Source code for pyimgalgos.HBins

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""`` histogram-style bin parameters holder


    from pyimgalgos.HBins import HBins

    # Equal bins constructor
    hb = HBins((1,6), nbins=5)

    # Variable bins constructor
    hb = HBins((1,2,4,6,10))

    # Access methods
    nbins         = hb.nbins()         # returns int input parameter - number of bins
    edges         = hb.edges()         # returns np.array input list of bin edges
    vmin          = hb.vmin()          # returns vtype minimal value of bin edges
    vmax          = hb.vmax()          # returns vtype maximal value of bin edges
    vtype         = hb.vtype()         # returns np.dtype - type of bin edge values 
    equalbins     = hb.equalbins()     # returns bool True/False for equal/variable size bins 

    limits        = hb.limits()        # returns np.array of limits (vmin, vmax)
    binedges      = hb.binedges()      # returns np.array with bin edges of size nbins+1 
    binedgesleft  = hb.binedgesleft()  # returns np.array with bin left edges of size nbins
    binedgesright = hb.binedgesright() # returns np.array with bin rignt edges of size nbins
    bincenters    = hb.bincenters()    # returns np.array with bin centers of size nbins
    binwidth      = hb.binwidth()      # returns np.array with bin widths of size nbins or scalar bin width for equal bins
    halfbinw      = hb.halfbinw()      # returns np.array with half-bin widths of size nbins or scalar bin half-width for equal bins
    strrange      = hb.strrange(fmt)   # returns str of formatted vmin, vmax, nbins ex: 1-6-5

    ind     = hb.bin_index(value, edgemode=0)      # returns bin index [0,nbins) for value. 
    indarr  = hb.bin_indexes(valarr, edgemode=0)   # returns array of bin index [0,nbins) for array of values
    # edgemode - defines what to do with underflow overflow indexes;
    #          = 0 - use indexes  0 and nbins-1 for underflow overflow, respectively
    #          = 1 - use extended indexes -1 and nbins for underflow overflow, respectively

    # Print methods

@see :py:class:`pyimgalgos.HPolar`,
`Radial background <>`_.

This software was developed for the SIT project.  If you use all or 
part of it, please give an appropriate acknowledgment.

@version $Id: 11999 2016-06-01 21:16:06Z dubrovin@SLAC.STANFORD.EDU $

Created on 2016-01-15

@author Mikhail S. Dubrovin
__version__ = "$Revision: 11999 $"

import math
import numpy as np


class HBins() :
    """Hystogram-style bin parameters holder
    def __init__(self, edges, nbins=None, vtype=np.float32):
        """Class constructor for
           - equal bins,       ex: hb = HBins((1,6), nbins=5)
           - or variable bins, ex: hb = HBins((1,2,4,6,10))

           - edges - sequence of two or more bin edges
           - nbins - (int) number of bins for equal size bins
           - vtype - numpy type of bin values (optional parameter)          
        self._name       = self.__class__.__name__
        self._vtype      = vtype

        self._vmin       = min(self._edges)
        self._vmax       = max(self._edges)
        self._equalbins  = len(self._edges)==2 and nbins is not None
        self._ascending  = self._edges[0] < self._edges[-1]

        # dynamic parameters
        self._limits     = None
        self._binwidth   = None 
        self._halfbinw   = None 
        self._binedges   = None 
        self._bincenters = None 
        self._inds       = None 
        self._indedges   = None 
        self._indcenters = None 
        self._strrange   = None

    def _set_valid_edges(self, edges) :
        if not isinstance(edges,(tuple,list,np.array)) :
            raise ValueError('Parameter edges is not a tuple or list: '\
                             'edges=%s' % str(edges))

        if len(edges)<2 :
            raise ValueError('Sequence of edges should have at least two values: '\
                             'edges=%s' % str(edges))

        if not all([isinstance(v,(int, float)) for v in tuple(edges)]) :
            raise ValueError('Sequence of edges has a wrong type value: '\
                             'edges=%s' % str(edges))

        if edges[0]==edges[-1] :
            raise ValueError('Sequence of edges has equal limits: '\
                             'edges=%s' % str(edges))

        if len(edges)>2 :
            if edges[0]<edges[-1] and not all([x<y for x,y in zip(edges[:-1], edges[1:])]) :
                raise ValueError('Sequence of edges is not monotonically ascending: '\
                                 'edges=%s' % str(edges))

