Source code for pyimgalgos.FiberAngles

#!/usr/bin/env python

"""A set of methods to evaluate angles in fiber diffraction experiments.

    # Import
    from pyimgalgos.FiberAngles import fraser, calc_phi, calc_beta, funcy

    # Fraser transformation:
    s12rot, s3rot, reciparr = fraser(arr, beta_deg, L, center=None, oshape=(1500,1500))

    # Evaluation of fiber tilt angles beta phi (in the image plane) (in transverse to image plane).
    phi  = calc_phi (x1, y1, x2, y2, dist)
    beta = calc_beta(x1, y1, phi, dist)

    #Fit functions
    yarr = funcy(xarr, phi_deg, bet_deg)

    yarr = funcy_l1_v0(xarr, phi_deg, bet_deg, DoR=0.4765, sgnrt=-1.)
    (depric.) yarr = funcy_l1_v1(xarr, phi_deg, bet_deg, DoR=0.4765, sgnrt=-1.)

    yarr2 = funcy2(xarr, a, b, c)

    # Conversion methods
    qx, qy, qz = recipnorm(x, y, z) # returns q/fabs(k) components for 3-d point along k^prime.

    # Commands to test in the release directory: 
    # python ./pyimgalgos/src/ <test-id>
    # where
    # <test-id> = 1 - test of the Fraser transformation
    # <test-id> = 2 - test of the phi angle
    # <test-id> = 3 - test of the beta angle 
This software was developed for the SIT project.
If you use all or part of it, please give an appropriate acknowledgment.

@version $Id: 11999 2016-06-01 21:16:06Z dubrovin@SLAC.STANFORD.EDU $

@author Mikhail S. Dubrovin

import numpy as np
import math # pi, sin, sqrt, ceil, floor, fabs

class Storage :
    """Storage class for local data exchange between methods.
    def __init__(self) :

sp = Storage() # singleton

def _fillimg(r,c,a) :
    """This method is used in fraser(...), is called in map(_fillimg, irows, icols, arr) and serves to fill image.
    sp.image[r,c] += a
    sp.count[r,c] += 1
    return r

