
Go to the documentation of this file.
00004 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
00005 // File and Version Information:
00006 //      $Id: GeometryAccess.h 12031 2016-06-06 21:57:34Z dubrovin@SLAC.STANFORD.EDU $
00007 //
00008 // Description:
00009 //      Class GeometryAccess.
00010 //
00011 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00013 //-----------------
00014 // C/C++ Headers --
00015 //-----------------
00016 #include <string>
00017 #include <vector>
00018 #include <map>
00019 #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
00021 //----------------------
00022 // Base Class Headers --
00023 //----------------------
00025 //-------------------------------
00026 // Collaborating Class Headers --
00027 //-------------------------------
00028 #include "PSCalib/GeometryObject.h"
00030 #include "ndarray/ndarray.h" // for img_from_pixel_arrays(...)
00032 //------------------------------------
00033 // Collaborating Class Declarations --
00034 //------------------------------------
00036 //              ---------------------
00037 //              -- Class Interface --
00038 //              ---------------------
00040 namespace PSCalib {
00042 /// @addtogroup PSCalib
00044 /**
00045  *  @ingroup PSCalib
00046  *
00047  *  @brief Class supports universal detector geometry description.
00048  *
00049  *  This software was developed for the LCLS project.  If you use all or 
00050  *  part of it, please give an appropriate acknowledgment.
00051  *
00052  *  @version $Id: GeometryAccess.h 12031 2016-06-06 21:57:34Z dubrovin@SLAC.STANFORD.EDU $
00053  *
00054  *  @see GeometryObject, CalibFileFinder, PSCalib/test/ex_geometry_access.cpp
00055  *
00056  *  @anchor interface
00057  *  @par<interface> Interface Description
00058  * 
00059  *  @li  Include
00060  *  @code
00061  *  #include "PSCalib/GeometryAccess.h"
00062  *  #include "ndarray/ndarray.h" // need it if image is returned
00063  *  @endcode
00064  *
00065  *  @li Instatiation
00066  *  \n
00067  *  Code below instateates GeometryAccess object using path to the calibration "geometry" file and verbosity control bit-word:
00068  *  @code
00069  *  std::string path = /reg/d/psdm/<INS>/<experiment>/calib/<calib-type>/<det-src>/geometry/"
00070  *  unsigned print_bits = 0377; // or = 0 (by default) - to suppress printout from this object. 
00071  *  PSCalib::GeometryAccess geometry(path, print_bits);
00072  *  @endcode
00073  *  To find path automatically use CalibFileFinder.
00074  *
00075  *  @li Access methods
00076  *  @code
00077  *    // Access and print coordinate arrays:
00078  *        const double* X;
00079  *        const double* Y;
00080  *        const double* Z;
00081  *        unsigned   size;
00082  *        bool do_tilt=true;
00083  *        geometry.get_pixel_coords(X,Y,Z,size);
00084  *        cout << "size=" << size << '\n' << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1);  
00085  *        cout << "X: "; for(unsigned i=0; i<10; ++i) cout << std::setw(10) << X[i] << ", "; cout << "...\n"; 
00086  *        // or get coordinate arrays for specified geometry object:
00087  *        geometry.get_pixel_coords(X,Y,Z,size, "QUAD:V1", 1, do_tilt);
00088  *        // then use X, Y, Z, size
00089  *    
00090  *    // Access pixel X,Y coordinate [um] arrays projected toward origin on specified zplane, if zplane=0 then zplane is averaged Z:
00091  *        const double Zplane=12345; //[um] or 0
00092  *        geometry.get_pixel_xy_at_z(X,Y,size,Zplane);
00093  *    
00094  *    // Access pixel areas:
00095  *        const double* A;
00096  *        unsigned   size;
00097  *        geometry.get_pixel_areas(A,size);
00098  * 
00099  *    // Access pixel mask:
00100  *        const int* mask;
00101  *        unsigned   size;
00102  *        unsigned   mbits=0377; // 1-edges; 2-wide central cols; 4-non-bound; 8-non-bound neighbours
