Source code for PSCalib.GeometryAccess

#!/usr/bin/env python
""":py:class:`GeometryAccess` - holds and access hierarchical geometry for generic pixel detector

    from PSCalib.GeometryAccess import GeometryAccess, img_from_pixel_arrays

    fname_geometry = '/reg/d/psdm/CXI/cxitut13/calib/CsPad::CalibV1/CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0/geometry/'
    geometry = GeometryAccess(fname_geometry, 0377)

    # load constants from geometry file

    # load constants from '\n'-separated str / text object

    # check if geometry info is available, returns bool
    status = geometry.is_valid()

    # get pixel coordinate [um] arrays
    X, Y, Z = geometry.get_pixel_coords(oname=None, oindex=0, do_tilt=True)

    # get pixel x,y coordinate [um] arrays projected toward origin on specified zplane, if zplane=None then zplane=Z.mean()
    X, Y = geometry.get_pixel_xy_at_z(zplane=None, oname=None, oindex=0, do_tilt=True)

    # print a portion of pixel X, Y, and Z coordinate arrays
    geometry.print_pixel_coords(oname=None, oindex=0)

    # get pixel area array; A=1 for regular pixels, =2.5 for wide.
    area = geometry.get_pixel_areas(oname=None, oindex=0)

    # returns (smallest) pixel size [um]
    pixel_size = geometry.get_pixel_scale_size(oname=None, oindex=0)

    # returns dictionary of comments associated with geometry (file)
    dict_of_comments = geometry.get_dict_of_comments()

    # print comments associated with geometry (file) 

    # print list of geometry objects

    # print list of geometry object children

    # get pixel mask array;
    # mbits = +1-mask edges, +2-wide pixels, +4-non-bonded pixels, +8/+16 - four/eight neighbours of non-bonded
    mask = geometry.get_pixel_mask(oname=None, oindex=0, mbits=0377)

    # get index arrays for entire detector
    iX, iY = geometry.get_pixel_coord_indexes(do_tilt=True)

    # get index arrays for specified quad with offset
    iX, iY = geometry.get_pixel_coord_indexes('QUAD:V1', 1, pix_scale_size_um=None, xy0_off_pix=(1000,1000), do_tilt=True)

    # get index arrays for pixel coordinates projected toward origin on specified zplane
    iX, iY = geometry.get_pixel_xy_inds_at_z(zplane=None, oname=None, oindex=0, pix_scale_size_um=None, xy0_off_pix=None, do_tilt=True)

    # get ix and iy indexes for specified point in [um]. By default p_um=(0,0) - detector origin coordinates (center).
    ix, iy = geometry.point_coord_indexes(p_um=(0,0))
    # all other parameters should be the same as in get_pixel_coord_indexes method
    ix, iy = geometry.point_coord_indexes(p_um=(0,0), 'QUAD:V1', 1, pix_scale_size_um=None, xy0_off_pix=(1000,1000), do_tilt=True)

    # get 2-d image from index arrays
    img = img_from_pixel_arrays(iX,iY,W=arr)

    # Get specified object of the class GeometryObject, all objects are kept in the list self.list_of_geos
    geo = geometry.get_geo('QUAD:V1', 1) 
    # Get top GeometryObject - the object which includes all other geometry objects
    geo = geometry.get_top_geo()

    # modify currect geometry objects' parameters
    geometry.set_geo_pars('QUAD:V1', 1, x0, y0, z0, rot_z, rot_y, rot_x, tilt_z, tilt_y, tilt_x)
    geometry.move_geo('QUAD:V1', 1, 10, 20, 0)
    geometry.tilt_geo('QUAD:V1', 1, 0.01, 0, 0)

    # save current geometry parameters in file

    # change verbosity bit-control word; to print everythisg use pbits = 0xffff

    # return geometry parameters in "psf" format as a tuple psf[32][3][3]
    psf = geometry.get_psf()

@see :py:class:`PSCalib.GeometryObject`, :py:class:`PSCalib.SegGeometry`, :py:class:`PSCalib.SegGeometryCspad2x1V1`, :py:class:`PSCalib.SegGeometryStore`

For more detail see `Detector Geometry <>`_.

This software was developed for the SIT project.  If you use all or 
part of it, please give an appropriate acknowledgment.

