Source code for PSCalib.GeometryObject

#!/usr/bin/env python
""":py:class:`PSCalib.GeometryObject` - building block for hierarchical geometry


    # Methods of this class are used internally in PSCalib.GeometryAccess
    # and are not supposed to be used directly...

    from PSCalib.GeometryObject import GeometryObject

    # Instatiation of the geometry object
    # d = <dictionary-of-input-parameters>
    geo = GeometryObject(**d)

    # test print methods:

    # modification methods:
    geo.set_geo_pars(self, x0, y0, z0, rot_z, rot_y, rot_x, tilt_z, tilt_y, tilt_x)
    geo.move_geo(dx, dy, dz)
    geo.tilt_geo(dt_x, dt_y, dt_z)

    # access methods:
    s      = geo.str_data()
    parent = geo.get_parent()
    list_of_children = geo.get_list_of_children()
    oname  = geo.get_geo_name()
    oindex = geo.get_geo_index()
    pname  = geo.get_parent_name()
    pindex = geo.get_parent_index()
    X,Y,Z  = geo.get_pixel_coords(do_tilt=true)
    X,Y    = geo.get_2d_pixel_coords(do_tilt=true)
    area   = geo.get_pixel_area()
    #mbits = +1-edges, +2-wide pixels, +4-non-bonded pixels, +8/+16 - four/eight neighbours of non-bonded
    mask   = geo.get_pixel_mask(mbits=0377)
    npixels= geo.get_size_geo_array()
    pixsize= geo.get_pixel_scale_size()
    x0, y0, z0             = geo.get_origin()
    rot_z, rot_y, rot_x    = geo.get_rot()
    tilt_z, tilt_y, tilt_x = geo.get_tilt()
    # private methods for internal consumption:
    Xt, Yt, Zt = geo.transform_geo_coord_arrays(X, Y, Z, do_tilt=True)
    Xt, Yt     = geo.transform_2d_geo_coord_arrays(X, Y, do_tilt=True)

    # global methods:
    Xrot, Yrot = rotation_cs(X, Y, C, S)
    Xrot, Yrot = rotation(X, Y, angle_deg)

    # global methods only for CSPAD2x2 array conversion between (2,185,388) and (185,388,2):
    arrTwo2x1 = data2x2ToTwo2x1(asData2x2)
    asData2x2 = two2x1ToData2x2(arrTwo2x1)

@see :py:class:`PSCalib.GeometryAccess`

For more detail see `Detector Geometry <>`_.

This software was developed for the SIT project.  If you use all or 
part of it, please give an appropriate acknowledgment.

$Revision: 11946 $

@version $Id: 11946 2016-05-19 00:29:37Z dubrovin@SLAC.STANFORD.EDU $

@author Mikhail S. Dubrovin
__version__ = "$Revision: 11946 $"

import os
import sys
import math
import numpy as np

#from PyCSPadImage.PixCoords2x1 import cspad2x1_one
from PSCalib.SegGeometryStore import sgs


