Source code for pyana.config

# File and Version Information:
#  $Id: 5534 2013-02-27 22:30:02Z salnikov@SLAC.STANFORD.EDU $
# Description:
#  Module config...

"""Job configuration for pyana

This software was developed for the LUSI project.  If you use all or 
part of it, please give an appropriate acknowledgment.

@see RelatedModule

@version $Id: 5534 2013-02-27 22:30:02Z salnikov@SLAC.STANFORD.EDU $

@author Andrei Salnikov

#  Module's version from CVS --
__version__ = "$Revision: 5534 $"
# $Source$

#  Imports of standard modules --
import sys
import logging
import ConfigParser 
from optparse import OptionParser, make_option
import gc

#  Imports of base class module --

# Imports for other modules --

# Local non-exported definitions --
_log = logging.getLogger("pyana.config")

# maps option names in config file to command-line options names
# and the conversion functions
_unity = lambda x : x

def _str2bool(x):
    if x.lower() in ('false', '0', 'no') : return False
    if x.lower() in ('true', '1', 'yes') : return True
    raise ValueError('invalid value for boolean conversion: \"%s\"' % x)

_options = {
    'verbose'    : ( 'verbose',    int ),
    'file-list'  : ( 'file_list',  _unity),
    'num-events' : ( 'num_events', int),
    'skip-events': ( 'skip_events',int),
    'skip-epics' : ( 'skip_epics', _str2bool),
    'modules'    : ( 'module',     lambda x : x.split()),
    'files'      : ( '',           lambda x : x.split()),
    'job-name'   : ( 'job_name',   _unity),
    'num-cpu'    : ( 'num_cpu',    int),
    'dg-ref'     : ( 'dg_ref',     _str2bool),
    'experiment' : ( 'experiment', _unity),
    'calib-dir'  : ( 'calib_dir', _unity),
    'gc-threshod': ( 'gc_threshod', int),
    'gc-debug'   : ( 'gc_debug',   _str2bool),
    'round-robin': ( 'round_robin',_str2bool),

_cmdoptions = [
    make_option( '-v', "--verbose", action="count", help="increase verbosity" ),
    make_option( '-c', "--config", metavar="FILE", help="configuration file" ),
    make_option( '-C', "--config-name", metavar="STRING", help="configuration name, def: empty" ),
    make_option( '-l', "--file-list", metavar="FILE", help="file with a list of file names in it" ),
    make_option( '-n', "--num-events", metavar="NUMBER", type="int", help="maximum number of events to process" ),
    make_option( '-s', "--skip-events", metavar="NUMBER", type="int", help="number of events to skip" ),
    make_option( "--no-skip-epics", action="store_false", dest="skip_epics", help="Do not skip EPICS-only events, default is to skip" ),
    make_option( '-j', "--job-name", metavar="STRING", help="job name, default is deduced from file name(s)" ),
    make_option( '-m', "--module", metavar="NAME", action="append", help="user module name, multiple modules allowed" ),
    make_option( '-p', "--num-cpu", metavar="NUMBER", type="int", help="number grater than 1 enables multi-processing" ),
    make_option( '-r', "--dg-ref", action="store_true", help="pass datagrams by-reference to children processes" ),
    make_option( '-e', "--experiment", metavar="STRING", help="experiment name, format: XPP:xpp12311 or xpp12311, default is deduced from file name(s)" ),
    make_option( '-b', "--calib-dir", metavar="STRING", help="calibration directory name, may include $experiment and $instrument" ),
    make_option( "--gc-threshod", metavar="NUMBER", type="int", help="threshold in MB for running garbage collector, use 0 to disable; def: 10" ),
    make_option( "--gc-debug", action="store_true",help="debug garbage collection" ),
    make_option( "--round-robin", action="store_true", help="use round-robin algorithm for event distribution in multi-processing mode" ),

# Exported definitions --

#  Class definition --
[docs]class config ( object ) : #-------------------- # Class variables -- #-------------------- #---------------- # Constructor -- #---------------- def __init__ ( self, args=None ) : self._parser = OptionParser(usage="%prog [options] [xtc-files ...]", option_list=_cmdoptions) self._options, self._args = self._parser.parse_args(args) # set logging level log_levels = { None: logging.WARNING, 0: logging.WARNING, 1: logging.INFO, 2: logging.DEBUG } level = log_levels.get ( self._options.verbose, logging.DEBUG ) logging.getLogger().setLevel(level) self._config = None self._sections = ["pyana"] if self._options.config_name : self._sections.insert(0, "pyana."+self._options.config_name) # read config file configFile = self._options.config if configFile :"reading config file %s", configFile) self._config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() self._config.readfp(file(configFile)) else :"reading config file pyana.cfg") self._config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()"pyana.cfg") # verify that config file options have valid names for section in self._config.sections() : _log.debug("config section=%s", section) if section in self._sections: for option in self._config.options(section): _log.debug("config section=%s option=%s", section, option) if option not in _options : raise ValueError("unknown option name '%s' in section [%s]" % (option, section) ) # update logging level level = log_levels.get ( self.getJobConfig('verbose', 0), logging.DEBUG ) logging.getLogger().setLevel(level) # set GC debug if self.getJobConfig('gc-debug', False): gc.set_debug(gc.DEBUG_STATS) #------------------- # Public methods -- #-------------------
[docs] def files( self ): """ Returns the list of input file names """ # get file names files = self.getJobConfig('files') file_list = self.getJobConfig('file-list') if not self._args and not file_list and not files: self._parser.error("at least one file name or a file list required") if self._args and file_list : self._parser.error("file list cannot be used with the file names") if files and file_list : self._parser.error("file list cannot be used with the file names") if self._args: names = self._args elif files: names = files elif file_list : # read file names from file names = file(file_list).readlines() names = [ n.strip() for n in names ] names = [ n for n in names if n ] return names
[docs] def getJobConfig( self, option, default=None ): """ Gets configuration option from one of many sections """ opt = _options.get(option) if not opt : raise ValueError('unknown option name: %s' % option) # first try command line option cmdopt = opt[0] if cmdopt : value = getattr(self._options, cmdopt) if value is not None: return value # then from config file for section in self._sections: try: _log.debug("getJobConfig section=%s option=%s", section, option) strval = self._config.get(section, option) if len(strval) > 0: # remove psana-style continuation characters strval = strval.replace("\\\n", " ") if strval[len(strval) - 1] == "\\": strval = strval[:len(strval) - 1] # convert it to correct type return opt[1](strval) except ConfigParser.NoSectionError: pass except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: pass _log.debug("getJobConfig option not found") # otherwise default return default
[docs] def getModuleConfig( self, module ): """ Gets configuration options for a module as a dictionary """ config = {} try : if ':' in module : # read options from the main module section try: base = module.split(':')[0] config.update( self._config.items(base) ) except ConfigParser.NoSectionError: pass config.update( self._config.items(module) ) except ConfigParser.NoSectionError: pass return config #-------------------------------- # Static/class public methods -- #-------------------------------- #-------------------- # Private methods -- #-------------------- # # In case someone decides to run this module #
if __name__ == "__main__" : # In principle we can try to run test suite for this module, # have to think about it later. Right now just abort. sys.exit ( "Module is not supposed to be run as main module" )