            if edges[0]>edges[-1] and not all([x>y for x,y in zip(edges[:-1], edges[1:])]) :
                raise ValueError('Sequence of edges is not monotonically descending: '\
                                 'edges=%s' % str(edges))

        self._edges = np.array(edges, dtype=self._vtype)

    def _set_valid_nbins(self, nbins) :

        if nbins is None :
            self._nbins = len(self._edges)-1

        if not isinstance(nbins, int) :
            raise ValueError('nbins=%s has a wrong type. Expected integer.' % str(nbins))

        if nbins < 1 :
            raise ValueError('nbins=%d should be positive.' % nbins)

        self._nbins = nbins

    def edges(self) :
        """Returns input sequence of edges"""
        return self._edges

    def vmin(self) :
        """Returns minimal value of the range"""
        return self._vmin

    def vmax(self) :
        """Returns miximal value of the range"""
        return self._vmax

    def nbins(self) :
        """Returns number of bins"""
        return self._nbins

    def vtype(self) :
        """Returns npumpy datatype for bin values"""
        return self._vtype

    def equalbins(self) :
        return self._equalbins

    def ascending(self) :
        return self._ascending

    def limits(self) :
        """Returns np.array of two ordered limits (vmin, vmax)"""
        if self._limits is None :
            self._limits = np.array((self._edges[0], self._edges[-1]), dtype=self._vtype)
        return self._limits

    def binedges(self) :
        """Returns np.array of nbins+1 values of bin edges"""
        if self._binedges is None : 
            if self._equalbins :
                self._binedges = np.linspace(self._edges[0], self._edges[-1], self._nbins+1, endpoint=True, dtype=self._vtype)
            else :
                self._binedges = self._edges
        return self._binedges

    def binedgesleft(self) :
        """Returns np.array of nbins values of bin left edges"""
        return self.binedges()[:-1]

    def binedgesright(self) :
        """Returns np.array of nbins values of bin right edges"""
        return self.binedges()[1:]

    def binwidth(self) :
        """Returns np.array of nbins values of bin widths"""
        if self._binwidth is None :
            if self._equalbins :
                self._binwidth = float(self._edges[-1]-self._edges[0])/self._nbins
            else :
                self._binwidth = self.binedgesright() - self.binedgesleft()
        return self._binwidth

    def halfbinw(self) :
        """Returns np.array of nbins values of bin half-widths"""
        if self._halfbinw is None :
                self._halfbinw = 0.5 * self.binwidth()
        return self._halfbinw

    def bincenters(self) :
        """Returns np.array of nbins values of bin centers"""
        if self._bincenters is None :
            self._bincenters = self.binedgesleft() + self.halfbinw()
        return self._bincenters

    def _set_limit_indexes(self, edgemode) :
        """Returns limit bin indexes for underflow and overflow values"""
        if   edgemode==0 : return  0, self._nbins-1
        elif edgemode==1 : return -1, self._nbins

    def bin_index(self, v, edgemode=0) :
        """Returns bin index for scalar value"""
        indmin, indmax = self._set_limit_indexes(edgemode)
        if self._ascending :
            if v< self._edges[0]  : return indmin
            if v>=self._edges[-1] : return indmax
        else :
            if v> self._edges[0]  : return indmin
            if v<=self._edges[-1] : return indmax
        if self._equalbins :
            return math.floor((v-self._edges[0])/self.binwidth())

        if self._ascending :
            for ind, edgeright in enumerate(self.binedgesright()) :
                if v<edgeright :
                    return ind
        else :            
            for ind, edgeright in enumerate(self.binedgesright()) :
                if v>edgeright :
                    return ind

    def bin_indexes(self, arr, edgemode=0) :

        indmin, indmax = self._set_limit_indexes(edgemode)

        if self._equalbins :
            factor = float(self._nbins)/(self._edges[-1]-self._edges[0])
            nbins1 = self._nbins-1
            nparr = (np.array(arr, dtype=self._vtype)-self._edges[0])*factor
            ind = np.array(np.floor(nparr), dtype=np.int32)
            return<0, ind>nbins1), (indmin, indmax), default=ind)