$Revision: 12898 $

@version $Id: 12898 2016-11-22 19:27:56Z dubrovin@SLAC.STANFORD.EDU $

@author Mikhail S. Dubrovin
__version__ = "$Revision: 12898 $"

import os
import sys
from PSCalib.GeometryObject import GeometryObject

import numpy as np
from math import floor, fabs


[docs]def divide_protected(num, den, vsub_zero=0) : """Returns result of devision of numpy arrays num/den with substitution of value vsub_zero for zero den elements. """ pro_num =!=0,), (num,), default=vsub_zero) pro_den =!=0,), (den,), default=1) return pro_num / pro_den #------------------------------
class GeometryAccess : """ :py:class:`GeometryAccess` """ def __init__(self, path=None, pbits=0) : """Constructor of the class :py:class:`GeometryAccess` """ self.path = path self.pbits = pbits self.valid = False if path is None or not os.path.exists(path) : if pbits : print '%s: geometry file "%s" does not exist' % (self.__class__.__name__, path) return self.load_pars_from_file() if self.pbits & 1 : self.print_list_of_geos() if self.pbits & 2 : self.print_list_of_geos_children() if self.pbits & 4 : self.print_comments_from_dict() #------------------------------ def reset_cash(self) : # Parameters for caching self.geo_old = None self.oname_old = None self.oindex_old = None self.tilt_old = None self.X_old = None self.Y_old = None self.Z_old = None self.iX_old = None self.iY_old = None self.ipx_old = None self.ipy_old = None self.p_um_old = None #------------------------------ def is_valid(self) : """returns True if geometry is loaded and presumably valid, otherwise False """ return self.valid #------------------------------ def load_pars_from_file(self, path=None) : """Reads input "geometry" file, discards empty lines and comments, fills the list of geometry objects for data lines """ self.valid = False if path is not None : self.path = path self.reset_cash() self.dict_of_comments = {} self.list_of_geos = [] if self.pbits & 32 : print 'Load file: %s' % self.path f=open(self.path,'r') for linef in f : line = linef.strip('\n') if self.pbits & 128 : print line if not line : continue # discard empty strings if line[0] == '#' : # process line of comments self._add_comment_to_dict(line) continue #geo=self._parse_line(line) self.list_of_geos.append(self._parse_line(line)) f.close() self._set_relations() self.valid = True #------------------------------ def load_pars_from_str(self, s) : """Reads input geometry from str, discards empty lines and comments, fills the list of geometry objects for data lines """ self.valid = False if not isinstance(s, str) : if pbits : print '%s.load_pars_from_str input parameter is not a str, s: %s' % (self.__class__.__name__, str(s)) return self.reset_cash() self.dict_of_comments = {} self.list_of_geos = [] if self.pbits & 32 : print 'Load text: %s' % s for linef in s.split('\n') : line = linef.strip('\n') if self.pbits & 128 : print line if not line : continue # discard empty strings if line[0] == '#' : # process line of comments self._add_comment_to_dict(line) continue #geo=self._parse_line(line) self.list_of_geos.append(self._parse_line(line)) self._set_relations() self.valid = True #------------------------------ def save_pars_in_file(self, path) : """Save geometry file with current content """ if not self.valid : return if self.pbits & 32 : print 'Save file: %s' % path txt = '' # save comments for k in sorted(self.dict_of_comments) : #txt += '# %10s %s\n' % (k.ljust(10), self.dict_of_comments[k]) txt += '# %s\n' % (self.dict_of_comments[k]) txt += '\n' # save data for geo in self.list_of_geos : if geo.get_parent_name() is None : continue txt += '%s\n' % (geo.str_data()) f=open(path,'w') f.write(txt) f.close() if self.pbits & 64 : print txt #------------------------------ def _add_comment_to_dict(self, line) : """Splits the line of comments for keyward and value and store it in the dictionary """ #cmt = line.lstrip('# ').split(' ', 1) cmt = line.lstrip('#').lstrip(' ') if len(cmt)<1 : return ind = len(self.dict_of_comments) if len(cmt)==1 : #self.dict_of_comments[cmt[0]] = '' self.dict_of_comments[ind] = '' return #beginline, endline = cmt #print ' cmt : "%s"' % cmt #print ' len(cmt) : %d' % len(cmt) #print ' line : "%s"' % line self.dict_of_comments[ind] = cmt.strip() #------------------------------ def _parse_line(self, line) : """Gets the string line with data from input file, creates and returns the geometry object for this string. """ keys = ['pname','pindex','oname','oindex','x0','y0','z0','rot_z','rot_y','rot_x','tilt_z','tilt_y','tilt_x'] f = line.split() if len(f) != len(keys) : print 'The list length for fields from file: %d is not equal to expected: %d' % (len(f), len(keys)) return vals = [str (f[0]), int (f[1]), str (f[2]), int (f[3]), float(f[4]), float(f[5]), float(f[6]), float(f[7]), float(f[8]), float(f[9]), float(f[10]), float(f[11]), float(f[12]) ] #print 'keys: ', keys #print 'vals: ', vals d = dict(zip(keys, vals)) #print 'd=', d #return d return GeometryObject(**d) #------------------------------ def _find_parent(self, geobj) : """Finds and returns parent for geobj geometry object """ for geo in self.list_of_geos : if geo == geobj : continue if geo.oindex == geobj.pindex \ and geo.oname == geobj.pname : return geo # The name of parent object is not found among geo names in the self.list_of_geos # add top parent object to the list if geobj.pname is not None : top_parent = GeometryObject(pname=None, pindex=0, oname=geobj.pname, oindex=geobj.pindex) self.list_of_geos.append(top_parent) return top_parent return None # for top parent itself #------------------------------ def _set_relations(self) : """Set relations between geometry objects in the list_of_geos """ for geo in self.list_of_geos : #geo.print_geo() parent = self._find_parent(geo) if parent is None : continue geo.set_parent(parent) parent.add_child(geo) if self.pbits & 16 : print 'geo:%s:%d has parent:%s:%d' % (geo.oname, geo.oindex, parent.oname, parent.oindex) #------------------------------ def get_geo(self, oname, oindex) : """Returns specified geometry object """ if not self.valid : return None if oindex == self.oindex_old and oname == self.oname_old : return self.geo_old for geo in self.list_of_geos : if geo.oindex == oindex \ and geo.oname == oname : self.oindex_old = oindex self.oname_old = oname self.geo_old = geo return geo return None #------------------------------ def get_top_geo(self) : """Returns top geometry object """ if not self.valid : return None return self.list_of_geos[-1] #------------------------------ def get_pixel_coords(self, oname=None, oindex=0, do_tilt=True) : """Returns three pixel X,Y,Z coordinate arrays for top or specified geometry object """ if not self.valid : return None if oindex == self.oindex_old\ and oname == self.oname_old\ and do_tilt == self.tilt_old : return self.X_old, self.Y_old, self.Z_old geo = self.get_top_geo() if oname is None else self.get_geo(oname, oindex) if self.pbits & 8 : print 'get_pixel_coords(...) for geo:', geo.print_geo_children(); self.X_old, self.Y_old, self.Z_old = geo.get_pixel_coords(do_tilt) self.tilt = do_tilt return self.X_old, self.Y_old, self.Z_old #------------------------------ def get_pixel_xy_at_z(self, zplane=None, oname=None, oindex=0, do_tilt=True) : """Returns pixel coordinate arrays XatZ, YatZ, for specified zplane and geometry object. This method projects pixel X, Y coordinates in 3-D on the specified Z plane along direction to origin. """ if not self.valid : return None, None X, Y, Z = self.get_pixel_coords(oname, oindex, do_tilt) if X is None : return None, None Z0 = Z.mean() if zplane is None else zplane if fabs(Z0) < 1000 : return X, Y XatZ = Z0 * divide_protected(X,Z) YatZ = Z0 * divide_protected(Y,Z) return XatZ, YatZ #------------------------------ def get_pixel_areas(self, oname=None, oindex=0) : """Returns pixel areas array for top or specified geometry object """ if not self.valid : return None geo = self.get_top_geo() if oname is None else self.get_geo(oname, oindex) return geo.get_pixel_areas() #------------------------------ def get_pixel_mask(self, oname=None, oindex=0, mbits=0377) : """Returns pixel mask array for top or specified geometry object. mbits =+1 - mask edges +2 - two wide-pixel central columns +4 - non-bonded pixels +8 - four nearest neighbours of