Source code for PSCalib.h5constants

import h5py
import numpy
import logging

[docs]class ConstantsStore(object): def __init__(self,obj,file): self.f = h5py.File(file,'w') self.cwd = '' for k in obj.keys(): subobj = obj[k] self.dispatch(subobj,str(k)) self.f.close()
[docs] def pushdir(self,dir): '''move down a level and keep track of what hdf directory level we are in''' self.cwd += '/'+dir
[docs] def popdir(self): '''move up a level and keep track of what hdf directory level we are in''' self.cwd = self.cwd[:self.cwd.rfind('/')]
[docs] def typeok(self,obj,name): '''check if we support serializing this type to hdf''' allowed = [dict,int,float,str,numpy.ndarray] return type(obj) in allowed
[docs] def storevalue(self,v,name): '''persist one of the supported types to the hdf file''' self.f[self.cwd+'/'+name] = v
[docs] def dict(self,d,name): '''called for every dictionary level to create a new hdf group name. it then looks into the dictionary to see if other groups need to be created''' if self.cwd is '': self.f.create_group(name) self.pushdir(name) for k in d.keys(): self.dispatch(d[k],str(k)) self.popdir()
[docs] def dispatch(self,obj,name): '''either persist a supported object, or look into a dictionary to see what objects need to be persisted''' if type(obj) is dict: self.dict(obj,name) else: if self.typeok(obj,name): self.storevalue(obj,name) else: logging.warning(' variable "'+name+'" of type "'+type(obj).__name__+'" not supported')
[docs]class ConstantsLoad(object): def __init__(self,file): self.obj = {} self.f = h5py.File(file,'r') self.f.visititems(self.loadCallBack) self.f.close()
[docs] def setval(self,name,obj): '''see if this hdfname has a / in it. if so, create the dictionary object. if not, set our attribute value. call ourselves recursively to see if other dictionary levels exist.''' if '/' in name: dictname=name[:name.find('/')] remainder=name[name.find('/')+1:] if not dictname in obj: obj[dictname]={} self.setval(remainder,obj[dictname]) else: obj[name]=self.f[self.fullname].value
[docs] def loadCallBack(self,name,obj): '''called back by h5py routine visititems for each item (group/dataset) in the h5 file''' if isinstance(obj, return self.fullname = name self.setval(name,self.obj)
[docs]def load(file): '''takes a string filename, and returns a constants object.''' c = ConstantsLoad(file) return c.obj
[docs]def save(file,obj): '''store a constants object in an hdf5 file. the object can be a hierarchy (defined by python dictionaries) and hdf5 supported types (int, float, numpy.ndarray, string). the hierarchy can be created by having one value of a dictionary itself be a dictionary.''' c = ConstantsStore(obj,file)
if __name__ == "__main__": ct = { 'version' : 0, 'darkreferencepath':'hello', 'nb':12, 'subdict':{'first' : 1, 'second' : 'two','three' : 'bahahah'} } save('ConstTest.h5',ct) data = load('ConstTest.h5') print '***',data