Source code for PSCalib.GlobalUtils

# File and Version Information:
#  $Id: 13028 2016-12-19 22:48:08Z cpo@SLAC.STANFORD.EDU $
# Description:
#  Module GlobalUtils...

:py:class:`PSCalib.GlobalUtils` - contains a set of utilities


    # Import
    import PSCalib.GlobalUtils as gu

    # Methods
    #resp = gu.<method(pars)>

    dettype = gu.det_type_from_source(source)
    detname = gu.string_from_source(source)

    mmask = gu.merge_masks(mask1=None, mask2=None, dtype=np.uint8)
    mask  = gu.mask_neighbors(mask_in, allnbrs=True, dtype=np.uint8)

    arr2d = gu.reshape_nda_to_2d(nda)
    arr3d = gu.reshape_nda_to_3d(nda)

    # Get string with time stamp, ex: 2016-01-26T10:40:53
    ts    = gu.str_tstamp(fmt='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S', time_sec=None)

    usr   = gu.get_enviroment(env='USER')
    usr   = gu.get_login()
    host  = gu.get_hostname()
    cwd   = gu.get_cwd()

    gu.save_textfile(text, path, mode='w') # mode: 'w'-write, 'a'-append 
@see other interface methods in :py:class:`PSCalib.CalibPars`, :py:class:`PSCalib.CalibParsStore`

This software was developed for the SIT project.
If you use all or part of it, please give an appropriate acknowledgment.

@version $Id: 2013-03-08$

@author Mikhail S. Dubrovin

__version__ = "$Revision: 13028 $"

#import sys
import os
import getpass
import socket
import numpy as np
from time import localtime, strftime



# Enumerated and named parameters

PIXEL_RMS    = 2
GEOMETRY     = 7

calib_names  = ('pedestals', 'pixel_status', 'pixel_rms', 'pixel_gain', 'pixel_mask', 'pixel_bkgd', 'common_mode', 'geometry')
calib_dtypes = ( np.float32,  np.uint16,      np.float32,  np.float32,   np.uint8,     np.float32,   np.double,     str)

dic_calib_type_to_name  = dict(zip(calib_types, calib_names))
dic_calib_name_to_type  = dict(zip(calib_names, calib_types))
dic_calib_type_to_dtype = dict(zip(calib_types, calib_dtypes))

LOADED     = 1
DEFAULT    = 2
DCSTORE    = 7


dic_calib_status_value_to_name = dict(zip(calib_statvalues, calib_statnames))
dic_calib_status_name_to_value = dict(zip(calib_statnames,  calib_statvalues))


CSPAD       = 1 
CSPAD2X2    = 2 
PNCCD       = 4 
TM6740      = 5 
OPAL1000    = 6 
OPAL2000    = 7 
OPAL4000    = 8 
OPAL8000    = 9 
ORCAFL40    = 10
EPIX        = 11
EPIX10K     = 12
EPIX100A    = 13
FCCD960     = 14
ANDOR       = 15
ACQIRIS     = 16
IMP         = 17
QUARTZ4A150 = 18
RAYONIX     = 19
EVR         = 20
FCCD        = 21
TIMEPIX     = 22
FLI         = 23
PIMAX       = 24
ANDOR3D     = 25
JUNGFRAU    = 26

#XAMPS    # N/A data
#FEXAMP   # N/A data
#PHASICS  # N/A data
#OPAL1600 # N/A data
#EPIXS    # N/A data
#GOTTHARD # N/A data
""" Enumetated detector types"""

list_of_det_type = (UNDEFINED, CSPAD, CSPAD2X2, PRINCETON, PNCCD, TM6740, \
                    OPAL1000, OPAL2000, OPAL4000, OPAL8000, \
                    ORCAFL40, EPIX, EPIX10K, EPIX100A, FCCD960, ANDOR, ACQIRIS, IMP, QUARTZ4A150, RAYONIX,
""" List of enumetated detector types"""