non-bonded pixels +16- eight neighbours of non-bonded pixels """ if not self.valid : return None geo = self.get_top_geo() if oname is None else self.get_geo(oname, oindex) return geo.get_pixel_mask(mbits) #------------------------------ def get_pixel_scale_size(self, oname=None, oindex=0) : """Returns pixel scale size for top or specified geometry object """ if not self.valid : return None geo = self.get_top_geo() if oname is None else self.get_geo(oname, oindex) return geo.get_pixel_scale_size() #------------------------------ def get_dict_of_comments(self) : """Returns dictionary of comments """ if not self.valid : return None return self.dict_of_comments #------------------------------ def set_geo_pars(self, oname=None, oindex=0, x0=0, y0=0, z0=0, rot_z=0, rot_y=0, rot_x=0, tilt_z=0, tilt_y=0, tilt_x=0) : """Sets geometry parameters for specified or top geometry object """ if not self.valid : return None geo = self.get_top_geo() if oname is None else self.get_geo(oname, oindex) return geo.set_geo_pars(x0, y0, z0, rot_z, rot_y, rot_x, tilt_z, tilt_y, tilt_x) #------------------------------ def move_geo(self, oname=None, oindex=0, dx=0, dy=0, dz=0) : """Moves specified or top geometry object by dx, dy, dz """ if not self.valid : return None geo = self.get_top_geo() if oname is None else self.get_geo(oname, oindex) return geo.move_geo(dx, dy, dz) #------------------------------ def tilt_geo(self, oname=None, oindex=0, dt_x=0, dt_y=0, dt_z=0) : """Tilts specified or top geometry object by dt_x, dt_y, dt_z """ if not self.valid : return None geo = self.get_top_geo() if oname is None else self.get_geo(oname, oindex) return geo.tilt_geo(dt_x, dt_y, dt_z) #------------------------------ def print_list_of_geos(self) : ss = '\nprint_list_of_geos():' if len(self.list_of_geos) == 0 : print '%s List_of_geos is empty...' % ss if not self.valid : return for geo in self.list_of_geos : geo.print_geo() #------------------------------ def print_list_of_geos_children(self) : ss = '\nprint_list_of_geos_children():' if len(self.list_of_geos) == 0 : print '%s List_of_geos is empty...' % ss if not self.valid : return for geo in self.list_of_geos : geo.print_geo_children() #------------------------------ def print_comments_from_dict(self) : print '\nprint_comments_from_dict():' if not self.valid : return #for k,v in self.dict_of_comments.iteritems(): for k in sorted(self.dict_of_comments): print 'key: %3d val: %s' % (k, self.dict_of_comments[k]) #------------------------------ def print_pixel_coords(self, oname=None, oindex=0) : """Partial print of pixel coordinate X,Y,Z arrays for selected or top(by default) geo """ if not self.valid : return X, Y, Z = self.get_pixel_coords(oname, oindex, do_tilt=True) print 'size=', X.size print 'X: %s...'% ', '.join(['%10.1f'%v for v in X.flatten()[0:9]]) print 'Y: %s...'% ', '.join(['%10.1f'%v for v in Y.flatten()[0:9]]) print 'Z: %s...'% ', '.join(['%10.1f'%v for v in Z.flatten()[0:9]]) #------------------------------ def get_pixel_coord_indexes(self, oname=None, oindex=0, pix_scale_size_um=None, xy0_off_pix=None, do_tilt=True) : """Returns two pixel X,Y coordinate index arrays for top or specified geometry object """ if not self.valid : return None, None if oindex == self.oindex_old\ and oname == self.oname_old\ and do_tilt == self.tilt_old\ and pix_scale_size_um is None\ and xy0_off_pix is None\ and self.iX_old is not None: return self.iX_old, self.iY_old X, Y, Z = self.get_pixel_coords(oname, oindex, do_tilt) pix_size = self.get_pixel_scale_size() if pix_scale_size_um is None else pix_scale_size_um pix_half = 0.5*pix_size xmin, ymin = X.min()-pix_half, Y.min()-pix_half if xy0_off_pix is not None : # Offset in pix -> um x_off_um = xy0_off_pix[0] * pix_size y_off_um = xy0_off_pix[1] * pix_size # Protection against wrong offset bringing negative indexes xmin += x_off_um ymin += y_off_um x_off_um = x_off_um + pix_half if xmin>0 else x_off_um - xmin y_off_um = y_off_um + pix_half if ymin>0 else y_off_um - ymin self.iX_old, self.iY_old = np.array((X+x_off_um)/pix_size, dtype=np.uint), np.array((Y+y_off_um)/pix_size, dtype=np.uint) else : self.iX_old, self.iY_old = np.array((X-xmin)/pix_size, dtype=np.uint), np.array((Y-ymin)/pix_size, dtype=np.uint) return self.iX_old, self.iY_old #------------------------------ def get_pixel_xy_inds_at_z(self, zplane=None, oname=None, oindex=0, pix_scale_size_um=None, xy0_off_pix=None, do_tilt=True) : """Returns pixel coordinate index arrays iX, iY of size for specified zplane and geometry object """ if not self.valid : return None, None X, Y = self.get_pixel_xy_at_z(zplane, oname, oindex, do_tilt) if X is None : return None, None pix_size = self.get_pixel_scale_size() if pix_scale_size_um is None else pix_scale_size_um pix_half = 0.5*pix_size xmin, ymin = X.min()-pix_half, Y.min()-pix_half if xy0_off_pix is not None : # Offset in pix -> um x_off_um = xy0_off_pix[0] * pix_size y_off_um = xy0_off_pix[1] * pix_size # Protection against wrong offset bringing negative indexes xmin += x_off_um ymin += y_off_um x_off_um = x_off_um + pix_half if xmin>0 else x_off_um - xmin y_off_um = y_off_um + pix_half if ymin>0 else y_off_um - ymin self.iX_old, self.iY_old = np.array((X+x_off_um)/pix_size, dtype=np.uint), np.array((Y+y_off_um)/pix_size, dtype=np.uint) else : self.iX_old, self.iY_old = np.array((X-xmin)/pix_size, dtype=np.uint), np.array((Y-ymin)/pix_size, dtype=np.uint) return self.iX_old, self.iY_old #------------------------------ def point_coord_indexes(self, p_um=(0,0), oname=None, oindex=0, pix_scale_size_um=None, xy0_off_pix=None, do_tilt=True) : """Converts point (x_um, y_um) corrdinates [um] to pixel (ix, iy) indexes. All other parameters are the same as in get_pixel_coord_indexes. WARNING: indexes are not required to be inside the image. They are integer, may be negative or exceed pixel maximal index. """ if not self.valid : return None, None if oindex == self.oindex_old\ and oname == self.oname_old\ and do_tilt == self.tilt_old\ and p_um == self.p_um_old\ and pix_scale_size_um is None\ and xy0_off_pix is None\ and self.ipx_old is not None: return self.ipx_old, self.ipy_old X, Y, Z = self.get_pixel_coords(oname, oindex, do_tilt) pix_size = self.get_pixel_scale_size() if pix_scale_size_um is None else pix_scale_size_um pix_half = 0.5*pix_size xmin, ymin = X.min()-pix_half, Y.min()-pix_half x_um, y_um = self.p_um_old = p_um if xy0_off_pix is not None : # Offset in pix -> um x_off_um = xy0_off_pix[0] * pix_size y_off_um = xy0_off_pix[1] * pix_size # Protection against wrong offset bringing negative indexes xmin += x_off_um ymin += y_off_um x_off_um = x_off_um + pix_half if xmin>0 else x_off_um - xmin y_off_um = y_off_um + pix_half if ymin>0 else y_off_um - ymin self.ipx_old, self.ipy_old = int(floor((x_um+x_off_um)/pix_size)), int(floor((y_um+y_off_um)/pix_size)) else : self.ipx_old, self.ipy_old = int(floor((x_um-xmin)/pix_size)), int(floor((y_um-ymin)/pix_size)) return self.ipx_old, self.ipy_old #------------------------------ def set_print_bits(self, pbits=0) : """ Sets printout control bitword """ self.pbits = pbits #------------------------------ def get_psf(self) : """Returns array of vectors in TJ format (psf stands for position-slow-fast vectors) """ if not self.valid : return None X, Y, Z = self.get_pixel_coords() # pixel positions for top level object if X.size != 32*185*388 : return None # For now it works for CSPAD only shape_cspad = (32,185,388) X.shape, Y.shape, Z.shape, = shape_cspad, shape_cspad, shape_cspad psf = [] for s in range(32) : vp = (X[s,0,0], Y[s,0,0], Z[s,0,0]) vs = (X[s,1,0]-X[s,0,0], \ Y[s,1,0]-Y[s,0,0], \ Z[s,1,0]-Z[s,0,0]) vf = (X[s,0,1]-X[s,0,0], \ Y[s,0,1]-Y[s,0,0], \ Z[s,0,1]-Z[s,0,0]) psf.append((vp,vs,vf)) return psf #------------------------------ def print_psf(self) : """ Gets and prints psf array for test purpose """ if not self.valid : return None psf = np.array(self.get_psf()) print 'print_psf(): psf.shape: %s \npsf vectors:' % (str(psf.shape)) for (px,py,pz), (sx,xy,xz), (fx,fy,fz) in psf: print ' p=(%12.2f, %12.2f, %12.2f), s=(%8.2f, %8.2f, %8.2f) f=(%8.2f, %8.2f, %8.2f)' \ % (px,py,pz, sx,xy,xz, fx,fy,fz) #------------------------------ #------ Global Method(s) ------ #------------------------------