[docs]def fraser_xyz(x, y, z, beta_deg, k=1.0) : """Do fraser transformation for of 3-d points given by x,y,z arrays for angle beta around x and returns horizontal and vertical components of the scattering vector in units of k (eV or 1/A). x,y-arrays representing image point coordinates, z-can be scalar - distance from sample to detector. x, y, and z should be in the same units; ex.: number of pixels (109.92um) or [um], angle is in degrees. Example: fraser_xy(x,y,909,10); (10 degrees at 909 pixel (100mm) distance) ASSUMPTION: - x,y,z - [in] point coordinate arrays with originn in IP - beta_deg - [in] angle beta in degrees - k - [in] scale factor, ex.: wave number in units of (eV or 1/A). """ d = np.sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z) s1 = x/d s2 = z/d - 1 s3 = y/d cb = math.cos(math.radians(beta_deg)) sb = math.sin(math.radians(beta_deg)) s1rot = s1 s2rot = s2 * cb - s3 * sb s3rot = s2 * sb + s3 * cb s12rot = np.sign(s1rot)*np.sqrt(np.square(s1rot) + np.square(s2rot)) return s12rot*k, s3rot*k ##-----------------------------
[docs]def fraser(arr, beta_deg, L, center=None, oshape=(1500,1500)) : """Do fraser correction for an array at angle beta and distance L, given in number of pixels (109.92um), angle is in degrees. Example: fraser(array,10,909); (10 degrees at 100mm distance) ASSUMPTION: 1. by default 2-d arr image center corresponds to (x,y) origin - arr - [in] 2-d image array - beta_deg - [in] angle beta in degrees - L - [in] distance from sample to detector given in units of pixels (110um) - center - [in] center (row,column) location on image, which will be used as (x,y) origin - oshape - [in] ouitput image shape """ sizex = arr.shape[0] sizey = arr.shape[1] scale = float(L) xc, yc = center if center is not None else (sizex/2, sizey/2) xarr = np.arange(math.floor(-xc), math.floor(sizex-xc)) yarr = np.arange(math.floor(-yc), math.floor(sizey-yc)) x,y = np.meshgrid(yarr, xarr) ### SWAPPED yarr, xarr to keep correct shape for grids d = np.sqrt(x*x+y*y+L*L) s1 = x/d s2 = L/d - 1 s3 = y/d cosbeta = math.cos(math.radians(beta_deg)) sinbeta = math.sin(math.radians(beta_deg)) s1rot = s1 s2rot = s2 * cosbeta - s3 * sinbeta s3rot = s2 * sinbeta + s3 * cosbeta s12rot = np.sqrt(np.square(s1rot) + np.square(s2rot)) s12rot[:,1:math.floor(sizex-xc)] *= -1 s12rot = np.ceil(s12rot * scale) # old factor: math.floor(sizex-xc)) s3rot = np.ceil(s3rot * scale) # old factor: math.floor(sizey-yc)) orows, orows1 = oshape[0], oshape[0] - 1 ocols, ocols1 = oshape[1], oshape[1] - 1 icols = np.array(s12rot + math.ceil(ocols/2), irows = np.array(s3rot + math.ceil(orows/2), irows =[irows<0, irows>orows1], [0,orows1], default=irows) icols =[icols<0, icols>ocols1], [0,ocols1], default=icols) sp.image = np.zeros(oshape, dtype=arr.dtype) sp.count = np.zeros(oshape, unused_lst = map(_fillimg, irows, icols, arr) #print 'arr.shape: ', arr.shape #print 's3rot.shape: ', s3rot.shape #print 's12rot.shape: ', s12rot.shape #print 'reciparr.shape: ', reciparr.shape #print 'count min=%d, max=%d' % (sp.count.min(), sp.count.max()) countpro =[sp.count<1], [-1], default=sp.count) reciparr =[countpro>0], [sp.image/countpro], default=0) return s12rot, s3rot, reciparr #------------------------------
[docs]def rotation_cs(X, Y, C, S) : """For numpy arrays X and Y returns the numpy arrays of Xrot and Yrot """ Xrot = X*C - Y*S Yrot = Y*C + X*S return Xrot, Yrot #------------------------------