00103  *        geometry.get_pixel_mask(A, size, std::string(), 0, mbits);
00104  * 
00105  *    // Access pixel size for entire detector:
00106  *        double pix_scale_size = geometry.get_pixel_scale_size ();
00107  *        // or for specified geometry object, for example one quad of CSPAD
00108  *        double pix_scale_size = geometry.get_pixel_scale_size("QUAD:V1", 1);
00109  *    
00110  *    // Access pixel indexes for image:
00111  *        const unsigned * iX;                                                                             
00112  *        const unsigned * iY;                                                                             
00113  *        unsigned   isize;                                                                                
00114  *        // optional parameters for specified geometry  
00115  *        const std::string ioname = "QUAD:V1";                                                            
00116  *        const unsigned ioindex = 1;                                                                      
00117  *        const double pix_scale_size_um = 109.92;                                                         
00118  *        const int xy0_off_pix[] = {200,200};
00119  *        
00120  *        // this call returns index arrays iX, iY of size=isize for QUAD with offset 
00121  *        geometry.get_pixel_coord_indexes(iX, iY, isize, ioname, ioindex, pix_scale_size_um, xy0_off_pix, do_tilt);
00122  *        
00123  *        // this call returns index arrays for entire detector with auto generated minimal offset
00124  *        geometry.get_pixel_coord_indexes(iX, iY, isize);
00125  *        // then use iX, iY, isize, for example make image as follows.   
00126  *        
00127  *    // Access pixel iX, iY indexes for projected to specified z-plane coordinates:
00128  *        const double Zplane=12345; //[um] or 0
00129  *        geometry.get_pixel_xy_inds_at_z(iX, iY, isize, Zplane);
00130  *
00131  *    // Make image from index, iX, iY, and intensity, W, arrays
00132  *        ndarray<PSCalib::GeometryAccess::image_t, 2> img = 
00133  *                PSCalib::GeometryAccess::img_from_pixel_arrays(iX, iY, 0, isize);
00134  *    
00135  *    // Access and print comments from the calibration "geometry" file:
00136  *        std::map<int, std::string>& dict = geometry.get_dict_of_comments ();
00137  *        cout << "dict[0] = " << dict[0] << '\n';
00138  *  @endcode
00139  * 
00140  *  @li Print methods
00141  *  @code
00142  *    geometry.print_pixel_coords();
00143  *    geometry.print_pixel_coords("QUAD:V1", 1);
00144  *    geometry.print_list_of_geos();
00145  *    geometry.print_list_of_geos_children();
00146  *    geometry.print_comments_from_dict();
00147  *
00148  *    // or print info about specified geometry objects (see class GeometryObject):
00149  *    geometry.get_geo("QUAD:V1", 1)->print_geo();
00150  *    geometry.get_top_geo()->print_geo_children();
00151  *  @endcode
00152  * 
00153  *  @li Modify and save new geometry file methods
00154  *  @code
00155  *    geometry.set_geo_pars("QUAD:V1", x0, y0, z0, rot_z,...<entire-list-of-9-parameters>);
00156  *    geometry.move_geo("QUAD:V1", 1, 10, 20, 0);
00157  *    geometry.tilt_geo("QUAD:V1", 1, 0.01, 0, 0);
00158  *    geometry.save_pars_in_file("new-file-name.txt");
00159  *  @endcode
00160  *
00161  *  @author Mikhail S. Dubrovin
00162  */
00165 class GeometryAccess  {
00167 //typedef boost::shared_ptr<GeometryObject> shpGO;
00168 /** Use the same declaration of the shared pointer to geometry object like in the class GeometryObject*/
00169 typedef PSCalib::GeometryObject::shpGO shpGO;
00171 public:
00173   typedef double image_t;
00175   /**
00176    *  @brief Class constructor accepts path to the calibration "geometry" file and verbosity control bit-word 
00177    *  
00178    *  @param[in] path  path to the calibration "geometry" file