list_of_det_names = ('UNDEFINED', 'Cspad', 'Cspad2x2', 'Princeton', 'pnCCD', 'Tm6740', \
                     'Opal1000', 'Opal2000', 'Opal4000', 'Opal8000', \
                     'OrcaFl40', 'Epix', 'Epix10k', 'Epix100a', 'Fccd960', 'Andor', 'Acqiris', 'Imp', 'Quartz4A150', 'Rayonix',\
                     'Evr', 'Fccd', 'Timepix', 'Fli', 'Pimax', 'Andor3d', 'Jungfrau')
""" List of enumetated detector names"""

list_of_calib_groups = ('UNDEFINED',
""" List of enumetated detector calibration groups"""

dic_det_type_to_name = dict(zip(list_of_det_type, list_of_det_names))
""" Dictionary for detector type : name"""

dic_det_type_to_calib_group = dict(zip(list_of_det_type, list_of_calib_groups))
""" Dictionary for detector type : group"""

bld_names = \


[docs]def det_type_from_source(source) : """ Returns enumerated detector type for string source """ str_src = str(source) if ':Cspad.' in str_src : return CSPAD elif ':Cspad2x2.' in str_src : return CSPAD2X2 elif ':pnCCD.' in str_src : return PNCCD elif ':Princeton.' in str_src : return PRINCETON elif ':Andor.' in str_src : return ANDOR elif ':Epix100a.' in str_src : return EPIX100A elif ':Epix10k.' in str_src : return EPIX10K elif ':Epix.' in str_src : return EPIX elif ':Opal1000.' in str_src : return OPAL1000 elif ':Opal2000.' in str_src : return OPAL2000 elif ':Opal4000.' in str_src : return OPAL4000 elif ':Opal8000.' in str_src : return OPAL8000 elif ':Tm6740.' in str_src : return TM6740 elif ':OrcaFl40.' in str_src : return ORCAFL40 elif ':Fccd960.' in str_src : return FCCD960 elif ':Acqiris.' in str_src : return ACQIRIS elif ':Imp.' in str_src : return IMP elif ':Quartz4A150.' in str_src : return QUARTZ4A150 elif ':Rayonix.' in str_src : return RAYONIX elif ':Evr.' in str_src : return EVR elif ':Fccd.' in str_src : return FCCD elif ':Timepix.' in str_src : return TIMEPIX elif ':Fli.' in str_src : return FLI elif ':Pimax.' in str_src : return PIMAX elif ':DualAndor.' in str_src : return ANDOR3D elif ':Jungfrau.' in str_src : return JUNGFRAU else : return UNDEFINED #------------------------------ ##----------------------------- #------------------------------
[docs]def string_from_source(source) : """Returns string like "CxiDs2.0:Cspad.0" from "Source('DetInfo(CxiDs2.0:Cspad.0)')" or "Source('DsaCsPad')" """ str_in_quots = str(source).split('"')[1] str_split = str_in_quots.split('(') return str_split[1].rstrip(')') if len(str_split)>1 else str_in_quots ##-----------------------------
[docs]def shape_nda_to_2d(arr) : """Return shape of np.array to reshape to 2-d """ sh = arr.shape if len(sh)<3 : return sh return (arr.size/sh[-1], sh[-1]) ##-----------------------------
[docs]def shape_nda_to_3d(arr) : """Return shape of np.array to reshape to 3-d """ sh = arr.shape if len(sh)<4 : return sh return (arr.size/sh[-1]/sh[-2], sh[-2], sh[-1]) ##-----------------------------
[docs]def reshape_nda_to_2d(arr) : """Reshape np.array to 2-d """ sh = arr.shape if len(sh)<3 : return arr arr.shape = (arr.size/sh[-1], sh[-1]) return arr ##-----------------------------
[docs]def reshape_nda_to_3d(arr) : """Reshape np.array to 3-d """ sh = arr.shape if len(sh)<4 : return arr arr.shape = (arr.size/sh[-1]/sh[-2], sh[-2], sh[-1]) return arr #------------------------------
