Source code for PSCalib.SegGeometryEpix100V1

# File and Version Information:
#  $Id: 12411 2016-08-05 17:46:52Z dubrovin@SLAC.STANFORD.EDU $
# Description:
#  Module SegGeometryEpix100V1...

"""Class :py:class:`PSCalib.SegGeometryEpix100V1` describes the Epix100 V1 sensor geometry.

In this class we use natural matrix notations like in data array
\n We assume that
\n * 2x2 ASICs has 704 rows and 768 columns,
\n * Epix100 has a pixel size 50x50um, wide pixel size 50x175um
\n * Epix10k has a pixel size 100x100um, 
\n * X-Y coordinate system origin is in the sensor center,
\n * pixel (r,c)=(0,0) is in the top left corner of the matrix, has coordinates (xmin,ymax), as shown below
\n ::

   (Xmin,Ymax)      ^ Y          (Xmax,Ymax)
   (0,0)            |            (0,768)
      |             |              |
      |             |              |
      |             |              |
      |             |              |
      |             |              |
      |             |              |
      |             |              |
    --|-------------+--------------|----> X
      |             |              |
      |             |              |
      |             |              |
      |             |              |
      |             |              |
      |             |              |
      |             |              |
   (704,0)          |           (704,768)
   (Xmin,Ymin)                  (Xmax,Ymin)

Usage of interface methods::

    from SegGeometryEpix100V1 import epix2x2_one as sg


    size_arr = sg.size()
    rows     = sg.rows()
    cols     = sg.cols()
    shape    = sg.shape()
    pix_size = pixel_scale_size()

    area     = sg.pixel_area_array()
    mask     = sg.pixel_mask_array(mbits=0377)
    # where mbits = +1-edges, +2-wide pixels

    sizeX = sg.pixel_size_array('X')
    sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ = sg.pixel_size_array()

    X     = sg.pixel_coord_array('X')
    X,Y,Z = sg.pixel_coord_array()
    print 'X.shape =', X.shape

    xmin, ymin, zmin = sg.pixel_coord_min()
    xmax, ymax, zmax = sg.pixel_coord_max()
    xmin = sg.pixel_coord_min('X')
    ymax = sg.pixel_coord_max('Y')

    # global method for rotation of numpy arrays:
    Xrot, Yrot = rotation(X, Y, C, S)

This software was developed for the SIT project.  If you use all or 
part of it, please give an appropriate acknowledgment.

@see :py:class:`PSCalib.SegGeometry`

@version $Id: 2013-03-08$

@author Mikhail S. Dubrovin

#  Module's version from CVS --
__version__ = "$Revision: 12411 $"
# $Source$

import sys
import math
import numpy as np
from time import time

from PSCalib.SegGeometry import *


class SegGeometryEpix100V1(SegGeometry) :
    """Self-sufficient class for generation of Epix100 2x2 sensor pixel coordinate array"""

    _rows  = 704     # Number of rows in 2x2
    _cols  = 768     # Number of cols in 2x2
    _pixs  =  50     # Pixel size in um (micrometer)
    _pixw  = 175     # Wide pixel size in um (micrometer)
    _pixd  = 400.00  # Pixel depth in um (micrometer)

    _colsh = _cols/2
    _rowsh = _rows/2
    _pixsh = _pixs/2
    _pixwh = _pixw/2


    def __init__(sp, use_wide_pix_center=True) :
        #print 'SegGeometryEpix100V1.__init__()'

        #super(SegGeometry, self).__init__()

        sp.use_wide_pix_center = use_wide_pix_center

        sp.x_pix_arr_um_offset  = None
        sp.pix_area_arr = None



    def make_pixel_coord_arrs(sp) :
        """Makes [704,768] maps of x, y, and z 2x2 pixel coordinates
        with origin in the center of 2x2
        x_rhs = np.arange(sp._colsh)*sp._pixs + sp._pixw - sp._pixsh
        if sp.use_wide_pix_center : x_rhs[0] = sp._pixwh # set x-coordinate of the wide pixel in its geometry center
        sp.x_arr_um = np.hstack([-x_rhs[::-1], x_rhs])

        y_rhs = np.arange(sp._rowsh)*sp._pixs + sp._pixw - sp._pixsh
        if sp.use_wide_pix_center : y_rhs[0] = sp._pixwh # set y-coordinate of the wide pixel in its geometry center
        sp.y_arr_um = np.hstack([-y_rhs[::-1], y_rhs])

        sp.x_pix_arr_um, sp.y_pix_arr_um  = np.meshgrid(sp.x_arr_um, sp.y_arr_um)
        sp.z_pix_arr_um = np.zeros((sp._rows,sp._cols))