[docs]def rotation_cs(X, Y, C, S) : """For numpy arrays X and Y returns the numpy arrays of Xrot and Yrot """ Xrot = X*C - Y*S Yrot = Y*C + X*S return Xrot, Yrot #------------------------------
[docs]def rotation(X, Y, angle_deg) : """For numpy arrays X and Y returns the numpy arrays of Xrot and Yrot rotated by angle_deg """ angle_rad = math.radians(angle_deg) S, C = math.sin(angle_rad), math.cos(angle_rad) return rotation_cs(X, Y, C, S) #------------------------------
class GeometryObject : def __init__(self, pname=None, pindex=None, \ oname=None, oindex=None, \ x0=0, y0=0, z0=0, \ rot_z=0, rot_y=0, rot_x=0, \ tilt_z=0, tilt_y=0, tilt_x=0) : self.pname = pname self.pindex = pindex self.oname = oname self.oindex = oindex self.set_geo_pars(x0, y0, z0, rot_z, rot_y, rot_x, tilt_z, tilt_y, tilt_x) self.algo = sgs.Create(self.oname, pbits=0) # ex.: SegGeometryCspad2x1V1(...) # ---- 2-nd stage self.parent = None self.list_of_children = [] #------------------------------ def set_geo_pars(self, \ x0=0, y0=0, z0=0, \ rot_z=0, rot_y=0, rot_x=0, \ tilt_z=0, tilt_y=0, tilt_x=0) : """ Sets self object geometry parameters """ self.x0 = x0 self.y0 = y0 self.z0 = z0 self.rot_z = rot_z self.rot_y = rot_y self.rot_x = rot_x self.tilt_z = tilt_z self.tilt_y = tilt_y self.tilt_x = tilt_x #------------------------------ def move_geo(self, dx=0, dy=0, dz=0) : """ Adds offset for origin of the self object w.r.t. current position """ self.x0 += dx self.y0 += dy self.z0 += dz #------------------------------ def tilt_geo(self, dt_x=0, dt_y=0, dt_z=0) : """ Tilts the self object w.r.t. current orientation """ self.tilt_z += dt_z self.tilt_y += dt_y self.tilt_x += dt_x #------------------------------ def print_geo(self) : """ Print info about self geometry object """ print 'parent:%10s %2d geo: %10s %2d' % (self.pname, self.pindex, self.oname, self.oindex) + \ ' x0:%8.0f y0:%8.0f z0:%8.0f' % (self.x0, self.y0, self.z0) + \ ' rot_z:%8.3f rot_y:%8.3f rot_x:%8.3f' % (self.rot_z, self.rot_y, self.rot_x) + \ ' tilt_z:%8.5f tilt_y:%8.5f tilt_x:%8.5f' % (self.tilt_z, self.tilt_y, self.tilt_x) #------------------------------ def str_data(self) : """ Returns a string of data to save in file """ s_rot_x = ('%8.3f' % self.rot_x).rstrip('0').rstrip('.') s_rot_y = ('%8.3f' % self.rot_y).rstrip('0').rstrip('.') s_rot_z = ('%8.3f' % self.rot_z).rstrip('0').rstrip('.') return '%s %3d %s %3d' % (self.pname.ljust(11), self.pindex, self.oname.ljust(11), self.oindex) + \ ' %8.0f %8.0f %8.0f' % (self.x0, self.y0, self.z0) + \ ' %8s %8s %8s ' % (s_rot_z, s_rot_y, s_rot_x) + \ ' %8.5f %8.5f %8.5f' % (self.tilt_z, self.tilt_y, self.tilt_x) #------------------------------ def print_geo_children(self) : """ Print info about children of self geometry object """ msg = 'parent:%10s %2d geo: %10s %2d #children: %d:' % \ (self.pname, self.pindex, self.oname, self.oindex, len(self.list_of_children)) for geo in self.list_of_children : msg += ' %s:%d' % (geo.oname, geo.oindex) print msg #------------------------------ def set_parent(self, parent) : """ Set parent geometry object for self """ self.parent = parent #------------------------------ def add_child(self, child) : """ Add children geometry object to the list """ self.list_of_children.append(child) #------------------------------ def get_parent(self) : """ Returns parent geometry object """ return self.parent #------------------------------ def get_list_of_children(self) : """ Returns list of children geometry objects """ return self.list_of_children #------------------------------ def get_geo_name(self) : """ Returns self geometry object name """ return self.oname #------------------------------ def get_geo_index(self) : """ Returns self geometry object index """ return self.oindex #------------------------------ def get_parent_name(self) : """ Returns parent geometry object name """ return self.pname #------------------------------ def get_parent_index(self) : """ Returns parent geometry object index """ return self.pindex #------------------------------ def transform_geo_coord_arrays(self, X, Y, Z, do_tilt=True) : """ Transform geometry object coordinates to the parent frame """ angle_z = self.rot_z + self.tilt_z if do_tilt else self.rot_z angle_y = self.rot_y + self.tilt_y if do_tilt else self.rot_y angle_x = self.rot_x + self.tilt_x if do_tilt else self.rot_x X1, Y1 = rotation(X, Y, angle_z) Z2, X2 = rotation(Z, X1, angle_y) Y3, Z3 = rotation(Y1, Z2, angle_x) Zt = Z3 + self.z0 Yt = Y3 + self.y0 Xt = X2 + self.x0 return Xt, Yt, Zt #------------------------------ def get_pixel_coords(self, do_tilt=True) : """ Returns three numpy arrays with pixel X, Y, Z coordinates for self geometry object """ if self.algo is not None : xac, yac, zac = self.algo.pixel_coord_array() return self.transform_geo_coord_arrays(xac, yac, zac, do_tilt) xac, yac, zac = None, None, None for ind, child in enumerate(self.list_of_children) : if child.oindex != ind : print 'WARNING! Geometry object %s:%d has non-consequtive index in calibration file, reconst index:%d' % \ (child.oname, child.oindex, ind) xch, ych, zch = child.get_pixel_coords(do_tilt) if ind==0 : xac = xch yac = ych zac = zch else : xac = np.vstack((xac, xch)) yac = np.vstack((yac, ych)) zac = np.vstack((zac, zch)) # define shape for output x,y,z arrays shape_child = xch.shape len_child = len(self.list_of_children) geo_shape = np.hstack(([len_child], xch.shape)) #print 'geo_shape = ', geo_shape xac.shape = geo_shape yac.shape = geo_shape zac.shape = geo_shape X, Y, Z = self.transform_geo_coord_arrays(xac, yac, zac, do_tilt) return self.det_shape(X), self.det_shape(Y), self.det_shape(Z) #------------------------------ def get_pixel_areas(self) : """ Returns numpy array with pixel areas for self geometry object """ if self.algo is not None : return self.algo.pixel_area_array() aar = None for ind, child in enumerate(self.list_of_children) : if child.oindex != ind : print 'WARNING! Geometry object %s:%d has non-consequtive index in calibration file, reconst index:%d' % \ (child.oname, child.oindex, ind) ach = child.get_pixel_areas() aar = ach if ind==0 else np.vstack((aar, ach)) # define shape for output x,y,z arrays shape_child = ach.shape len_child = len(self.list_of_children) geo_shape = np.hstack(([len_child], ach.shape)) #print 'geo_shape = ', geo_shape aar.shape = geo_shape return self.det_shape(aar) #------------------------------ def get_pixel_mask(self, mbits=0377) : """ Returns numpy array with pixel mask for self geometry object. mbits =+1 - mask edges +2 - two wide-pixel central columns +4 - non-bonded pixels +8 - nearest four neighbours of non-bonded pixels +16- eight neighbours of non-bonded pixels """ if self.algo is not None : return self.algo.pixel_mask_array(mbits) oar = None for ind, child in enumerate(self.list_of_children) : if child.oindex != ind : print 'WARNING! Geometry object %s:%d has non-consequtive index in calibration file, reconst index:%d' % \ (child.oname, child.oindex, ind) car = child.get_pixel_mask(mbits) oar = car if ind==0 else np.vstack((oar, car)) # define shape for output x,y,z arrays shape_child = car.shape len_child = len(self.list_of_children) geo_shape = np.hstack(([len_child], car.shape)) #print 'geo_shape = ', geo_shape oar.shape = geo_shape return self.det_shape(oar) #------------------------------ def get_size_geo_array(self) : """ Returns size of self geometry object """ if self.algo is not None : return self.algo.size() size_arr = 0 for child in self.list_of_children : size_arr += child.get_size_geo_array() return