
Go to the documentation of this file.
00004 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
00005 // File and Version Information:
00006 //      $Id:
00007 //
00008 // Description:
00009 //      Class DumpDamage
00010 //
00011 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00013 //-----------------
00014 // C/C++ Headers --
00015 //-----------------
00016 #include <map>
00018 //----------------------
00019 // Base Class Headers --
00020 //----------------------
00021 #include "psana/Module.h"
00023 //-------------------------------
00024 // Collaborating Class Headers --
00025 //-------------------------------
00027 //------------------------------------
00028 // Collaborating Class Declarations --
00029 //------------------------------------
00030 #include "PSEvt/DamageMap.h"
00032 //              ---------------------
00033 //              -- Class Interface --
00034 //              ---------------------
00036 namespace psana_examples {
00038 /// @addtogroup psana_examples
00040 /**
00041  *  @ingroup psana_examples
00042  *
00043  *  @brief Module class that dumps damage, event/config/calib keys, and changed config keys
00044  *
00045  *  This module is very similar to psana.EventKeys however it also dumps any damage
00046  *  information that is available as well as updates to the configStore. It reports
00047  *  on any keys that are found in more than one place.
00048  *
00049  *  Here is an example of some output:
00050  *
00051 @verbatim
00052 [info:DumpDamage]  event() run=0 calib=0 eventNumber=1 totalEvents= 1
00053     cfg --- --- ---            EventKey(type=Pds::Camera::FrameFexConfigV1, src=DetInfo(CxiDg4.0:Tm6740.0))
00054     cfg --- --- dmg 0x00000000 EventKey(type=Psana::Camera::FrameFexConfigV1, src=DetInfo(CxiDg4.0:Tm6740.0))
00055     --- --- evt ---            EventKey(type=PSEvt::EventId)
00056     --- --- evt ---            EventKey(type=Pds::Dgram)
00057     --- --- evt dmg 0x00000000 EventKey(type=Psana::Bld::BldDataEBeamV1, src=BldInfo(EBeam))
00058     --- --- --- dmg 0x00004000 EventKey(type=Psana::Ipimb::ConfigV1, src=BldInfo(NH2-SB1-IPM-01))
00059                     dropped=0 unititialized=0 OutOfOrder=0 OutOfSynch=0 UserDefined=1 IncompleteContribution=0 ContainsIncomplete=0 userBits=0x0
00060  -------- src damage with dropped contribs --------- 
00061    0x00000002  ProcInfo(ac.15.15.2b, pid=6ccb)
00062 @endverbatim
00063  * Notice the counter which gives the event number within the calib cycle, as well as the
00064  * total number of events the module has seen.  
00065  * 
00066  * There are two sections of output, the list of keys and their damage, as well as src damage.
00067  * The first four columns indicate where the EventKey was found:
00068  * 
00069  * - cfg: in the ConfigStore
00070  * - clb: in the CalibStore
00071  * - evt: in the Event
00072  * - dmg: in the DamageMap
00073  *  
00074  * Keys that are in the damage map will also have their 32 bit damage value printed.
00075  * If this damage value is nonzero, then a second line is printed which indicates which
00076  * damage bits are on, and the value of the user damage bits.
00077  *
00078  * The second section, if present, means that src only damage was found. The damage, and then the
00079  * src are printed. A
00080  *
00081  *  @note This software was developed for the LCLS project.  If you use all or 
00082  *  part of it, please give an appropriate acknowledgment.
00083  *
00084  *  @see Psana::EventKeys PSEvt::DamageMap PSEvt::HistI
00085  *
00086  *  @version \$Id:
00087  *
00088  *  @author David Schneider
00089  */
00091 class DumpDamage : public Module {
00092 public:
00094   // Default constructor
00095   DumpDamage (const std::string& name) ;
00097   // Destructor
00098   virtual ~DumpDamage () ;
00100   /// Method which is called once at the beginning of the job
00101   virtual void beginJob(Event& evt, Env& env);
00103   /// Method which is called at the beginning of the run
00104   virtual void beginRun(Event& evt, Env& env);
00106   /// Method which is called at the beginning of the calibration cycle
00107   virtual void beginCalibCycle(Event& evt, Env& env);
00109   /// Method which is called with event data
00110   virtual void event(Event& evt, Env& env);
00112   /// Method which is called at the end of the calibration cycle
00113   virtual void endCalibCycle(Event& evt, Env& env);
00115   /// Method which is called at the end of the run
00116   virtual void endRun(Event& evt, Env& env);
00118   /// Method which is called once at the end of the job
00119   virtual void endJob(Event& evt, Env& env);
00121 protected:
00122   void printConfigKeyUpdates(Env &env);
00123   void printKeysAndDamage(std::ostream &out, Event &evt, Env &env);
00124 private:
00125   long m_eventNumber, m_runNumber, m_calibCycleNumber;
00126   long m_totalEvents;
00127   std::map<PSEvt::EventKey, unsigned> m_configUpdates;
00128   std::map<PSEvt::EventKey, unsigned> m_calibUpdates;
00129   boost::shared_ptr<PSEvt::DamageMap> m_damageMap;
00130 };
00132 } // namespace psana_examples

Generated on 19 Dec 2016 for PSANAmodules by  doxygen 1.4.7