[docs]def rotation(X, Y, angle_deg) : """For numpy arrays X and Y returns the numpy arrays of Xrot and Yrot rotated by angle_deg """ angle_rad = math.radians(angle_deg) S, C = math.sin(angle_rad), math.cos(angle_rad) return rotation_cs(X, Y, C, S) #------------------------------
[docs]def rotation_phi_beta(x, y, L, phi_deg, beta_deg, scale) : """Returns horizontal and vertical components of the scattering vector in units of scale (k) x, y can be arrays, L-scalar in the same units, ex. scale = k[1/A] or in number of pixels etc. """ xrot, yrot = rotation(np.array(x), np.array(y), phi_deg) return fraser_xyz(xrot, yrot, L, beta_deg, scale) ##-----------------------------
[docs]def calc_phi(x1pix, y1pix, x2pix, y2pix, dist) : """Evaluates fiber phi angle [rad] for two peaks in equatorial region - x1pix - [in] x coordinate of the 1st point - y1pix - [in] y coordinate of the 1st point - x1pix - [in] x coordinate of the 2nd point - y1pix - [in] y coordinate of the 2nd point - dist - [in] distance from sample to detector """ x1 = x1pix / dist y1 = y1pix / dist x2 = x2pix / dist y2 = y2pix / dist d1 = math.sqrt(x1*x1 + y1*y1 + 1.) - 1. d2 = math.sqrt(x2*x2 + y2*y2 + 1.) - 1. return math.atan(-(y2*d1 - y1*d2) / (x2*d1 - x1*d2)) ##-----------------------------
[docs]def calc_beta(xpix, ypix, phi, dist) : """Evaluates fiber beta angle [rad] for two peaks in equatorial region - xpix - [in] x coordinate of the point - ypix - [in] y coordinate of the point - phi - [in] fiber tilt angle [rad] if the detector plane - dist - [in] distance from sample to detector """ x1 = xpix / dist y1 = ypix / dist fac = 1. - math.sqrt(x1*x1 + y1*y1 + 1.) return -math.atan((y1*math.cos(phi) + x1*math.sin(phi)) / fac) ##----------------------------- # DEPRICATED DUE TO UPDATED FORMALISM
[docs]def funcy_v0(x, phi_deg, bet_deg) : """Function for parameterization of y(x, phi, beta) of peaks in mediane plane for fiber diffraction ATTENTION!: curve_fit assumes that x and returned y are numpy arrays. """ phi, bet = math.radians(phi_deg), math.radians(bet_deg) sb, cb = math.sin(bet), math.cos(bet) t = sb/cb if cb else None s, c = math.sin(phi), math.cos(phi) D = c*c - t*t if D==0 : print 'WARNING in funcy: D=0' D = 1e-10 B = c*(x*s+t)/D C = (2*t*x*s + x*x*(s-t)*(s+t))/D sqarg = B*B-C #if sqarg<0 : # print 'WARNING in funcy: solution of eqn does not exist because of sqarg<0 :', sqarg sqapro =[sqarg>=0,], [sqarg,], default=0) sign = 1 if bet>0 else -1 return -B + sign*np.sqrt(sqapro) ##-----------------------------
[docs]def funcy(x, phi_deg, bet_deg) : """DEPRICATED alias for funcy_l0(x, phi, beta) """ return funcy_l0(x, phi_deg, bet_deg) ##-----------------------------
[docs]def funcy_l0(x, phi_deg, bet_deg) : """Function for parameterization of y(x, phi, beta) of peaks in mediane plane for fiber diffraction ATTENTION!: curve_fit assumes that x and returned y are numpy arrays. """ INFI, ZERO = 1e20, 1e-20 phi, bet = math.radians(phi_deg), math.radians(bet_deg) s, c = math.sin(phi), math.cos(phi) sb, cb = math.sin(bet), math.cos(bet) if not sb : return -x*s/c if c else INFI t = sb/cb if cb else INFI s, c = (s/t, c/t) if t else (s*INFI, c*INFI) denum = c*c - 1 if math.fabs(c)!=1 else ZERO B = c*(x*s+1)/denum C = (x*x*(s*s-1) + 2*x*s)/denum sqarg = B*B-C if isinstance(sqarg, np.float64) : if sqarg<0 : print 'WARNING in funcy_l0: solution does not exist because of sqarg<0 :', sqarg else : for v in sqarg : if v<0 : print 'WARNING in funcy_l0: solution does not exist because of sqarg<0 :', sqarg sqapro =[sqarg>0,], [sqarg,], default=0) #sign = 1 if bet>0 else -1 return -B + np.sign(B)*np.sqrt(sqapro) ##-----------------------------
