Source code for pyimgalgos.EventViewer

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import pyimgalgos.GlobalGraphics as gg
#import matplotlib.patches as patches # for patches.Circle
#from time import sleep

import psana


[docs]def list_of_times_default(run): print 'Default list of times for entire run' return run.times() #------------------------------
[docs]def fig_axes(figsize=(13,12), title='Image', dpi=80, \ win_axim=(0.05, 0.03, 0.87, 0.93), \ win_axcb=(0.923, 0.03, 0.02, 0.93)) : """ Creates and returns figure, and axes for image and color bar """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi, facecolor='w', edgecolor='w', frameon=True) axim = fig.add_axes(win_axim) axcb = fig.add_axes(win_axcb) fig.canvas.set_window_title(title) return fig, axim, axcb #------------------------------
class EventViewer : list_of_dtypes = [psana.ndarray_float32_2, \ psana.ndarray_float64_2, \ psana.ndarray_int16_2, \ psana.ndarray_int32_2, \ psana.ndarray_int64_2, \ psana.ndarray_uint8_2, \ psana.ndarray_uint16_2, \ psana.ndarray_uint32_2, \ psana.ndarray_uint64_2] def __init__(self, run, list_of_times=None, src=None, key=None): self.count_msg = 0 self.plot_first(run, list_of_times, src, key) #------------------------------ def plot_first(self, run, list_of_times=None, src=None, key=None) : self.fig, self.axim, self.axcb = fig_axes() # or gg.fig_axes() self.cid = self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self.on_key_press) = run self.src = src self.key = key self.list_times = list_of_times_default(run) if list_of_times is None else list_of_times self.list_ind_time = [(i,t) for i,t in enumerate(self.list_times)] self.list_index = 0 self.list_len = len(self.list_ind_time) self.plot_current('first') #------------------------------ def plot_current(self, cmt='current'): i,t = self.list_ind_time[self.list_index] tit = 'Event in the list %d (of %d), in run: %d, fiducial: %d' % \ (self.list_index, self.list_len, i, t.fiducial()) #print 'Plot %s %s,' % (cmt, tit) #plt.title("Fid: %d" % (t.fiducial())) self.fig.canvas.set_window_title(tit) evt = #print 80*"=", '\n', evt.keys() img = self.get_img(evt, self.src, self.key) self.plot_img(img) #------------------------------ def plot_next(self): self.list_index += 1 if self.list_index >= self.list_len : self.list_index = self.list_len-1 print 'Counter reached the last event in the list' return self.plot_current('next') #------------------------------ def plot_previous(self): self.list_index -= 1 if self.list_index < 0 : self.list_index = 0 print 'Counter reached the first event in the list' return self.plot_current('previous') #------------------------------ def on_key_press(self, event): """ Switch for input control key """ #print 'You pressed: ', event.key #, event.xdata, event.ydata if event.key == 'escape' \ or event.key == 'e' : self.fig.canvas.mpl_disconnect(self.cid) sys.exit('The End') elif event.key == 'left' \ or event.key == 'down' \ or event.key == 'b' : self.plot_previous() return elif event.key == 'right' \ or event.key == 'up' \ or event.key == 'n': self.plot_next() return else : self.print_help() #------------------------------ def plot_img(self, img) : fig, axim, axcb = self.fig, self.axim, self.axcb axim.cla() axcb.cla() imsh = axim.imshow(img, interpolation='nearest', aspect='auto', origin='upper') # extent=img_range) colb = fig.colorbar(imsh, cax=axcb) # , orientation='horizontal') ave = np.mean(img) rms = np.std(img) #print 'img ave = %f, rms = %f' % (ave, rms) imsh.set_clim(ave-1*rms,ave+5*rms) #imsh.set_clim(0,200) self.print_help(1) fig.canvas.draw() plt.ioff() #------------------------------ def print_help(self, mode=None): try: self.click_counter += 1 except: self.click_counter = 1 if mode==1 and self.click_counter >1 : return print 'Navigation keys: n-next, b-previous, e-exit' #------------------------------ def get_img(self, evt, src=None, key=None) : """Interface method can be re-implemented in sub-class """ self.count_msg += 1 if self.count_msg < 5 : print 'EventViewer.get_img(...)' for dtype in self.list_of_dtypes : img = evt.get(dtype, src, key) if img is not None : return img return gg.getRandomImage(mu=200, sigma=25, shape=(100,100)) #------------------------------ #------------------------------ #------------------------------ #------------------------------ import CalibManager.AppDataPath as apputils
[docs]def do_test() : path_psana_cfg = apputils.AppDataPath('pyimgalgos/scripts/psana-cspad-ds2-image-producer.cfg').path() print 'Path to psana cfg file: %s' % path_psana_cfg psana.setConfigFile(path_psana_cfg) ds = psana.DataSource('exp=cxif5315:run=169:idx') run = ds.runs().next() src = psana.Source('DetInfo(CxiDs2.0:Cspad.0)') key ='cspad_img' list_of_times = None # list_of_times_selected(run) EventViewer(run, list_of_times, src, key) #------------------------------
if __name__ == '__main__' : proc_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) do_test() sys.exit('The End') #------------------------------