[docs]def merge_masks(mask1=None, mask2=None, dtype=np.uint8) : """Merging masks using np.logical_and rule: (0,1,0,1)^(0,0,1,1) = (0,0,0,1) """ if mask1 is None : return mask2 if mask2 is None : return mask1 shape1 = mask1.shape shape2 = mask2.shape if shape1 != shape2 : if len(shape1) > len(shape2) : mask2.shape = shape1 else : mask1.shape = shape2 mask = np.logical_and(mask1, mask2) return mask if dtype==np.bool else np.asarray(mask, dtype) #------------------------------
[docs]def mask_neighbors(mask, allnbrs=True, dtype=np.uint8) : """Return mask with masked eight neighbor pixels around each 0-bad pixel in input mask. mask : int - n-dimensional (n>1) array with input mask allnbrs : bool - False/True - masks 4/8 neighbor pixels. """ shape_in = mask.shape if len(shape_in) < 2 : raise ValueError('Input mask has less then 2-d, shape = %s' % str(shape_in)) mask_out = np.asarray(mask, dtype) if len(shape_in) == 2 : # mask nearest neighbors mask_out[0:-1,:] = np.logical_and(mask_out[0:-1,:], mask[1:, :]) mask_out[1:, :] = np.logical_and(mask_out[1:, :], mask[0:-1,:]) mask_out[:,0:-1] = np.logical_and(mask_out[:,0:-1], mask[:,1: ]) mask_out[:,1: ] = np.logical_and(mask_out[:,1: ], mask[:,0:-1]) if allnbrs : # mask diagonal neighbors mask_out[0:-1,0:-1] = np.logical_and(mask_out[0:-1,0:-1], mask[1: ,1: ]) mask_out[1: ,0:-1] = np.logical_and(mask_out[1: ,0:-1], mask[0:-1,1: ]) mask_out[0:-1,1: ] = np.logical_and(mask_out[0:-1,1: ], mask[1: ,0:-1]) mask_out[1: ,1: ] = np.logical_and(mask_out[1: ,1: ], mask[0:-1,0:-1]) else : # shape>2 mask_out.shape = mask.shape = shape_nda_to_3d(mask) # mask nearest neighbors mask_out[:, 0:-1,:] = np.logical_and(mask_out[:, 0:-1,:], mask[:, 1:, :]) mask_out[:, 1:, :] = np.logical_and(mask_out[:, 1:, :], mask[:, 0:-1,:]) mask_out[:, :,0:-1] = np.logical_and(mask_out[:, :,0:-1], mask[:, :,1: ]) mask_out[:, :,1: ] = np.logical_and(mask_out[:, :,1: ], mask[:, :,0:-1]) if allnbrs : # mask diagonal neighbors mask_out[:, 0:-1,0:-1] = np.logical_and(mask_out[:, 0:-1,0:-1], mask[:, 1: ,1: ]) mask_out[:, 1: ,0:-1] = np.logical_and(mask_out[:, 1: ,0:-1], mask[:, 0:-1,1: ]) mask_out[:, 0:-1,1: ] = np.logical_and(mask_out[:, 0:-1,1: ], mask[:, 1: ,0:-1]) mask_out[:, 1: ,1: ] = np.logical_and(mask_out[:, 1: ,1: ], mask[:, 0:-1,0:-1]) mask_out.shape = mask.shape = shape_in return mask_out #------------------------------
[docs]def mask_edges(mask, mrows=1, mcols=1, dtype=np.uint8) : """Return mask with a requested number of row and column pixels masked - set to 0. mask : int - n-dimensional (n>1) array with input mask mrows : int - number of edge rows to mask mcols : int - number of edge columns to mask """ sh = mask.shape if len(sh) < 2 : raise ValueError('Input mask has less then 2-d, shape = %s' % str(sh)) mask_out = np.asarray(mask, dtype) # print 'shape:', sh if len(sh) == 2 : rows, cols = sh if mrows > rows : raise ValueError('Requested number of edge rows=%d to mask exceeds 2-d, shape=%s' % (mrows, str(sh))) if mcols > cols : raise ValueError('Requested number of edge columns=%d to mask exceeds 2-d, shape=%s' % (mcols, str(sh))) if mrows>0 : # mask edge rows mask_rows = np.zeros((mrows,cols), dtype=mask.dtype) mask_out[:mrows ,:] = mask_rows mask_out[-mrows:,:] = mask_rows if mcols>0 : # mask edge colss mask_cols = np.zeros((rows,mcols), dtype=mask.dtype) mask_out[:,:mcols ] = mask_cols mask_out[:,-mcols:] = mask_cols else : # shape>2 mask_out.shape = shape_nda_to_3d(mask) segs, rows, cols = mask_out.shape if mrows > rows : raise ValueError('Requested number of edge rows=%d to mask exceeds 2-d, shape=%s' % (mrows, str(sh))) if mcols > cols : raise ValueError('Requested number of edge columns=%d to mask exceeds 2-d, shape=%s' % (mcols, str(sh))) if mrows>0 : # mask edge rows mask_rows = np.zeros((segs,mrows,cols), dtype=mask.dtype) mask_out[:, :mrows ,:] = mask_rows mask_out[:, -mrows:,:] = mask_rows if mcols>0 : # mask edge colss mask_cols = np.zeros((segs,rows,mcols), dtype=mask.dtype) mask_out[:, :,:mcols ] = mask_cols mask_out[:, :,-mcols:] = mask_cols mask_out.shape = sh return mask_out ##-----------------------------
[docs]def str_tstamp(fmt='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S', time_sec=None) : """Returns string timestamp for specified format and time in sec or current time by default """ return strftime(fmt, localtime(time_sec)) #------------------------------
[docs]def get_enviroment(env='USER') : """Returns the value of specified by string name environment variable """ return os.environ[env] #------------------------------
[docs]def get_login() : """Returns login name """ #return os.getlogin() return getpass.getuser() #------------------------------
[docs]def get_hostname() : """Returns login name """ #return os.uname()[1] return socket.gethostname() #------------------------------
[docs]def get_cwd() : """Returns current working directory """ return os.getcwd() #------------------------------
[docs]def create_directory(dir, verb=False) : if os.path.exists(dir) : if verb : print 'Directory exists: %s' % dir else : os.makedirs(dir) if verb : print 'Directory created: %s' % dir #------------------------------
[docs]def save_textfile(text, path, mode='w') : """Saves text in file specified by path. mode: 'w'-write, 'a'-append """ f=open(path, mode) f.write(text) f.close() #------------------------------
[docs]def load_textfile(path) : """Returns text file as a str object """ f=open(path, 'r') recs = # f.readlines() f.close() return recs #------------------------------
[docs]def calib_dir(env) : cdir = env.calibDir() #if cdir == '/reg/d/psdm///calib' : # return None if os.path.exists(cdir) : return cdir #------------------------------
[docs]def exp_name(env) : exp = env.experiment() if exp=='' : return None return exp #------------------------------
[docs]def alias_for_src_name(env) : ckeys = env.configStore().keys() srcs = [k.src() for k in ckeys] alias = [k.alias() for k in ckeys] d = dict(zip(srcs, alias)) for s,a in d.items() : print 'src: %40s alias: %s' % (s, a) #print keysalias #------------------------------ #------------------------------ #------------------------------ #------------------------------
[docs]def test_mask_neighbors_2d(allnbrs=True) : from pyimgalgos.NDArrGenerators import random_exponential import pyimgalgos.Graphics as gr randexp = random_exponential(shape=(40,60), a0=1) fig = gr.figure(figsize=(16,6), title='Random 2-d mask') axim1 = gr.add_axes(fig, axwin=(0.05, 0.05, 0.40, 0.91)) axcb1 = gr.add_axes(fig, axwin=(0.452, 0.05, 0.01, 0.91)) axim2 = gr.add_axes(fig, axwin=(0.55, 0.05, 0.40, 0.91)) axcb2 = gr.add_axes(fig, axwin=(0.952, 0.05, 0.01, 0.91)) mask =>6,), (0,), default=1) mask_nbrs = mask_neighbors(mask, allnbrs) img1 = mask # mask # randexp img2 = mask_nbrs # mask # randexp imsh1, cbar1 = gr.imshow_cbar(fig, axim1, axcb1, img1, amin=0, amax=10, orientation='vertical') imsh2, cbar2 = gr.imshow_cbar(fig, axim2, axcb2, img2, amin=0, amax=10, orientation='vertical') #------------------------------