[docs]def funcy_l1_v0(x, phi_deg, bet_deg, DoR=0.474, sgnrt=-1.) : """DEPRICATED: D/L - is not a constant as it should be Function for parameterization of y(x, phi, beta). v0: EQUATION FOR D/L=... of peaks in l=1 plane for fiber diffraction DoR = d/R ratio, where d is a distance between l=0 and l=1 on image, DoR = 433/913.27 - default constant R is sample to detector distance ATTENTION!: curve_fit assumes that x and returned y are numpy arrays. """ INFI, ZERO = 1e20, 1e-20 phi, bet = math.radians(phi_deg), math.radians(bet_deg) sb, cb = math.sin(bet), math.cos(bet) s, c = math.sin(phi), math.cos(phi) if not sb : return (DoR - x*s)/c if c else INFI t = sb/cb if cb else INFI s, c = s/t, c/t G = 1-DoR/sb if sb else INFI denum = c*c - 1 if math.fabs(c)!=1 else ZERO # parameters of of y^2 + 2By + C = 0 B = c*(x*s+G)/denum C = (x*x*(s*s-1) + 2*x*s*G + G*G - 1)/denum sqarg = B*B-C if isinstance(sqarg, np.float64) : if sqarg<0 : print 'WARNING in funcy_l1_v0: solution does not exist because of sqarg<0 :', sqarg else : for v in sqarg : if v<0 : print 'WARNING in funcy_l1_v0: solution does not exist because of sqarg<0 :', sqarg sqapro =[sqarg>0,], [sqarg,], default=0) #sign = 1 if bet<-13 else -1 #return -B + sign * np.sqrt(sqapro) return -B + sgnrt * np.sqrt(sqapro) ##-----------------------------
[docs]def funcy_l1_v1(x, phi_deg, bet_deg, DoR=0.4292, sgnrt=1.) : """v0: EQUATION FOR D/R. Function for parameterization of y(x, phi, beta) of peaks in l=1 plane for fiber diffraction DoR = d/R ratio, where d is a distance between l=0 and l=1 on image, DoR = 392/913.27 - default R is sample to detector distance ATTENTION!: curve_fit assumes that x and returned y are numpy arrays. """ INFI, ZERO = 1e20, 1e-20 phi, bet = math.radians(phi_deg), math.radians(bet_deg) sb, cb = math.sin(bet), math.cos(bet) t = sb/cb if cb else INFI s, c = math.sin(phi), math.cos(phi) g = 0 if sb : G = 1+DoR/sb if sb else INFI g = 1/G if G else INFI s, c = (g*s/t, g*c/t) if t else (g*s*INFI, g*c*INFI) else : s, c = s*cb/DoR, c*cb/DoR denum = c*c - 1 if math.fabs(c)!=1 else ZERO # parameters of of y^2 + 2By + C = 0 B = c*(x*s+g)/denum C = (x*x*(s*s-1) + 2*g*x*s + g*g - 1)/denum sqarg = B*B-C #print 's:%8.3f c:%8.3f sb:%8.3f cb:%8.3f t:%8.3f g:%8.3f denum:%8.3f' % (s, c, sb, cb, t, g, denum),\ # ' B:', B, ' C:', C, ' sqarg:', sqarg if isinstance(sqarg, np.float64) : if sqarg<0 : print 'WARNING in funcy_l1_v1: solution does not exist because of sqarg<0 :', sqarg else : for v in sqarg : if v<0 : print 'WARNING in funcy_l1_v1: solution does not exist because of sqarg<0 :', sqarg sqapro =[sqarg>0,], [sqarg,], default=0) #sgn = 1. if bet>-13.3 else -1. #return -B + sign*np.sqrt(sqapro) return -B + sgnrt * np.sqrt(sqapro) #return -B + sgn * np.sqrt(sqapro) #return -B - np.sign(B)*np.sqrt(sqapro) ##-----------------------------
[docs]def funcy2(x, a, b, c) : """Quadratic polynomial function to test curve_fit. """ return a*x*x + b*x + c ##-----------------------------