00179    *  @param[in] pbits verbosity control bit-word; 
00180    *  \n         =0  print nothing, 
00181    *  \n         +1  info about loaded file, 
00182    *  \n         +2  list of geometry objects, 
00183    *  \n         +8  list of geometry objects with childrens, 
00184    *  \n         +16 info about setting relations between geometry objects, 
00185    *  \n         +32 info about pixel coordinate reconstruction
00186    */ 
00187   GeometryAccess(const std::string& path, unsigned pbits=0) ;
00189   // Destructor
00190   virtual ~GeometryAccess () ;
00192   /// Returns shared pointer to the geometry object specified by name and index 
00193   shpGO get_geo(const std::string& oname, const unsigned& oindex);
00195   /// Returns shared pointer to the top geometry object, for exampme CSPAD
00196   shpGO get_top_geo();
00198   /// Returns pixel coordinate arrays X, Y, Z, of size for specified geometry object 
00199   /**
00200    *  @param[out] X - pointer to x pixel coordinate array
00201    *  @param[out] Y - pointer to y pixel coordinate array
00202    *  @param[out] Z - pointer to z pixel coordinate array
00203    *  @param[out] size - size of the pixel coordinate array (number of pixels)
00204    *  @param[in]  oname - object name
00205    *  @param[in]  oindex - object index
00206    *  @param[in]  do_tilt - on/off tilt angle correction
00207    *  @param[in]  do_eval - update all evaluated arrays
00208    */
00209   void  get_pixel_coords(const double*& X, 
00210                          const double*& Y, 
00211                          const double*& Z, 
00212                          unsigned& size,
00213                          const std::string& oname = std::string(), 
00214                          const unsigned& oindex = 0,
00215                          const bool do_tilt=true,
00216                          const bool do_eval=false);
00218   /// Returns pixel coordinate arrays XatZ, YatZ, of size for specified Zplane and geometry object 
00219   /**
00220    *  @param[out] XatZ - pointer to x pixel coordinate array at specified Zplane
00221    *  @param[out] YatZ - pointer to y pixel coordinate array
00222    *  @param[out] size - size of the pixel coordinate array (number of pixels)
00223    *  @param[in]  Zplane - z-coordinate of the plane for projection
00224    *  @param[in]  oname - object name
00225    *  @param[in]  oindex - object index
00226    */
00227   void get_pixel_xy_at_z(const double*& XatZ, 
00228                          const double*& YatZ, 
00229                          unsigned& size,
00230                          const double& Zplane = 0,
00231                          const std::string& oname = std::string(), 
00232                          const unsigned& oindex = 0);
00234   /// Returns pixel areas array A, of size for specified geometry object 
00235   /**
00236    *  @param[out] A - pointer to pixel areas array
00237    *  @param[out] size - size of the pixel array (number of pixels)
00238    *  @param[in]  oname - object name
00239    *  @param[in]  oindex - object index
00240    */
00241   void  get_pixel_areas(const double*& A, 
00242                         unsigned& size,
00243                         const std::string& oname = std::string(), 
00244                         const unsigned& oindex = 0);
00246   /// Returns pixel mask array of size for specified geometry object 
00247   /**
00248    *  @param[out] mask - pointer to pixel mask array
00249    *  @param[out] size - size of the pixel array (number of pixels)
00250    *  @param[in]  oname - object name
00251    *  @param[in]  oindex - object index
00252    *  @param[in]  mbits - mask control bits; 
00253    *              +1-mask edges, 
00254    *              +2-two wide central columns, 
00255    *              +4-non-bounded, 
00256    *              +8-non-bounded neighbours.
