Source code for PSCalib.SegGeometry

#!/usr/bin/env python
""" SegGeometry - abstract class with interface description.

Methods of this class should be re-implemented in derived classes with name pattern SegGeometry<SensorVers> 
for pixel geometry description of all sensors.
For example, CSPAD 2x1 sensor is implemented in class :py:class:`PSCalib.SegGeometryCspad2x1V1`.
Access to all implemented sensors is available through the factory method in class :py:class:`PSCalib.SegGeometryStore`.

Usage of interface methods::

    from SegGeometryCspad2x1V1 import cspad2x1_one as sg

    size_arr = sg.size()
    rows     = sg.rows()
    cols     = sg.cols()
    shape    = sg.shape()
    pix_size = sg.pixel_scale_size()
    area     = sg.pixel_area_array()
    mask     = sg.pixel_mask(mbits=0377)    
    sizeX    = sg.pixel_size_array('X')
    sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ = sg.pixel_size_array()
    X        = sg.pixel_coord_array('X')
    X,Y,Z    = sg.pixel_coord_array()
    xmin = sg.pixel_coord_min('X')
    ymax = sg.pixel_coord_max('Y')
    xmin, ymin, zmin = sg.pixel_coord_min()
    xmax, ymax, zmax = sg.pixel_coord_mas()
    print 'X.shape =', X.shape

@see :py:class:`PSCalib.SegGeometry`, :py:class:`PSCalib.SegGeometryCspad2x1V1`, :py:class:`PSCalib.SegGeometryStore`

This software was developed for the SIT project.
If you use all or part of it, please give an appropriate acknowledgment.

Revision: $Revision: 10629 $

@version $Id: 10629 2015-08-27 23:05:30Z dubrovin@SLAC.STANFORD.EDU $

@author Mikhail S. Dubrovin
__version__ = "$Revision: 10629 $"

import sys
#import os
#import math
#import numpy as np


[docs]def rotation(X, Y, C, S) : """For numpy arrays X and Y returns the numpy arrays of Xrot and Yrot """ Xrot = X*C - Y*S Yrot = Y*C + X*S return Xrot, Yrot #------------------------------
class SegGeometry : AXIS = ['X', 'Y', 'Z'] DIC_AXIS = {'X':0, 'Y':1, 'Z':2} wmsg = 'WARNING! %s - interface method from the base class \nneeds to be re-implemented in the derived class' def __init__(self) : pass #------------------------------ def print_seg_info(self, pbits=0) : """ Prints segment info for selected bits """ print self.wmsg % 'print_seg_info(pbits=0)' def size(self) : """ Returns segment size - total number of pixels in segment """ print self.wmsg % 'size()' def rows(self) : """ Returns number of rows in segment """ print self.wmsg % 'rows()' def cols(self) : """ Returns number of cols in segment """ print self.wmsg % 'cols()' def shape(self) : """ Returns shape of the segment [rows, cols] """ print self.wmsg % 'shape()' def pixel_scale_size(self) : """ Returns pixel size in um for indexing """ print self.wmsg % 'pixel_scale_size()' def pixel_area_array(self) : """ Returns array of pixel relative areas of shape=[rows, cols] """ print self.wmsg % 'pixel_area_array()' def pixel_size_array(self, axis) : """ Returns array of pixel size in um for AXIS """ print self.wmsg % 'pixel_size_array(axis)' def pixel_coord_array(self, axis) : """ Returns array of segment pixel coordinates in um for AXIS """ print self.wmsg % 'pixel_coord_array(axis)' def pixel_coord_min(self, axis) : """ Returns minimal value in the array of segment pixel coordinates in um for AXIS """ print self.wmsg % 'pixel_coord_min(axis)' def pixel_coord_max(self, axis) : """ Returns maximal value in the array of segment pixel coordinates in um for AXIS """ print self.wmsg % 'pixel_coord_max(axis)' def pixel_mask_array(self, mbits) : """ Returns array of masked pixels which content depends on bontrol bitword mbits """ print self.wmsg % 'pixel_mask_array(mask_bits)' def return_switch(sp, meth, axis=None) : """ Returns three x,y,z arrays if axis=None, or single array for specified axis """ if axis is None : return meth() else : return dict( zip( sp.AXIS, meth() ))[axis] #------------------------------ # def print_geo(self) : # print 'parent:%10s %2d geo: %10s %2d' % (self.pname, self.pindex, self.oname, self.oindex) + \ # ' x0:%8.0f y0:%8.0f z0:%8.0f' % (self.x0, self.y0, self.z0) + \ # ' rot_z:%6.1f rot_y:%6.1f rot_x:%6.1f' % (self.rot_z, self.rot_y, self.rot_x) + \ # ' tilt_z:%8.5f tilt_y:%8.5f tilt_x:%8.5f' % (self.tilt_z, self.tilt_y, self.tilt_x) #------------------------------ #------------------------------ #------------------------------ if __name__ == "__main__" : print 'Module %s describes interface methods for segment pixel geometry' % sys.argv[0] sg = SegGeometry() sg.print_seg_info() sg.size() sys.exit ('End of %s' % sys.argv[0]) #------------------------------ #------------------------------ #------------------------------