[docs]def qh_to_xy(qh, R) : """Returns reciprocal (xe,ye) coordinates of the qh projection on Evald sphere. qh - (numpy array) horizontal component of q values (1/A) R - (float scalar) Evald sphere radius (1/A) Assuming that center of the Evald sphere is in (-R,0); qh is oriented along y. NOTE: qh, L, sina, cosa, xe, ye - are the numpy arrays of the same shape as qh """ L = np.sqrt(R*R + qh*qh) sina = qh/L cosa = R/L xe = R * (cosa-1.) ye = R * sina return xe, ye ##-----------------------------
[docs]def recipnorm(x, y, z) : """Returns normalizd reciprocal space coordinates (qx,qy,qz) of the scattering vector q = (k^prime- k)/abs(k), and assuming that - scattering point is a 3-d space origin, also center of the Ewalds sphere - k points from 3-d space origin to the point with coordinates x, y, z (pixel coordinates relative to IP) - scattering is elastic, no energy lost or gained, abs(k^prime)=abs(k) - reciprocal space origin is in the intersection point of axes z and Ewald's sphere. """ L = np.sqrt(z*z + x*x + y*y) return x/L, y/L, z/L-1. ##----------------------------- ##---------- TESTS ------------ ##-----------------------------
[docs]def test_plot_phi() : print """Test plot for phi angle""" import pyimgalgos.GlobalGraphics as gg xarr = np.linspace(-2,2,50) tet = -12 y0 = [funcy(x, 0, tet) for x in xarr] y1 = [funcy(x, -5, tet) for x in xarr] y2 = [funcy(x, -6, tet) for x in xarr] y3 = [funcy(x, -7, tet) for x in xarr] y4 = [funcy(x, -10, tet) for x in xarr] y5 = [funcy(x, 10, tet) for x in xarr] fig1, ax1 = gg.plotGraph(xarr, y0, figsize=(10,5), window=(0.15, 0.10, 0.78, 0.80)) ax1.plot(xarr, y1,'r-') ax1.plot(xarr, y2,'y-') ax1.plot(xarr, y3,'k-') ax1.plot(xarr, y4,'m-') ax1.plot(xarr, y5,'g.') ax1.set_xlabel('x', fontsize=14) ax1.set_ylabel('y', fontsize=14) ax1.set_title('tet=-12, phi=10,0,-5,-6,-7,-10', color='k', fontsize=20) #gg.savefig('variation-phi.png') ##-----------------------------
[docs]def test_plot_beta() : print """Test plot for beta angle""" import pyimgalgos.GlobalGraphics as gg xarr = np.linspace(-2,2,50) phi = 0 y0 = [funcy(x, phi, 0) for x in xarr] y1 = [funcy(x, phi, -2) for x in xarr] y2 = [funcy(x, phi, -5) for x in xarr] y3 = [funcy(x, phi, -6) for x in xarr] y4 = [funcy(x, phi, -7) for x in xarr] y5 = [funcy(x, phi, -10) for x in xarr] y6 = [funcy(x, phi, 2) for x in xarr] y7 = [funcy(x, phi, 5) for x in xarr] y8 = [funcy(x, phi, 10) for x in xarr] fig2, ax2 = gg.plotGraph(xarr, y0, figsize=(10,5), window=(0.15, 0.10, 0.78, 0.80)) ax2.plot(xarr, y1,'r-') ax2.plot(xarr, y2,'y-') ax2.plot(xarr, y3,'b-') ax2.plot(xarr, y4,'m-') ax2.plot(xarr, y5,'g-') ax2.plot(xarr, y6,'r.') ax2.plot(xarr, y7,'g.') ax2.plot(xarr, y8,'b.') ax2.set_xlabel('x', fontsize=14) ax2.set_ylabel('y', fontsize=14) ax2.set_title('phi=0, theta=10, 5, 2, 0,-2,-5,-6,-7,-10', color='k', fontsize=20) #gg.savefig('variation-theta.png') ##-----------------------------
[docs]def test_plot_beta_l0() : print """Test plot for beta angle""" import pyimgalgos.GlobalGraphics as gg xarr = np.linspace(-2,2,50) phi = 0 cmt = 'l0' y_000 = [funcy_l0(x, phi, 0) for x in xarr] y_p10 = [funcy_l0(x, phi, 10) for x in xarr] y_p20 = [funcy_l0(x, phi, 20) for x in xarr] y_p30 = [funcy_l0(x, phi, 30) for x in xarr] y_p40 = [funcy_l0(x, phi, 40) for x in xarr] y_p50 = [funcy_l0(x, phi, 50) for x in xarr] # 48 y_m10 = [funcy_l0(x, phi, -10) for x in xarr] y_m20 = [funcy_l0(x, phi, -20) for x in xarr] y_m30 = [funcy_l0(x, phi, -30) for x in xarr] y_m40 = [funcy_l0(x, phi, -40) for x in xarr] y_m50 = [funcy_l0(x, phi, -50) for x in xarr] # -48 #fig2, ax2 = gg.plotGraph(xarr, y_m01, pfmt='k.', figsize=(10,5), window=(0.15, 0.10, 0.78, 0.80)) fig2, ax2 = gg.plotGraph(xarr, y_000, pfmt='k-', figsize=(10,5), window=(0.15, 0.10, 0.78, 0.80), lw=2) #b: blue #g: green #r: red #c: cyan #m: magenta #y: yellow #k: black #w: white ax2.plot(xarr, y_p50,'g-x', label=' 50') ax2.plot(xarr, y_p40,'m-', label=' 40') ax2.plot(xarr, y_p30,'b-', label=' 30') ax2.plot(xarr, y_p20,'y-', label=' 20') ax2.plot(xarr, y_p10,'r-', label=' 10') ax2.plot(xarr, y_000,'k-', label=' 0') ax2.plot(xarr, y_m10,'r.', label='-10') ax2.plot(xarr, y_m20,'y.', label='-20') ax2.plot(xarr, y_m30,'b.', label='-30') ax2.plot(xarr, y_m40,'m.', label='-40') ax2.plot(xarr, y_m50,'g+', label='-50') ax2.legend(loc='upper right') ax2.set_xlabel('x', fontsize=14) ax2.set_ylabel('y', fontsize=14) ax2.set_title('%s: phi=%.1f, beta=[-50,50]' % (cmt,phi), color='k', fontsize=20) gg.savefig('test-plot-beta-l0.png') ##----------------------------- #b: blue #g: green #r: red #c: cyan #m: magenta #y: yellow #k: black #w: white ##-----------------------------
[docs]def test_plot_beta_l1(DoR=0.4292, sgnrt=1.) : print """Test plot for beta angle""" import pyimgalgos.GlobalGraphics as gg xarr = np.linspace(-2,2,50) phi = 0 fancy_plt = funcy_l1_v1 #fancy_plt = funcy_l1_v0 cmt = 'POS' if sgnrt > 0 else 'NEG' #'-B -/+ sqrt(B*B-C)' cmt = '%s-DoR-%.3f' % (cmt, DoR) y_p10 = [fancy_plt(x, phi, 10, DoR, sgnrt) for x in xarr] y_000 = [fancy_plt(x, phi, 0, DoR, sgnrt) for x in xarr] y_m10 = [fancy_plt(x, phi, -10, DoR, sgnrt) for x in xarr] y_m13 = [fancy_plt(x, phi, -13, DoR, sgnrt) for x in xarr] y_m15 = [fancy_plt(x, phi, -15, DoR, sgnrt) for x in xarr] y_m20 = [fancy_plt(x, phi, -20, DoR, sgnrt) for x in xarr] y_m30 = [fancy_plt(x, phi, -30, DoR, sgnrt) for x in xarr] y_m35 = [fancy_plt(x, phi, -35, DoR, sgnrt) for x in xarr] y_m40 = [fancy_plt(x, phi, -40, DoR, sgnrt) for x in xarr] fig2, ax2 = gg.plotGraph(xarr, y_000, pfmt='k-', figsize=(10,5), window=(0.15, 0.10, 0.78, 0.80), lw=2) ax2.plot(xarr, y_p10,'g-', label=' 10') ax2.plot(xarr, y_000,'k-', label=' 0') ax2.plot(xarr, y_m10,'g.', label='-10') ax2.plot(xarr, y_m13,'r-.', label='-13') ax2.plot(xarr, y_m15,'y.', label='-14') ax2.plot(xarr, y_m20,'r.', label='-20') ax2.plot(xarr, y_m30,'c.', label='-30') ax2.plot(xarr, y_m35,'m.', label='-35') ax2.plot(xarr, y_m40,'b+', label='-40') ax2.legend(loc='upper right') ax2.set_title('%s: phi=%.1f, beta=[-40,10]' % (cmt,phi), color='k', fontsize=20) ax2.set_xlabel('x', fontsize=14) ax2.set_ylabel('y', fontsize=14) gg.savefig('test-plot-beta-l1-%s.png' % cmt) ##----------------------------- ##----------------------------- #b: blue #g: green #r: red #c: cyan #m: magenta #y: yellow #k: black #w: white ##-----------------------------
[docs]def test_plot_beta_l1_zoom(DoR=0.4292, sgnrt=1.) : print """Test plot for beta angle""" import pyimgalgos.GlobalGraphics as gg phi = 0 fancy_plt = funcy_l1_v1 #fancy_plt = funcy_l1_v0 if sgnrt > 0 : cmt = 'POS' #'-B -/+ sqrt(B*B-C)' cmt = '%s-DoR-%.3f' % (cmt, DoR) xarr = np.linspace(-0.29,0.29,60) y_000 = [fancy_plt(x, phi, 0, DoR, sgnrt) for x in xarr] y_m05 = [fancy_plt(x, phi, -5, DoR, sgnrt) for x in xarr] y_m09 = [fancy_plt(x, phi, -9, DoR, sgnrt) for x in xarr] y_m13 = [fancy_plt(x, phi, -13.3, DoR, sgnrt) for