    def make_pixel_size_arrs(sp) :
        """Makes [704,768] maps of x, y, and z 2x2 pixel size 
        if sp.pix_area_arr is not None : return

        x_rhs_size_um = np.ones(sp._colsh)*sp._pixs
        x_rhs_size_um[0] = sp._pixw
        x_arr_size_um = np.hstack([x_rhs_size_um[::-1],x_rhs_size_um])

        y_rhs_size_um = np.ones(sp._rowsh)*sp._pixs
        y_rhs_size_um[0] = sp._pixw
        y_arr_size_um = np.hstack([y_rhs_size_um[::-1],y_rhs_size_um])

        sp.x_pix_size_um, sp.y_pix_size_um = np.meshgrid(x_arr_size_um, y_arr_size_um)
        sp.z_pix_size_um = np.ones((sp._rows,sp._cols)) * sp._pixd
        factor = 1./(sp._pixs*sp._pixs)
        sp.pix_area_arr = sp.x_pix_size_um * sp.y_pix_size_um * factor


    def print_member_data(sp) :
        print 'SegGeometryEpix100V1.print_member_data()'
        print '    _rows : %d'     % sp._rows
        print '    _cols : %d'     % sp._cols
        print '    _pixs  : %7.2f' % sp._pixs 
        print '    _pixw  : %7.2f' % sp._pixw 
        print '    _pixd  : %7.2f' % sp._pixd 
        print '    _colsh : %d'    % sp._colsh
        print '    _pixsh : %7.2f' % sp._pixsh
        print '    _pixwh : %7.2f' % sp._pixwh


    def print_pixel_size_arrs(sp) :
        print 'SegGeometryEpix100V1.print_pixel_size_arrs()'
        print 'sp.x_pix_size_um[348:358,378:388]:\n', sp.x_pix_size_um[348:358,378:388]
        print 'sp.x_pix_size_um.shape = ',            sp.x_pix_size_um.shape
        print 'sp.y_pix_size_um:\n',                  sp.y_pix_size_um
        print 'sp.y_pix_size_um.shape = ',            sp.y_pix_size_um.shape
        print 'sp.z_pix_size_um:\n',                  sp.z_pix_size_um
        print 'sp.z_pix_size_um.shape = ',            sp.z_pix_size_um.shape
        print 'sp.pix_area_arr[348:358,378:388]:\n',  sp.pix_area_arr[348:358,378:388]
        print 'sp.pix_area_arr.shape  = ',            sp.pix_area_arr.shape


    def print_maps_seg_um(sp) :
        print 'SegGeometryEpix100V1.print_maps_seg_um()'
        print 'x_pix_arr_um =\n',      sp.x_pix_arr_um
        print 'x_pix_arr_um.shape = ', sp.x_pix_arr_um.shape
        print 'y_pix_arr_um =\n',      sp.y_pix_arr_um
        print 'y_pix_arr_um.shape = ', sp.y_pix_arr_um.shape
        print 'z_pix_arr_um =\n',      sp.z_pix_arr_um
        print 'z_pix_arr_um.shape = ', sp.z_pix_arr_um.shape


    def print_xy_1darr_um(sp) :
        print 'SegGeometryEpix100V1.print_xy_1darr_um()'
        print 'x_arr_um:\n',       sp.x_arr_um
        print 'x_arr_um.shape = ', sp.x_arr_um.shape
        print 'y_arr_um:\n',       sp.y_arr_um
        print 'y_arr_um.shape = ', sp.y_arr_um.shape


    def print_xyz_min_max_um(sp) :
        print 'SegGeometryEpix100V1.print_xyz_min_max_um()'
        xmin, ymin, zmin = sp.get_xyz_min_um()
        xmax, ymax, zmax = sp.get_xyz_max_um()
        print 'In [um] xmin:%9.2f, xmax:%9.2f, ymin:%9.2f, ymax:%9.2f, zmin:%9.2f, zmax:%9.2f' \
              % (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax)


    def get_xyz_min_um(sp) : 
        return sp.x_arr_um[0], sp.y_arr_um[-1], 0

    def get_xyz_max_um(sp) : 
        return sp.x_arr_um[-1], sp.y_arr_um[0], 0

    def get_seg_xy_maps_um(sp) : 
        return sp.x_pix_arr_um, sp.y_pix_arr_um

    def get_seg_xyz_maps_um(sp) : 
        return sp.x_pix_arr_um, sp.y_pix_arr_um, sp.z_pix_arr_um