00257    */
00258   void  get_pixel_mask(const int*& mask, 
00259                        unsigned& size,
00260                        const std::string& oname = std::string(),
00261                        const unsigned& oindex = 0,
00262                        const unsigned& mbits = 0377);
00264   /// Returns pixel scale size for specified geometry object through its children segment
00265   /**
00266    *  @param[in]  oname - object name
00267    *  @param[in]  oindex - object index
00268    */
00269   double get_pixel_scale_size(const std::string& oname = std::string(), 
00270                               const unsigned& oindex = 0);
00272   /// Returns dictionary of comments
00273   //std::map<std::string, std::string>& get_dict_of_comments() {return m_dict_of_comments;}
00274   std::map<int, std::string>& get_dict_of_comments() {return m_dict_of_comments;}
00276   /// Prints the list of geometry objects
00277   void print_list_of_geos();
00279   /// Prints the list of geometry objects with children
00280   void print_list_of_geos_children();
00282   /// Prints comments loaded from input file and kept in the dictionary  
00283   void print_comments_from_dict();
00285   /// Prints beginning of pixel coordinate arrays for specified geometry object (top object by default)
00286   void print_pixel_coords(const std::string& oname= std::string(), 
00287                           const unsigned& oindex = 0);
00289   /// Returns pixel coordinate index arrays iX, iY of size for specified geometry object 
00290  /**
00291    *  @param[out] iX - pointer to x pixel index coordinate array
00292    *  @param[out] iY - pointer to y pixel index coordinate array
00293    *  @param[out] size - size of the pixel coordinate array (number of pixels)
00294    *  @param[in]  oname - object name (deafault - top object)
00295    *  @param[in]  oindex - object index (default = 0)
00296    *  @param[in]  pix_scale_size_um - ex.: 109.92 (default - search for the first segment pixel size)
00297    *  @param[in]  xy0_off_pix - array containing X and Y coordinates of the offset (default - use xmin, ymin)
00298    *  @param[in]  do_tilt - on/off tilt angle correction
00299    */
00300   void get_pixel_coord_indexes(const unsigned *& iX, 
00301                                const unsigned *& iY, 
00302                                unsigned& size,
00303                                const std::string& oname = std::string(), 
00304                                const unsigned& oindex = 0, 
00305                                const double& pix_scale_size_um = 0, 
00306                                const int* xy0_off_pix = 0,
00307                                const bool do_tilt=true );
00309   /// Returns pixel coordinate index arrays iX, iY of size for specified Zplane and geometry object 
00310  /**
00311    *  @param[out] iX - pointer to x pixel index coordinate array
00312    *  @param[out] iY - pointer to y pixel index coordinate array
00313    *  @param[out] size - size of the pixel coordinate array (number of pixels)
00314    *  @param[in]  Zplane - z-coordinate of the plane for projection (default=0 - evaluated as average z ovetr all pixels)
00315    *  @param[in]  oname - object name (deafault - top object)
00316    *  @param[in]  oindex - object index (default = 0)
00317    *  @param[in]  pix_scale_size_um - ex.: 109.92 (default - search for the first segment pixel size)
00318    *  @param[in]  xy0_off_pix - array containing X and Y coordinates of the offset (default - use xmin, ymin)
00319    */
00320   void get_pixel_xy_inds_at_z(const unsigned *& iX, 
00321                               const unsigned *& iY, 
00322                               unsigned& size,
00323                               const double& Zplane = 0,
00324                               const std::string& oname = std::string(), 
00325                               const unsigned& oindex = 0, 
00326                               const double& pix_scale_size_um = 0, 
00327                               const int* xy0_off_pix = 0);
00329   /// Static method returns image as ndarray<image_t, 2> object
00330  /**
00331    *  @param[in] iX - pointer to x pixel index coordinate array
00332    *  @param[in] iY - pointer to y pixel index coordinate array
00333    *  @param[in]  W - pointer to the intensity (weights) array (default - set 1 for each pixel) 
00334    *  @param[in] size - size of the pixel coordinate array (number of pixels)
00335    */