x in xarr] y_m18 = [fancy_plt(x, phi, -18, DoR, sgnrt) for x in xarr] y_m20 = [fancy_plt(x, phi, -20, DoR, sgnrt) for x in xarr] fig2, ax2 = gg.plotGraph(xarr, y_000, pfmt='k-', figsize=(10,5), window=(0.15, 0.10, 0.78, 0.80), lw=2) ax2.plot(xarr, y_000,'k-', label=' 0') ax2.plot(xarr, y_m05,'g.', label=' -5') ax2.plot(xarr, y_m09,'y.', label=' -9') ax2.plot(xarr, y_m13,'r-.', label='-13') ax2.plot(xarr, y_m18,'c.', label='-18') ax2.plot(xarr, y_m20,'b.', label='-20') ax2.set_title('%s: phi=%.1f, beta=[-20,0]' % (cmt,phi), color='k', fontsize=20) ax2.legend(loc='upper center') if sgnrt < 0 : cmt = 'NEG' #'-B -/+ sqrt(B*B-C)' cmt = '%s-DoR-%.3f' % (cmt, DoR) xarr = np.linspace(-1,1,50) y_m20 = [fancy_plt(x, phi, -20, DoR, sgnrt) for x in xarr] y_m23 = [fancy_plt(x, phi, -23, DoR, sgnrt) for x in xarr] y_m25 = [fancy_plt(x, phi, -25, DoR, sgnrt) for x in xarr] y_m27 = [fancy_plt(x, phi, -27, DoR, sgnrt) for x in xarr] y_m30 = [fancy_plt(x, phi, -30, DoR, sgnrt) for x in xarr] y_m35 = [fancy_plt(x, phi, -35, DoR, sgnrt) for x in xarr] y_m40 = [fancy_plt(x, phi, -40, DoR, sgnrt) for x in xarr] y_m60 = [fancy_plt(x, phi, -60, DoR, sgnrt) for x in xarr] fig2, ax2 = gg.plotGraph(xarr, y_m25, pfmt='k-', figsize=(10,5), window=(0.15, 0.10, 0.78, 0.80), lw=2) ax2.plot(xarr, y_m20,'g+-', label='-20') ax2.plot(xarr, y_m23,'m-', label='-23') ax2.plot(xarr, y_m25,'k-', label='-25') ax2.plot(xarr, y_m27,'b.', label='-27') ax2.plot(xarr, y_m30,'y.', label='-30') ax2.plot(xarr, y_m35,'r.', label='-35') ax2.plot(xarr, y_m40,'c.', label='-40') ax2.plot(xarr, y_m60,'+', label='-60') ax2.set_title('%s: phi=%.1f, beta=[-60,-20]' % (cmt,phi), color='k', fontsize=20) ax2.legend(loc='lower right') ax2.set_xlabel('x', fontsize=14) ax2.set_ylabel('y', fontsize=14) gg.savefig('test-plot-beta-l1-%s-zoomed.png' % cmt) ##-----------------------------
[docs]def test_fraser() : print """Test fraser transformation""" from pyimgalgos.GlobalGraphics import fig_axes, plot_img, store import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fname = '/reg/neh/home1/dubrovin/LCLS/rel-mengning/plots/cspad-cxif5315-0169-000079.npy' img2d = np.load(fname) s12, s3, recimg = fraser(img2d, 10, 1000, center=None) store.fig, store.axim, store.axcb = fig_axes() # if not do_plot else (None, None, None) plot_img(recimg, mode='do not hold', amin=0, amax=100) #plot_img(img2d, mode='do not hold', amin=0, amax=200) plt.ioff() # hold control on show() after the last image #------------------------------
if __name__ == "__main__" : import sys if len(sys.argv)<2 : print 'For specific test use command:\n> %s <test-id-string>' % sys.argv[0] print 'Default test: test_fraser()' test_fraser() sys.exit('Default test is completed') DoR = 390/913.27 print 'Test: %s' % sys.argv[1] if sys.argv[1]=='1' : test_fraser() elif sys.argv[1]=='2' : test_plot_phi() elif sys.argv[1]=='3' : test_plot_beta() elif sys.argv[1]=='4' : test_plot_beta_l1(DoR=DoR, sgnrt=+1.) elif sys.argv[1]=='5' : test_plot_beta_l1(DoR=DoR, sgnrt=-1.) elif sys.argv[1]=='6' : test_plot_beta_l0() elif sys.argv[1]=='7' : test_plot_beta_l1_zoom(DoR=DoR, sgnrt=+1.) elif sys.argv[1]=='8' : test_plot_beta_l1_zoom(DoR=DoR, sgnrt=-1.) else : print 'Default test: test_fraser()' test_fraser() sys.exit('Test %s is completed' % sys.argv[1]) ##----------------------------- ##----------------------------- ##-----------------------------