @li "2000-01-01 00:00:00Z" - beginning of year 2000 in UTC
00155    *  @li "2000-01-01 00:00:00-08" - beginning of year 2000 in PST
00156    *  @li "2000-01-01 00:00:00.000000001" - one nanosecond after the beginning of year 2000 
00157    *            in local time zone
00158    *  @li "20000101T000000.001" - one millisecond after the beginning of year 2000 in 
00159    *            local time zone in compact form
00160    *  @li "20000101" - beginning of year 2000 in local time zone
00161    *  @li "2000" - same as above
00162    *
00163    *  @throw TimeParseException
00164    */
00165   explicit Time (const std::string& str);
00167   /**
00168    *  @brief Subtract two times and return duration.
00169    *  
00170    *  Duration cannot be negative, so t1-t2 is always equal to t2-t1.
00171    */
00172   Duration operator-(  const Time& t ) const;               
00174   /// Add duration to time.
00175   Time& operator+=( const Duration& d );
00177   /// Subtract duration from time.
00178   Time& operator-=( const Duration& d );
00180   /// Compare two times
00181   bool operator!=( const Time& t ) const { 
00182     return ( m_utcSec != t.m_utcSec || m_utcNsec != t.m_utcNsec );
00183   }
00185   /// Compare two times
00186   bool operator==( const Time& t ) const { return !( *this != t ); }
00188   /// Compare two times
00189   bool operator<( const Time& t ) const { 
00190     return ( m_utcSec  < t.m_utcSec ) || 
00191            ( m_utcSec == t.m_utcSec && m_utcNsec < t.m_utcNsec );
00192   }
00194   /// Compare two times
00195   bool operator>( const Time& t ) const { 
00196     return ( m_utcSec  > t.m_utcSec ) || 
00197            ( m_utcSec == t.m_utcSec && m_utcNsec > t.m_utcNsec );
00198   }
00200   /// Compare two times
00201   bool operator>=( const Time& t ) const { return !( *this < t ); }
00203   /// Compare two times
00204   bool operator<=( const Time& t ) const { return !( *this > t ); }
00206   /// POSIX sec. since  00:00:00 Jan. 1, 1970 UTC
00207   time_t sec() const {return m_utcSec;}
00209   /// returns nanoseconds value
00210   uint32_t nsec() const {return m_utcNsec;}
00212   /// Returns the Time object content via high-resolution time timespec structure.
00213   struct timespec getTimeSpec() const;
00215   /// Returns the Time object content via broken-down time tm structure for indicated zone.
00216   struct tm gettm( Zone zone = Local ) const;
00218   /**
00219    *  @brief Return time representation in extended ISO8601 format.
00220    *  
00221    *  Output will look like "2011-01-30 17:52:50.123456789-08". This format 
00222    *  is acceptable for human-readable output.
00223    *  
00224    *  @param[in] zone  Time zone to use for string representation
00225    *  @param[in] nsecPrecision Precision of nanoseconds field, if 0 then nanoseconds
00226    *             will not be shown.
00227    */
00228   std::string asString( Zone zone = Local, int nsecPrecision = 9 ) const;  // YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.NNNNNNNNN+HH:MM
00230   /**
00231    *  @brief Return time representation in basic ISO8601 format.
00232    *  
00233    *  Output will look like "20110130T175250-08". This format is intended 
00234    *  for machine-readable output, such as timestamps in file names, etc.
00235    *  
00236    *  @param[in] zone  Time zone to use for string representation
00237    *  @param[in] nsecPrecision Precision of nanoseconds field, if 0 then nanoseconds
00238    *             will not be shown.
00239    */
00240   std::string asStringCompact( Zone zone = Local, int nsecPrecision = 0 ) const;  // HHMMSSTHHMMSS+HHMM
00243   /**
00244    *  @brief Format time according the supplied format string.
00245    *  
00246    *  For full description of the acceptable format codes see TimeFormat::format() method.
00247    *  
00248    *  @param[in] fmt   Format string
00249    *  @param[in] zone  Time zone to use for string representation
00250    */
00251   std::string asStringFormat( const std::string& fmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%f%z", Zone zone = Local ) const;
00253 protected:
00255 private:
00257   // Data members
00258   time_t m_utcSec;     ///< Number of seconds since UNIX epoch time
00259   uint32_t m_utcNsec;  ///< Number of nanoseconds within second (range 0..999999999)
00261 //------------------
00262 // Static Members --
00263 //------------------
00265 public:
00267   /**
00268    *  @brief Returns current time.
00269    */
00270   static Time now() ;
00272 }; // class Time
00275 /// Addition of duration and time objects
00276 inline 
00277 Time  
00278 operator+(const Duration& d, const Time& t) 
00279 {
00280   Time tmp = t;
00281   tmp += d;
00282   return tmp;
00283 }
00285 /// Addition of time and duration objects
00286 inline
00287 Time     
00288 operator+(const Time& t, const Duration& d) 
00289 {
00290   Time tmp = t;
00291   tmp += d;
00292   return tmp;
00293 }
00295 /// Subtract duration from time
00296 inline
00297 Time
00298 operator-(const Time& t, const Duration& d )
00299 {
00300   Time tmp = t;
00301   tmp -= d;
00302   return tmp;
00303 }
00305 /// Stream insertion operator, prints result of Time::asString() method.
00306 std::ostream& 
00307 operator<<( std::ostream& os, const Time& t );
00309 }  // namespace PSTime
00311 #endif // PSTIME_TIME_H

Generated on 19 Dec 2016 for PSANAclasses by  doxygen 1.4.7