[docs]def img_default(shape=(10,10), dtype = np.float32) : """Returns default image """ arr = np.arange(shape[0]*shape[1], dtype=dtype) arr.shape = shape return arr #------------------------------
[docs]def img_from_pixel_arrays(iX, iY, W=None, dtype=np.float32, vbase=0) : """Returns image from iX, iY coordinate index arrays and associated weights W. """ if iX.size != iY.size \ or (W is not None and iX.size != W.size) : msg = 'img_from_pixel_arrays(): WARNING input array sizes are different;' \ + ' iX.size=%d, iY.size=%d, W.size=%d' % (iX.size, iY.size, W.size) print msg return img_default() iXfl = iX.flatten() iYfl = iY.flatten() xsize = iXfl.max()+1 ysize = iYfl.max()+1 weight = W.flatten() if W is not None else np.ones_like(iXfl) img = vbase*np.ones((xsize,ysize), dtype=dtype) img[iXfl,iYfl] = weight # Fill image array with data return img #------------------------------ #------------------------------ #----------- TESTS ------------ #------------------------------ #------------------------------
if __name__ == "__main__" : from time import time # for test purpose only #from PSCalib.SegGeometryCspad2x1V1 import cspad2x1_one import pyimgalgos.GlobalGraphics as gg # for test purpose import pyimgalgos.TestImageGenerator as tig # for test purpose only #------------------------------
[docs]def test_access(geometry) : """ Tests geometry acess methods of the class GeometryAccess """ geometry.print_list_of_geos() geometry.print_list_of_geos_children() print '\nTOP GEO:' top_geo = geometry.get_top_geo() top_geo.print_geo_children() print '\nINTERMEDIATE GEO (QUAD):' geo = geometry.get_geo('QUAD:V1', 0) #geo = geometry.get_top_geo() geo.print_geo_children() t0_sec = time() X,Y,Z = geo.get_pixel_coords(do_tilt=True) #X,Y = geo.get_2d_pixel_coords() print 'X:\n', X print 'Consumed time to get 3d pixel coordinates = %7.3f sec' % (time()-t0_sec) print 'Geometry object: %s:%d X.shape:%s' % (geo.oname, geo.oindex, str(X.shape)) print '\nTest of print_pixel_coords() for quad:' geometry.print_pixel_coords('QUAD:V1', 1) print '\nTest of print_pixel_coords() for CSPAD:' geometry.print_pixel_coords() print '\nTest of get_pixel_areas() for QUAD:' A = geo.get_pixel_areas() print 'Geometry object: %s:%d A.shape:%s' % (geo.oname, geo.oindex, str(A.shape)) print 'A[0,0:5,190:198]:\n', A[0,0:5,190:198] print '\nTest of get_pixel_areas() for CSPAD:' A = top_geo.get_pixel_areas() print 'Geometry object: %s:%d A.shape:%s' % (geo.oname, geo.oindex, str(A.shape)) print 'A[0,0,0:5,190:198]:\n', A[0,0,0:5,190:198] print '\nTest of get_size_geo_array()' print 'for QUAD : %d' % geo.get_size_geo_array() print 'for CSPAD: %d' % top_geo.get_size_geo_array() print '\nTest of get_pixel_scale_size()' print 'for QUAD : %8.2f' % geo.get_pixel_scale_size() print 'for CSPAD : %8.2f' % top_geo.get_pixel_scale_size() print 'for geometry: %8.2f' % geometry.get_pixel_scale_size() print '\nTest of get_dict_of_comments():' d = geometry.get_dict_of_comments() print "d[0] = %s" % d[0] #------------------------------
[docs]def test_plot_quad(geometry) : """ Tests geometry acess methods of the class GeometryAccess object for CSPAD quad """ ## get index arrays iX, iY = geometry.get_pixel_coord_indexes('QUAD:V1', 1, pix_scale_size_um=None, xy0_off_pix=None, do_tilt=True) # get intensity array arr = tig.cspad_nparr(n2x1=iX.shape[0]) arr.shape = (8,185,388) amp_range = (0,185+388) print 'iX, iY, W shape:', iX.shape, iY.shape, arr.shape img = img_from_pixel_arrays(iX,iY,W=arr) gg.plotImageLarge(img,amp_range=amp_range) gg.move(500,10) #------------------------------
[docs]def test_mask_quad(geometry, mbits) : """ Tests geometry acess methods of the class GeometryAccess object for CSPAD quad """ ## get index arrays iX, iY = geometry.get_pixel_coord_indexes('QUAD:V1', 1, pix_scale_size_um=None, xy0_off_pix=None, do_tilt=True) # get intensity array arr = geometry.get_pixel_mask('QUAD:V1', 1, mbits) arr.shape = (8,185,388) amp_range = (-1,2) print 'iX, iY, W shape:', iX.shape, iY.shape, arr.shape img = img_from_pixel_arrays(iX, iY, W=arr, vbase=0.5) gg.plotImageLarge(img,amp_range=amp_range) gg.move(500,10) #------------------------------
