Source code for Detector.EvrDetector

Detector interface for the EVR

from DdlDetector import DdlDetector
from _psana import EventId

class EvrDetector(DdlDetector):
[docs] """ The EVR device is used by the DAQ system to control what happens from shot-to-shot (e.g. which devices are triggered (e.g. a camera, or a shutter)). For each event this object provides a list of "event codes" which can be used to understand which devices were activated in a particular LCLS event. """ def __call__(self, evt, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- evt: a psana event object Returns ------- A list of integer event-codes associated with the input event """ return self.eventCodes(evt, **kwargs) def eventCodes(self, evt, this_fiducial_only=False):
[docs] """ Parameters ---------- evt: a psana event object this_fiducial_only: bool. If true, returns only eventcodes that were sent on precisely the fiducial corresponding to evt. Returns ------- A list of integer event-codes associated with the input event """ ddl_evrs = self._fetch_ddls(evt) if len(ddl_evrs) == 1: ddl_evr = ddl_evrs[0] if this_fiducial_only: this_fid = evt.get(EventId).fiducials() event_code_list = [ fifo_event.eventCode() for fifo_event in ddl_evr.fifoEvents() if fifo_event.timestampHigh()==this_fid] else: event_code_list = [ fifo_event.eventCode() for fifo_event in ddl_evr.fifoEvents() ] else: event_code_list = None return event_code_list # placeholder for idea: attribute that reports the EVR names, telling us # what the different codes actually mean -- we have to fetch this info # from the configstore # #@property #def evr_names(self): # ... code ... # return evr_names if __name__ == '__main__':
# test EVR names import psana ds = psana.DataSource('exp=xpptut15:run=54') evrdet = EvrDetector('NoDetector.0:Evr.0') for evt in print evrdet(evt) print evrdet(evt, this_fiducial_only=True) print evrdet.eventCodes(evt) print evrdet.eventCodes(evt, this_fiducial_only=True) break