size_arr #------------------------------ def get_pixel_scale_size(self) : """ Returns pixel scale size of the geometry object from the first found segment """ if self.algo is not None : return self.algo.pixel_scale_size() for child in self.list_of_children : return child.get_pixel_scale_size() #------------------------------ def get_origin(self) : """ Returns object origin x, y, z coordinates [um] relative to parent frame """ return self.x0, self.y0, self.z0 #------------------------------ def get_rot(self) : """ Returns object tilt angles [degree] around z, y, and x axes, respectively """ return self.rot_z, self.rot_y, self.rot_x #------------------------------ def get_tilt(self) : """ Returns object rotation angles [degree] around z, y, and x axes, respectively """ return self.tilt_z, self.tilt_y, self.tilt_x #------------------------------ #------------------------------ # Additional to interface 2-d methods #------------------------------ #------------------------------ def transform_2d_geo_coord_arrays(self, X, Y, do_tilt=True) : """ Simplified version of transform_geo_coord_arrays(...) for 2-d case """ angle_z = self.rot_z + self.tilt_z if do_tilt else self.rot_z X1, Y1 = rotation(X, Y, angle_z) Xt = X1 + self.x0 Yt = Y1 + self.y0 return Xt, Yt #------------------------------ def get_2d_pixel_coords(self, do_tilt=True) : """ Simplified version of get_pixel_coords() for 2-d case """ #if self.oname == 'SENS2X1:V1' : if self.algo is not None : #xac, yac, zac = self.algo.get_xyz_maps_um() xac, yac, zac = self.algo.pixel_coord_array() return self.transform_2d_geo_coord_arrays(xac, yac, do_tilt) xac, yac = [], [] for child in self.list_of_children : xch, ych = child.get_2d_pixel_coords(do_tilt) xac += list(xch.flatten()) yac += list(ych.flatten()) X, Y = self.transform_2d_geo_coord_arrays(np.array(xac), np.array(yac), do_tilt) return self.det_shape(X), self.det_shape(Y) #------------------------------ def det_shape(self, arr) : """ Check detector dependency and re-shape array if necessary """ #print 'PSCalib.GeometryObject.det_shape(...): arr.size: %d self.oname: %s' % (arr.size, self.oname) if arr.size == 143560 and self.oname == 'CSPAD2X2:V1' : # Shuffle pixels once for 2*185*388 and CSPAD2X2:V1 ONLY: # shaffle array for cspad2x2 return two2x1ToData2x2(arr) return arr #------------------------------ #------ Global Method(s) ------ #------------------------------
[docs]def data2x2ToTwo2x1(arr2x2) : """Converts array shaped as CSPAD2x2 data (185,388,2) to two 2x1 arrays with shape=(2,185,388) """ if arr2x2.size != 2*185*388 : raise ValueError('Expected n-d array size=185*388*2, input size=%d' % arr2x2.size) if arr2x2.shape[-1] != 2 : raise ValueError('Expected n-d array shape=(185,388,2), input shape=%s' % str(arr2x2.shape)) arr2x2.shape = (185,388,2) return np.array([arr2x2[:,:,0], arr2x2[:,:,1]]) #------------------------------
[docs]def two2x1ToData2x2(arrTwo2x1) : """Converts array shaped as two 2x1 arrays (2,185,388) or (2*185,388) to CSPAD2x2 data shape=(185,388,2) """ if arrTwo2x1.size != 2*185*388 : raise ValueError('Expected n-d array size=2*185*388, input size=%d' % arrTwo2x1.size) if arrTwo2x1.shape[-1] != 388 : raise ValueError('Expected n-d array shape=(2,185,388), input shape=%s' % str(arrTwo2x1.shape)) arrTwo2x1.shape = (2,185,388) arr2x2 = np.array(zip(arrTwo2x1[0].flatten(), arrTwo2x1[1].flatten())) arr2x2.shape = (185,388,2) return arr2x2 #------------------------------ #------------------------------ #------------------------------
if __name__ == "__main__" : print 78*'='+'\n== Tests for this module are available in pyimgalgos/src/ ==\n'+78*'=' sys.exit ('End of %s' % sys.argv[0]) #------------------------------ #------------------------------ #------------------------------