Source code for pyimgalgos.RadialBkgdV0

#!/usr/bin/env python

""":py:class:`RadialBkgd` - radial background subtraction for imaging detector n-d array data


    # Import
    # ------
    from pyimgalgos.RadialBkgd import RadialBkgd

    # Initialization
    # --------------
    rb = RadialBkgd(xarr, yarr, mask=None, radedges=None, nradbins=100, phiedges=(0,360), nphibins=32)

    # Access methods
    # --------------
    orb   = rb.obj_radbins() # returns HBins object for radial bins
    opb   = rb.obj_phibins() # returns HBins object for angular bins
    rad   = rb.pixel_rad()
    irad  = rb.pixel_irad()
    phi0  = rb.pixel_phi0()
    phi   = rb.pixel_phi()
    iphi  = rb.pixel_iphi()
    iseq  = rb.pixel_iseq()
    npix  = rb.npixels_per_bin()
    int   = rb.intensity_per_bin(nda)
    arr   = rb.average_per_bin(nda)
    arr   = rb.average_rad_phi(nda, do_transp=True)
    bkgd  = rb.bkgd_nda(nda)
    bkgd  = rb.bkgd_nda_interpol(nda, method='linear') # method='nearest' 'cubic'
    cdata = rb.subtract_bkgd(nda)
    cdata = rb.subtract_bkgd_interpol(nda, method='linear')

    # Print attributes and n-d arrays
    # -------------------------------

    # Global methods
    # --------------
    from pyimgalgos.RadialBkgd import polarization_factor

    polf = polarization_factor(rad, phi, z)
    result = divide_protected(num, den, vsub_zero=0)
    r, theta = cart2polar(x, y)
    x, y = polar2cart(r, theta)
    bin_values = bincount(map_bins, map_weights=None, length=None)

@see :py:class:`pyimgalgos.RadialBkgd`
See `Radial background <>`_.

This software was developed for the SIT project.
If you use all or part of it, please give an appropriate acknowledgment.