[docs]def test_plot_cspad(geometry, fname_data, amp_range=(0,0.5)) : """ The same test as previous, but use get_pixel_coord_indexes(...) method """ #rad1 = 93 #rad2 = 146 rad1 = 655 rad2 = 670 # get pixel coordinate index arrays: xc, yc = 1000, 1000 xyc = xc, yc # None #iX, iY = geometry.get_pixel_coord_indexes(xy0_off_pix=None) iX, iY = geometry.get_pixel_coord_indexes(xy0_off_pix=xyc, do_tilt=True) ixo, iyo = geometry.point_coord_indexes(xy0_off_pix=xyc, do_tilt=True) print 'Detector origin indexes ixo, iyo:', ixo, iyo root, ext = os.path.splitext(fname_data) arr = np.load(fname_data) if ext == '.npy' else np.loadtxt(fname_data, dtype=np.float) arr.shape= (4,8,185,388) print 'iX, iY, W shape:', iX.shape, iY.shape, arr.shape arr.shape = iX.shape img = img_from_pixel_arrays(iX, iY, W=arr) xyc_ring = (yc, xc) axim = gg.plotImageLarge(img,amp_range=amp_range) gg.drawCircle(axim, xyc_ring, rad1, linewidth=1, color='w', fill=False) gg.drawCircle(axim, xyc_ring, rad2, linewidth=1, color='w', fill=False) gg.drawCenter(axim, xyc_ring, rad1, linewidth=1, color='w') gg.move(500,10) #------------------------------
[docs]def test_img_default() : """ Test default image """ axim = gg.plotImageLarge( img_default() ) gg.move(500,10) #------------------------------
[docs]def test_save_pars_in_file(geometry) : """ Test default image """ # change one line of parameters x0, y0, z0, rot_z, rot_y, rot_x, tilt_z, tilt_y, tilt_x = -3500, 5800, 0, 0.123, 0.123, 0.123, 1, 2, 3 geometry.set_geo_pars('QUAD:V1', 1, x0, y0, z0, rot_z, rot_y, rot_x, tilt_z, tilt_y, tilt_x) geometry.set_print_bits(32) geometry.save_pars_in_file('./test.txt') #------------------------------
[docs]def test_load_pars_from_file(geometry) : """ Test default image """ geometry.set_print_bits(32+64) geometry.load_pars_from_file('./test.txt') geometry.print_list_of_geos() #------------------------------
[docs]def test_cspad2x2() : """ Test cspad2x2 geometry table """ ## MecTargetChamber.0:Cspad2x2.1 basedir = '/reg/neh/home1/dubrovin/LCLS/CSPad2x2Alignment/calib-cspad2x2-01-2013-02-13/' fname_geometry = basedir + 'calib/CsPad2x2::CalibV1/MecTargetChamber.0:Cspad2x2.1/geometry/' fname_data = basedir + 'cspad2x2.1-ndarr-ave-meca6113-r0028.dat' ## MecTargetChamber.0:Cspad2x2.2 #basedir = '/reg/neh/home1/dubrovin/LCLS/CSPad2x2Alignment/calib-cspad2x2-02-2013-02-13/' #fname_geometry = basedir + 'calib/CsPad2x2::CalibV1/MecTargetChamber.0:Cspad2x2.2/geometry/' #fname_data = basedir + 'cspad2x2.2-ndarr-ave-meca6113-r0028.dat' geometry = GeometryAccess(fname_geometry, 0377) amp_range = (0,15000) # get pixel coordinate index arrays: #xyc = xc, yc = 1000, 1000 #iX, iY = geometry.get_pixel_coord_indexes(xy0_off_pix=xyc) iX, iY = geometry.get_pixel_coord_indexes(do_tilt=True) root, ext = os.path.splitext(fname_data) arr = np.load(fname_data) if ext == '.npy' else np.loadtxt(fname_data, dtype=np.float) arr.shape= (185,388,2) print 'iX, iY, W shape:', iX.shape, iY.shape, arr.shape img = img_from_pixel_arrays(iX,iY,W=arr) axim = gg.plotImageLarge(img,amp_range=amp_range) gg.move(500,10) #------------------------------
[docs]def test_epix100a() : """ Test test_epix100a geometry table """ basedir = '/reg/g/psdm/detector/alignment/cspad/calib-cxi-ds1-2014-05-15/' fname_geometry = basedir + 'calib/CsPad::CalibV1/CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0/geometry/' fname_data = basedir + 'cspad-arr-cxid2714-r0023-lysozyme-rings.txt' #basedir = '/reg/neh/home1/dubrovin/LCLS/GeometryCalib/calib-xpp-Epix100a-2014-11-05/' #fname_geometry = basedir + 'calib/Epix100a::CalibV1/NoDetector.0:Epix100a.0/geometry/' #fname_data = basedir + 'epix100a-ndarr-ave-clb-xppi0614-r0073.dat' geometry = GeometryAccess(fname_geometry, 0177777) amp_range = (-4,10) iX, iY = geometry.get_pixel_coord_indexes() root, ext = os.path.splitext(fname_data) arr = np.load(fname_data) if ext == '.npy' else np.loadtxt(fname_data, dtype=np.float) print 'iX, iY, W shape:', iX.shape, iY.shape, arr.shape img = img_from_pixel_arrays(iX,iY,W=arr) axim = gg.plotImageLarge(img,amp_range=amp_range) gg.move(500,10) #------------------------------