        else :
            conds = None
            if self._ascending :
                conds = np.array([arr<edge for edge in self.binedges()], dtype=np.bool)
            else :            
                conds = np.array([arr>edge for edge in self.binedges()], dtype=np.bool)

            inds1d = range(-1, self._nbins)
            inds1d[0] = indmin # re-define index for underflow
            inds = np.array(len(arr)*inds1d, dtype=np.int32)
            inds.shape = (len(arr),self._nbins+1)
            inds = inds.transpose()
            #print 'indmin, indmax = ', indmin, indmax
            #print 'XXX conds:\n', conds
            #print 'XXX inds:\n', inds
            return, inds, default=indmax)

    def strrange(self, fmt='%.0f-%.0f-%d') :
        """Returns string of range parameters"""
        if self._strrange is None :
            self._strrange =fmt % (self._edges[0], self._edges[-1], self._nbins)
        return self._strrange

    def print_attrs(self) :
        print 'Attributes of the %s object' % self._name
        for k,v in self.__dict__.items() :
            print '  %s : %s' % (k.ljust(16), str(v))

    def print_attrs_defined(self) :
        print 'Attributes (not None) of the %s object' % self._name
        for k,v in self.__dict__.items() :
            if v is None : continue
            print '  %s : %s' % (k.ljust(16), str(v))

    def print_attrs_and_methods(self) :
        print 'Methods & attributes of the %s object' % self._name
        for m in dir(self) :
            print '  %s' % (str(m).ljust(16))


[docs]def test_bin_indexes(o, vals, edgemode=0, cmt='') : print '%s\n%s, edgemode=%d :' % (80*'_', cmt, edgemode) print 'nbins = %d' % o.nbins() print 'binedges', o.binedges() print 'equalbins', o.equalbins() print 'Test of o.bin_index:' for v in vals : print 'value=%5.1f index=%2d' % (v, o.bin_index(v, edgemode)) print 'Test of o.bin_indexes:' inds = o.bin_indexes(vals, edgemode) for v,i in zip(vals,inds) : print 'value=%5.1f index=%2d' % (v, i) #------------------------------
[docs]def test(o, cmt='') : print '%s\n%s\n' % (80*'_', cmt) o.print_attrs_and_methods() o.print_attrs_defined() print 'nbins = %d' % o.nbins() print 'limits', o.limits() print 'binedges', o.binedges() print 'binedgesleft', o.binedgesleft() print 'binedgesright', o.binedgesright() print 'bincenters', o.bincenters() print 'binwidth', o.binwidth() print 'halfbinw', o.halfbinw() print 'strrange', o.strrange() print 'equalbins', o.equalbins() o.print_attrs_defined() print '%s' % (80*'_') #------------------------------
if __name__ == "__main__" : o1 = HBins((1,6), 5); test(o1, 'Test HBins for EQUAL BINS') o2 = HBins((1, 2, 4, 8)); test(o2, 'Test HBins for VARIABLE BINS') try : o = HBins((1,6), 5.5) except Exception as e : print 'Test Exception non-int nbins:', e try : o = HBins((1,6), -5) except Exception as e : print 'Test Exception nbins<1:', e try : o = HBins((1,6), 0) except Exception as e : print 'Test Exception nbins<1:', e try : o = HBins((1,6,3)) except Exception as e : print 'Test Exception non-monotonic edges:', e try : o = HBins((3,6,1)) except Exception as e : print 'Test Exception non-monotonic edges:', e try : o = HBins((3,2,2,1)) except Exception as e : print 'Test Exception non-monotonic edges:', e try : o = HBins((3,'s',1)) except Exception as e : print 'Test Exception wrong type value in edges:', e try : o = HBins(3) except Exception as e : print 'Test Exception not-sequence in edges:', e try : o = HBins((3,)) except Exception as e : print 'Test Exception sequence<2 in edges:', e vals=(-3, 0, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10) test_bin_indexes(o1, vals, edgemode=0, cmt='Test for EQUAL BINS') test_bin_indexes(o1, vals, edgemode=1, cmt='Test for EQUAL BINS') test_bin_indexes(o2, vals, edgemode=0, cmt='Test for VARIABLE BINS') test_bin_indexes(o2, vals, edgemode=1, cmt='Test for VARIABLE BINS') #------------------------------