    def get_seg_xy_maps_um_with_offset(sp) : 
        if  sp.x_pix_arr_um_offset is None :
            x_min_um, y_min_um, z_min_um = sp.get_xyz_min_um()
            sp.x_pix_arr_um_offset = sp.x_pix_arr_um - x_min_um
            sp.y_pix_arr_um_offset = sp.y_pix_arr_um - y_min_um
        return sp.x_pix_arr_um_offset, sp.y_pix_arr_um_offset

    def get_seg_xyz_maps_um_with_offset(sp) : 
        if  sp.x_pix_arr_um_offset is None :
            x_min_um, y_min_um, z_min_um = sp.get_xyz_min_um()
            sp.x_pix_arr_um_offset = sp.x_pix_arr_um - x_min_um
            sp.y_pix_arr_um_offset = sp.y_pix_arr_um - y_min_um
            sp.z_pix_arr_um_offset = sp.z_pix_arr_um - z_min_um
        return sp.x_pix_arr_um_offset, sp.y_pix_arr_um_offset, sp.z_pix_arr_um_offset

    def get_pix_size_um(sp) : 
        return sp._pixs

    def get_pixel_size_arrs_um(sp) :
        return sp.x_pix_size_um, sp.y_pix_size_um, sp.z_pix_size_um

    def get_pixel_area_arr(sp) :
        return sp.pix_area_arr

    def get_seg_xy_maps_pix(sp) :
        sp.x_pix_arr_pix = sp.x_pix_arr_um/sp._pixs
        sp.y_pix_arr_pix = sp.y_pix_arr_um/sp._pixs
        return sp.x_pix_arr_pix, sp.y_pix_arr_pix

    def get_seg_xy_maps_pix_with_offset(sp) :
        X, Y = sp.get_seg_xy_maps_pix()
        xmin, ymin = X.min(), Y.min()
        return X-xmin, Y-ymin


    def print_seg_info(sp, pbits=0) :
        """ Prints segment info for selected bits
            pbits = 0 - nothing
                   +1 - member data
                   +2 - coordinate maps in um
                   +4 - min, max coordinates in um
                   +8 - x, y 1-d pixel coordinate arrays in um
        if pbits & 1 : sp.print_member_data()
        if pbits & 2 : sp.print_maps_seg_um()
        if pbits & 4 : sp.print_xyz_min_max_um()
        if pbits & 8 : sp.print_xy_1darr_um()

    def size(sp) :
        """ Returns number of pixels in segment
        return sp._rows*sp._cols

    def rows(sp) :
        """ Returns number of rows in segment
        return sp._rows

    def cols(sp) :
        """ Returns number of cols in segment
        return sp._cols

    def shape(sp) :
        """ Returns shape of the segment (rows, cols)
        return (sp._rows, sp._cols)

    def pixel_scale_size(sp) :
        """ Returns pixel size in um for indexing
        return sp._pixs

    def pixel_area_array(sp) :
        """ Returns pixel area array of shape=(rows, cols)
        return sp.get_pixel_area_arr()

    def pixel_size_array(sp, axis=None) :
        """ Returns numpy array of pixel sizes in um for AXIS
        return sp.return_switch(sp.get_pixel_size_arrs_um, axis)

    def pixel_coord_array(sp, axis=None) :
        """ Returns numpy array of segment pixel coordinates in um for AXIS
        return sp.return_switch(sp.get_seg_xyz_maps_um, axis)

    def pixel_coord_min(sp, axis=None) :
        """ Returns minimal value in the array of segment pixel coordinates in um for AXIS
        return sp.return_switch(sp.get_xyz_min_um, axis)

    def pixel_coord_max(sp, axis=None) :
        """ Returns maximal value in the array of segment pixel coordinates in um for AXIS
        return sp.return_switch(sp.get_xyz_max_um, axis)

    def pixel_mask_array(sp, mbits=0377) :
        """ Returns numpy array of pixel mask: 1/0 = ok/masked,
            mbits: +1 - mask edges
                   +2 - mask two central columns 
        zero_col = np.zeros(sp._rows,dtype=np.uint8)
        zero_row = np.zeros(sp._cols,dtype=np.uint8)
        mask     = np.ones((sp._rows,sp._cols),dtype=np.uint8)

        if mbits & 1 : 
        # mask edges
            mask[0, :] = zero_row # mask top    edge
            mask[-1,:] = zero_row # mask bottom edge
            mask[:, 0] = zero_col # mask left   edge
            mask[:,-1] = zero_col # mask right  edge

        if mbits & 2 : 
        # mask two central columns
            mask[:,sp._colsh-1] = zero_col # mask central-left  column
            mask[:,sp._colsh]   = zero_col # mask central-right column
            mask[sp._rowsh-1]   = zero_row # mask central-low   row
            mask[sp._rowsh]     = zero_row # mask central-high  row

        return mask


epix2x2_one = SegGeometryEpix100V1(use_wide_pix_center=False)