[docs]def test_cspad_xy_at_z() : """ Test cspad geometry table """ ## 'CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0)' or 'DscCsPad' basedir = '/reg/g/psdm/detector/alignment/cspad/calib-cxi-camera1-2014-09-24/' fname_geometry = basedir + '2016-06-03-geometry-cxi06216-r25-camera1-z175mm.txt' fname_data = basedir + '2016-06-03-chun-cxi06216-0025-DscCsPad-max.txt' geometry = GeometryAccess(fname_geometry, 0377) # get pixel coordinate index arrays: xyc = xc, yc = 1000, 1000 #iX, iY = geometry.get_pixel_coord_indexes(xy0_off_pix=xyc) #iX, iY = geometry.get_pixel_coord_indexes(do_tilt=True) #iX, iY = geometry.get_pixel_xy_inds_at_z(zplane=None, xy0_off_pix=xyc) iX, iY = geometry.get_pixel_xy_inds_at_z(zplane=150000) root, ext = os.path.splitext(fname_data) arr = np.load(fname_data) if ext == '.npy' else np.loadtxt(fname_data, dtype=np.float) #print 'arr.shape=', arr.shape arr.shape= (32,185,388) #ave, rms = arr.mean(), arr.std() #amp_range = (ave-rms, ave+3*rms) amp_range = (0, 1000) print 'amp_range', amp_range print 'iX, iY, W shape:', iX.shape, iY.shape, arr.shape img = img_from_pixel_arrays(iX,iY,W=arr) axim = gg.plotImageLarge(img,amp_range=amp_range) gg.move(500,10) #------------------------------ #------------------------------ #------------------------------ #------------------------------
if __name__ == "__main__" : ##fname = '/reg/d/psdm/cxi/cxii0114/calib/CsPad::CalibV1/CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0/geometry/' #basedir = '/reg/neh/home1/dubrovin/LCLS/CSPadAlignment-v01/calib-cxi-ds1-2013-12-20/' #fname_geometry = basedir + 'calib/CsPad::CalibV1/CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0/geometry/' #fname_data = basedir + 'cspad-ndarr-ave-cxi83714-r0136.dat' #amp_range = (0,0.5) # CXI basedir = '/reg/g/psdm/detector/alignment/cspad/calib-cxi-ds1-2014-03-19/' fname_data = basedir + 'cspad-ndarr-ave-cxii0114-r0227.dat' fname_geometry = basedir + 'calib/CsPad::CalibV1/CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0/geometry/' #fname_geometry = '/reg/d/psdm/CXI/cxitut13/calib/CsPad::CalibV1/CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0/geometry/' amp_range = (0,500) ## XPP #basedir = '/reg/neh/home1/dubrovin/LCLS/CSPadAlignment-v01/calib-xpp-2013-01-29/' #fname_data = basedir + 'cspad-xpptut13-r1437-nda.dat' #fname_geometry = basedir + 'calib/CsPad::CalibV1/XppGon.0:Cspad.0/geometry/' #amp_range = (1500,2500) #basedir = '/home/pcds/LCLS/calib/geometry/' #fname_geometry = basedir + '' #fname_geometry = basedir + '' #fname_data = basedir + 'cspad-ndarr-ave-cxii0114-r0227.dat' #fname_geometry = '/reg/d/psdm/cxi/cxii0114/calib/CsPad::CalibV1/CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0/geometry/' #amp_range = (0,500) #basedir = '/reg/neh/home1/dubrovin/LCLS/CSPadAlignment-v01/calib-cxi-ds1-2014-05-15/' #fname_geometry = basedir + 'calib/CsPad::CalibV1/CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0/geometry/' #fname_data = basedir + 'cspad-arr-cxid2714-r0023-lysozyme-rings.npy' #amp_range = (0,500) print '%s\nfname_geometry: %s\nfname_data: %s' %(120*'_', fname_geometry, fname_geometry) geometry = GeometryAccess(fname_geometry, 0) msg = 'Use command: sys.argv[0] <num>, wher num=1,2,3,...,10' if len(sys.argv)==1 : print 'App needs in input parameter.' + msg elif sys.argv[1]=='1' : test_access(geometry) elif sys.argv[1]=='2' : test_plot_quad(geometry) elif sys.argv[1]=='3' : test_plot_cspad(geometry, fname_data, amp_range) elif sys.argv[1]=='4' : test_img_default() elif sys.argv[1]=='5' : print 'Init GeometryAccess is silent? (see below)' ga0 = GeometryAccess(fname_geometry, 0) elif sys.argv[1]=='6' : ga0377 = GeometryAccess(fname_geometry, 0377) elif sys.argv[1]=='7' : test_save_pars_in_file(geometry) elif sys.argv[1]=='8' : test_load_pars_from_file(geometry) elif sys.argv[1]=='9' : test_mask_quad(geometry, 1+2+8) #+16 elif sys.argv[1]=='10': geometry.print_psf() elif sys.argv[1]=='11': test_cspad2x2() elif sys.argv[1]=='12': test_epix100a() elif sys.argv[1]=='13': geometry.print_comments_from_dict() elif sys.argv[1]=='14': test_cspad_xy_at_z() else : print 'Wrong input parameter.' + msg sys.exit ('End of %s' % sys.argv[0]) #------------------------------