00336   static ndarray<image_t, 2>
00337   img_from_pixel_arrays(const unsigned*& iX, 
00338                         const unsigned*& iY, 
00339                         const double*    W = 0,
00340                         const unsigned&  size = 0);
00342   /// Returns pointer to the data member ndarray<image_t, 2> image object
00343   ndarray<image_t, 2>&
00344   ref_img_from_pixel_arrays(const unsigned*& iX, 
00345                             const unsigned*& iY, 
00346                             const double*    W = 0,
00347                             const unsigned&  size = 0);
00349   /// Loads calibration file
00350  /**
00351    *  @param[in] path - path to the file with calibration parameters of type "geometry"
00352    */
00353   void load_pars_from_file(const std::string& path = std::string());
00355   /// Saves calibration file
00356  /**
00357    *  @param[in] path - path to the file with calibration parameters of type "geometry"
00358    */
00359   void save_pars_in_file(const std::string& path = std::string());
00361   /// Sets the m_pbits - printout control bitword
00362  /**
00363    *  @param[in] pbits - printout control bitword
00364    */
00365   void set_print_bits(unsigned pbits=0) {m_pbits=pbits;}
00367   /// Sets self object geometry parameters
00368   void set_geo_pars(const std::string& oname = std::string(), 
00369                     const unsigned& oindex = 0,
00370                     const double& x0 = 0,
00371                     const double& y0 = 0,
00372                     const double& z0 = 0,
00373                     const double& rot_z = 0,
00374                     const double& rot_y = 0,
00375                     const double& rot_x = 0,                  
00376                     const double& tilt_z = 0,
00377                     const double& tilt_y = 0,
00378                     const double& tilt_x = 0 
00379                     );
00381   /// Adds offset for origin of the self object w.r.t. current position
00382   void move_geo(const std::string& oname = std::string(), 
00383                 const unsigned& oindex = 0,
00384                 const double& dx = 0,
00385                 const double& dy = 0,
00386                 const double& dz = 0
00387                 );
00389   /// Adds tilts to the self object w.r.t. current orientation
00390   void tilt_geo(const std::string& oname = std::string(), 
00391                 const unsigned& oindex = 0,
00392                 const double& dt_x = 0,
00393                 const double& dt_y = 0,
00394                 const double& dt_z = 0 
00395                 );
00397 protected:
00399 private:
00401   /// path to the calibration "geometry" file
00402   std::string m_path;
00404   /// print bits
00405   unsigned m_pbits;
00407   /// pointer to x pixel coordinate index array
00408   unsigned* p_iX;
00410   /// pointer to y pixel coordinate index array
00411   unsigned* p_iY;
00413   /// Pointer to image, which is created as a member data of GeometryAccess object
00414   ndarray<image_t, 2>* p_image;
00416   /// pointer to array of x pixel coordinates centrally projected to specified z plane
00417   double* p_XatZ;
00419   /// pointer to array of y pixel coordinates centrally projected to specified z plane
00420   double* p_YatZ;
00422   /// vector/list of shared pointers to geometry objects
00423   std::vector<shpGO> v_list_of_geos;
00425   /// map/dictionary of comments from calibration "geometry" file 
00426   //std::map<std::string, std::string> m_dict_of_comments;
00427   std::map<int, std::string> m_dict_of_comments;
00429   /// Adds comment to the dictionary
00430   void add_comment_to_dict(const std::string& line);
00432   /// Parses input data line, creates and returns geometry object
00433   shpGO parse_line(const std::string& line);
00435   /// Returns shp to the parent of geobj. If parent is not found adds geobj as a top parent and returns 0.
00436   shpGO find_parent(const shpGO& geobj);
00438   /// Set relations between geometry objects in the list_of_geos
00439   void set_relations();
00441   /// Returns class name for MsgLogger
00442   static const std::string name() {return "PSCalib";}
00444   // Copy constructor and assignment are disabled by default
00445   GeometryAccess(const GeometryAccess&) ;
00446   GeometryAccess& operator = (const GeometryAccess&) ;
00448 //-----------------------------
00449 };
00451 } // namespace PSCalib

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