[docs]def test_mask_neighbors_3d(allnbrs=True) : from pyimgalgos.NDArrGenerators import random_exponential import pyimgalgos.Graphics as gr #randexp = random_exponential(shape=(2,2,30,80), a0=1) randexp = random_exponential(shape=(2,30,80), a0=1) fig = gr.figure(figsize=(16,6), title='Random > 2-d mask') axim1 = gr.add_axes(fig, axwin=(0.05, 0.05, 0.40, 0.91)) axcb1 = gr.add_axes(fig, axwin=(0.452, 0.05, 0.01, 0.91)) axim2 = gr.add_axes(fig, axwin=(0.55, 0.05, 0.40, 0.91)) axcb2 = gr.add_axes(fig, axwin=(0.952, 0.05, 0.01, 0.91)) mask =>6,), (0,), default=1) mask_nbrs = mask_neighbors(mask, allnbrs) img1 = reshape_nda_to_2d(mask) img2 = reshape_nda_to_2d(mask_nbrs) imsh1, cbar1 = gr.imshow_cbar(fig, axim1, axcb1, img1, amin=0, amax=10, orientation='vertical') imsh2, cbar2 = gr.imshow_cbar(fig, axim2, axcb2, img2, amin=0, amax=10, orientation='vertical') #------------------------------
[docs]def test_mask_edges_2d(mrows=1, mcols=1) : from pyimgalgos.NDArrGenerators import random_exponential import pyimgalgos.Graphics as gr fig = gr.figure(figsize=(8,6), title='Mask edges 2-d') axim1 = gr.add_axes(fig, axwin=(0.05, 0.05, 0.87, 0.91)) axcb1 = gr.add_axes(fig, axwin=(0.922, 0.05, 0.01, 0.91)) mask = np.ones((20,30)) mask_out = mask_edges(mask, mrows, mcols) img1 = mask_out imsh1, cbar1 = gr.imshow_cbar(fig, axim1, axcb1, img1, amin=0, amax=10, orientation='vertical') #------------------------------
[docs]def test_mask_edges_3d(mrows=1, mcols=1) : from pyimgalgos.NDArrGenerators import random_exponential import pyimgalgos.Graphics as gr fig = gr.figure(figsize=(8,6), title='Mask edges 2-d') axim1 = gr.add_axes(fig, axwin=(0.05, 0.05, 0.87, 0.91)) axcb1 = gr.add_axes(fig, axwin=(0.922, 0.05, 0.01, 0.91)) #mask = np.ones((2,2,20,30)) mask = np.ones((2,20,30)) mask_out = mask_edges(mask, mrows, mcols) img1 = reshape_nda_to_2d(mask_out) imsh1, cbar1 = gr.imshow_cbar(fig, axim1, axcb1, img1, amin=0, amax=10, orientation='vertical') #------------------------------ #def src_name_from_alias(env, alias='') : # amap = env.aliasMap() # for s in amap.srcs() : # str_s = str(s) # 'MfxEndstation.0:Rayonix.0' # print s, amap.src(str_s), ' alias ="%s"' % amap.alias(amap.src(str_s)) # # #psasrc = amap.src(str_src) # #source = src if amap.alias(psasrc) == '' else amap.src(str_src) #------------------------------ #------------------------------
[docs]def do_test() : print 'get_enviroment(USER) : %s' % get_enviroment() print 'get_login() : %s' % get_login() print 'get_hostname() : %s' % get_hostname() print 'get_cwd() : %s' % get_cwd() #print ': %s' % if len(sys.argv) > 1 : if sys.argv[1] == '1' : test_mask_neighbors_2d(allnbrs = False) if sys.argv[1] == '2' : test_mask_neighbors_2d(allnbrs = True) if sys.argv[1] == '3' : test_mask_neighbors_3d(allnbrs = False) if sys.argv[1] == '4' : test_mask_neighbors_3d(allnbrs = True) if sys.argv[1] == '5' : test_mask_edges_2d(mrows=5, mcols=1) if sys.argv[1] == '6' : test_mask_edges_2d(mrows=0, mcols=5) if sys.argv[1] == '7' : test_mask_edges_3d(mrows=1, mcols=2) if sys.argv[1] == '8' : test_mask_edges_3d(mrows=5, mcols=0) #------------------------------
if __name__ == "__main__" : do_test() #------------------------------