#----------- TEST -------------

if __name__ == "__main__" :
    import pyimgalgos.GlobalGraphics as gg # For test purpose in main only

[docs]def test_xyz_min_max() : w = SegGeometryEpix100V1() w.print_xyz_min_max_um() print 'Ymin = ', w.pixel_coord_min('Y') print 'Ymax = ', w.pixel_coord_max('Y') #------------------------------
[docs]def test_xyz_maps() : w = SegGeometryEpix100V1() w.print_maps_seg_um() titles = ['X map','Y map'] #for i,arr2d in enumerate([w.x_pix_arr,w.y_pix_arr]) : for i,arr2d in enumerate( w.get_seg_xy_maps_pix() ) : amp_range = (arr2d.min(), arr2d.max()) gg.plotImageLarge(arr2d, amp_range=amp_range, figsize=(10,5), title=titles[i]) gg.move(200*i,100*i) #------------------------------
[docs]def test_2x2_img() : t0_sec = time() w = SegGeometryEpix100V1(use_wide_pix_center=False) #w = SegGeometryEpix100V1(use_wide_pix_center=True) print 'Consumed time for coordinate arrays (sec) =', time()-t0_sec X,Y = w.get_seg_xy_maps_pix() w.print_seg_info(0377) #print 'X(pix) :\n', X print 'X.shape =', X.shape xmin, ymin, zmin = w.get_xyz_min_um() xmax, ymax, zmax = w.get_xyz_max_um() xmin /= w.pixel_scale_size() xmax /= w.pixel_scale_size() ymin /= w.pixel_scale_size() ymax /= w.pixel_scale_size() xsize = xmax - xmin + 1 ysize = ymax - ymin + 1 print 'xsize =', xsize print 'ysize =', ysize # H, Xedges, Yedges = np.histogram2d(X.flatten(), Y.flatten(), bins=[xsize,ysize], range=[[xmin, xmax], [ymin, ymax]], normed=False, weights=X.flatten()+Y.flatten()) # print 'Xedges:', Xedges # print 'Yedges:', Yedges # print 'H.shape:', H.shape # gg.plotImageLarge(H, amp_range=(-800, 800), figsize=(8,10)) # range=(-1, 2), # #------------------------------
[docs]def test_2x2_img_easy() : pc2x2 = SegGeometryEpix100V1(use_wide_pix_center=False) X,Y = pc2x2.get_seg_xy_maps_pix_with_offset() iX, iY = (X+0.25).astype(int), (Y+0.25).astype(int) img = gg.getImageFromIndexArrays(iX,iY,iX+iY) gg.plotImageLarge(img, amp_range=(0, 1500), figsize=(8,10)) #------------------------------
[docs]def test_pix_sizes() : w = SegGeometryEpix100V1() w.print_pixel_size_arrs() size_arrX = w.pixel_size_array('X') size_arrY = w.pixel_size_array('Y') area_arr = w.pixel_area_array() print 'area_arr[348:358,378:388]:\n', area_arr[348:358,378:388] print 'area_arr.shape :', area_arr.shape print 'size_arrX[348:358,378:388]:\n', size_arrX[348:358,378:388] print 'size_arrX.shape :', size_arrX.shape print 'size_arrY[348:358,378:388]:\n', size_arrY[348:358,378:388] print 'size_arrY.shape :', size_arrY.shape #------------------------------
[docs]def test_2x2_mask(mbits=0377) : pc2x2 = SegGeometryEpix100V1(use_wide_pix_center=False) X, Y = pc2x2.get_seg_xy_maps_pix_with_offset() mask = pc2x2.pixel_mask_array(mbits) mask[mask==0]=3 iX, iY = (X+0.25).astype(int), (Y+0.25).astype(int) img = gg.getImageFromIndexArrays(iX,iY,mask) gg.plotImageLarge(img, amp_range=(-1, 2), figsize=(8,10)) #------------------------------
if __name__ == "__main__" : if len(sys.argv)==1 : print 'For test(s) use command: python', sys.argv[0], '<test-number=0-5>' elif sys.argv[1]=='0' : test_xyz_min_max() elif sys.argv[1]=='1' : test_xyz_maps() elif sys.argv[1]=='2' : test_2x2_img() elif sys.argv[1]=='3' : test_2x2_img_easy() elif sys.argv[1]=='4' : test_pix_sizes() elif sys.argv[1]=='5' : test_2x2_mask(mbits=1+2) else : print 'Non-expected arguments: sys.argv=', sys.argv sys.exit( 'End of test.' ) #------------------------------