Revision: $Revision: 11999 $

@version $Id: 11999 2016-06-01 21:16:06Z dubrovin@SLAC.STANFORD.EDU $

@author Mikhail S. Dubrovin

__version__ = "$Revision: 11999 $"

import math
import numpy as np
from pyimgalgos.HBins import HBins


[docs]def divide_protected(num, den, vsub_zero=0) : """Returns result of devision of numpy arrays num/den with substitution of value vsub_zero for zero den elements. """ pro_num =!=0,), (num,), default=vsub_zero) pro_den =!=0,), (den,), default=1) return pro_num / pro_den
[docs]def cart2polar(x, y) : """For numpy arrays x and y returns the numpy arrays of r and theta """ r = np.sqrt(x*x + y*y) theta = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(y, x)) #[-180,180] #theta0 =[theta<0, theta>=0],[theta+360,theta]) #[0,360] return r, theta
[docs]def polar2cart(r, theta) : """For numpy arryys r and theta returns the numpy arrays of x and y """ x = r * np.cos(theta) y = r * np.sin(theta) return x, y
[docs]def bincount(map_bins, map_weights=None, length=None) : """Wrapper for numpy.bincount with protection of weights and alattening numpy arrays """ weights = None if map_weights is None else map_weights.flatten() return np.bincount(map_bins.flatten(), weights, length)
[docs]def polarization_factor(rad, phi_deg, z) : """Returns per-pixel polarization factors, assuming that detector is perpendicular to Z. """ phi = np.deg2rad(phi_deg) ones = np.ones_like(rad) theta = np.arctan2(rad, z) sxc = np.sin(theta)*np.cos(phi) pol = 1 - sxc*sxc return divide_protected(ones, pol, vsub_zero=0) #------------------------------
class RadialBkgd() : def __init__(self, xarr, yarr, mask=None, radedges=None, nradbins=100, phiedges=(0,360), nphibins=32) : """Parameters - mask - n-d array with mask - xarr - n-d array with pixel x coordinates in any units - yarr - n-d array with pixel y coordinates in the same units as xarr - radedges - radial bin edges for corrected region in the same units of xarr; default=None - all radial range - nradbins - number of radial bins - phiedges - phi ange bin edges for corrected region. default=(0,360) Difference of the edge limits should not exceed +/-360 degree - nphibins - number of angular bins default=32 - bin size equal to 1 rhumb for default phiedges """ self.rad, self.phi0 = cart2polar(xarr, yarr) self.shapeflat = (self.rad.size,) self.rad.shape = self.shapeflat self.phi0.shape = self.shapeflat self.mask = mask phimin = min(phiedges[0], phiedges[-1]) self.phi =<phimin, self.phi0>=phimin), (self.phi0+360.,self.phi0)) self._set_rad_bins(radedges, nradbins) self._set_phi_bins(phiedges, nphibins) npbins = self.pb.nbins() nrbins = self.rb.nbins() ntbins = npbins*nrbins self.irad = self.rb.bin_indexes(self.rad, edgemode=1) self.iphi = self.pb.bin_indexes(self.phi, edgemode=1) cond = np.logical_and(\ np.logical_and(self.irad > -1, self.irad < nrbins), np.logical_and(self.iphi > -1, self.iphi < npbins) ) if mask is not None : cond *= mask.flatten() self.iseq =,), (self.iphi*nrbins + self.irad,), ntbins).flatten() self.npix_per_bin = np.bincount(self.iseq, weights=None, minlength=None) self.griddata = None self.print_ndarr = None def _set_rad_bins(self, radedges, nradbins) : rmin = math.floor(np.amin(self.rad)) if radedges is None else radedges[0] rmax = math.ceil (np.amax(self.rad)) if radedges is None else radedges[-1] if rmin<1 : rmin = 1 self.rb = HBins((rmin, rmax), nradbins) def _set_phi_bins(self, phiedges, nphibins) : if phiedges[-1] > phiedges[0]+360\ or phiedges[-1] < phiedges[0]-360: raise ValueError('Difference between angular edges should not exceed 360 degree;'\ ' phiedges: %.0f, %.0f' % (phiedges[0], phiedges[-1])) self.pb = HBins(phiedges, nphibins) phi1, phi2 = self.pb.limits() self.is360 = math.fabs(math.fabs(phi2-phi1)-360) < 1e-3 def print_attrs(self) : print '%s attrbutes:' % self.__class__.__name__ print self.pb.strrange(fmt='Phi bins: min:%8.1f max:%8.1f nbins:%5d') print self.rb.strrange(fmt='Rad bins: min:%8.1f max:%8.1f nbins:%5d') def print_ndarrs(self) : print '%s n-d arrays:' % self.__class__.__name__ if self.print_ndarr is None : from Detector.GlobalUtils import print_ndarr self.print_ndarr = print_ndarr self.print_ndarr(self.rad, ' rad') self.print_ndarr(self.phi, ' phi') self.print_ndarr(self.mask,' mask') #print 'Phi limits: ', phiedges[0], phiedges[-1] def obj_radbins(self) : """Returns HBins object for radial bins.""" return self.rb def obj_phibins(self) : """Returns HBins object for angular bins.""" return self.pb def pixel_rad(self) : """Returns 1-d numpy array of pixel radial parameters.""" return self.rad def pixel_irad(self) : """Returns 1-d numpy array of pixel radial indexes.""" return self.irad def pixel_phi0(self) : """Returns 1-d numpy array of pixel angules in the range [-180,180] degree.""" return self.phi0 def pixel_phi(self) : """Returns 1-d numpy array of pixel angules in the range [phi_min, phi_min+360] degree.""" return self.phi def pixel_iphi(self) : """Returns 1-d numpy array of pixel angular indexes.""" return self.iphi def pixel_iseq(self) : """Returns 1-d numpy array of sequentially (in rad and phi) numerated pixel indexes.""" return self.iseq def npixels_per_bin(self) : """Returns 1-d numpy array of number of accounted pixels per bin.""" return self.npix_per_bin def _flatten_(self, nda) : if len(nda.shape)>1 : #nda = nda.flatten() nda.shape = self.shapeflat return nda def intensity_per_bin(self, nda) : """Returns 1-d numpy array of total pixel intensity per bin for input array nda.""" return np.bincount(self.iseq, weights=self._flatten_(nda), minlength=None) def average_per_bin(self, nda) : """Returns 1-d numpy array of averaged in bin intensity for input array nda.""" num = self.intensity_per_bin(self._flatten_(nda)) den = self.npixels_per_bin() return divide_protected(num, den, vsub_zero=0) def average_rad_phi(self, nda, do_transp=True) : """Returns 2-d (rad,phi) numpy array of averaged in bin intensity for input array nda.""" arr_rphi = self.average_per_bin(self._flatten_(nda))[:-1] arr_rphi.shape = (self.pb.nbins(), self.rb.nbins()) return np.transpose(arr_rphi) if do_transp else arr_rphi def bkgd_nda(self, nda) : """Returns 1-d numpy array of per-pixel background for input array nda.""" bin_bkgd = self.average_per_bin(self._flatten_(nda)) return np.array([bin_bkgd[i] for i in self.iseq]) def bkgd_nda_interpol(self, nda, method='linear', verb=False) : # 'nearest' 'cubic' """Returns 1-d numpy array of per-pixel interpolated background for averaged input data.""" #if not is360 : raise ValueError('Interpolation works for 360 degree coverage ONLY') if self.griddata is None : from scipy.interpolate import griddata self.griddata = griddata # 1) get values in bin centers binv = self.average_rad_phi(self._flatten_(nda), do_transp=False) # 2) add values in bin edges if verb : print 'binv.shape: ', binv.shape vrad_a1, vrad_a2 = binv[0,:], binv[-1,:] if self.is360 : vrad_a1 = vrad_a2 = 0.5*(binv[0,:] + binv[-1,:]) # [iphi, irad] nodea = np.vstack((vrad_a1, binv, vrad_a2)) vang_rmin, vang_rmax = nodea[:,0], nodea[:,-1] vang_rmin.shape = vang_rmax.shape = (vang_rmin.size, 1) # it should be 2d for hstack val_nodes = np.hstack((vang_rmin, nodea, vang_rmax)) if verb : print 'nodear.shape: ', val_nodes.shape # 3) extend bin-centers by limits bcentsr = self.rb.bincenters() bcentsp = self.pb.bincenters() blimsr = self.rb.limits() blimsp = self.pb.limits() rad_nodes = np.concatenate(((blimsr[0],), bcentsr, (blimsr[1],))) phi_nodes = np.concatenate(((blimsp[0],), bcentsp, (blimsp[1],))) if verb : print 'rad_nodes.shape', rad_nodes.shape if verb : print 'phi_nodes.shape', phi_nodes.shape # 4) make point coordinate and value arrays points_rad, points_phi = np.meshgrid(rad_nodes, phi_nodes) if verb : print 'points_phi.shape', points_phi.shape if verb : print 'points_rad.shape', points_rad.shape points = np.array(zip(points_phi.flatten(), points_rad.flatten())) if verb : print 'points.shape', points.shape values = val_nodes.flatten() if verb : print 'values.shape', values.shape # 4) return interpolated data on (phi, rad) grid grid_vals = self.griddata(points, values, (self.phi, self.rad), method=method) return<self.pb.nbins()*self.rb.nbins(),), (grid_vals,), default=0) def subtract_bkgd(self, ndarr) : """Returns 1-d numpy array of per-pixel background subtracted input data.""" nda = self._flatten_(ndarr) return nda - self.bkgd_nda(nda) def subtract_bkgd_interpol(self, ndarr, method='linear', verb=False) : """Returns 1-d numpy array of per-pixel interpolated-background subtracted input data.""" nda = self._flatten_(ndarr) return nda - self.bkgd_nda_interpol(nda, method, verb) #------------------------------ #------------------------------ #----------- TEST ------------- #------------------------------ #------------------------------
[docs]def data_geo(ntest) : """Returns test data numpy array and geometry object """ from time import time from PSCalib.NDArrIO import save_txt, load_txt from PSCalib.GeometryAccess import GeometryAccess dir = '/reg/g/psdm/detector/alignment/cspad/calib-cxi-camera2-2016-02-05' #fname_nda = '%s/nda-water-ring-cxij4716-r0022-e000001-CxiDs2-0-Cspad-0-ave.txt' % dir fname_nda = '%s/nda-water-ring-cxij4716-r0022-e014636-CxiDs2-0-Cspad-0-ave.txt' % dir fname_geo = '%s/calib/CsPad::CalibV1/CxiDs2.0:Cspad.0/geometry/' % dir #fname_geo = '%s/geo-cxi02416-r0010-2016-03-11.txt' % dir fname_gain = '%s/calib/CsPad::CalibV1/CxiDs2.0:Cspad.0/pixel_gain/' % dir # load n-d array with averaged water ring arr = load_txt(fname_nda) #arr *= load_txt(fname_gain) #print_ndarr(arr,'water ring') arr.shape = (arr.size,) # (32*185*388,) # retrieve geometry t0_sec = time() geo = GeometryAccess(fname_geo) geo.move_geo('CSPAD:V1', 0, 1600, 0, 0) geo.move_geo('QUAD:V1', 2, -100, 0, 0) #geo.get_geo('QUAD:V1', 3).print_geo() print 'Time to load geometry %.3f sec from file\n%s' % (time()-t0_sec, fname_geo) return arr, geo #------------------------------
[docs]def test01(ntest) : """Test for radial 1-d binning of entire image. """ from time import time import pyimgalgos.GlobalGraphics as gg from PSCalib.GeometryAccess import img_from_pixel_arrays arr, geo = data_geo(ntest) t0_sec = time() iX, iY = geo.get_pixel_coord_indexes() X, Y, Z = geo.get_pixel_coords() mask = geo.get_pixel_mask(mbits=0377).flatten() print 'Time to retrieve geometry %.3f sec' % (time()-t0_sec) t0_sec = time() rb = RadialBkgd(X, Y, mask, nradbins=500, nphibins=1) # v1 print 'RadialBkgd initialization time %.3f sec' % (time()-t0_sec) t0_sec = time() nda, title = arr, None if ntest == 1 : nda, title = arr, 'averaged data' elif ntest == 2 : nda, title = rb.pixel_rad(), 'pixel radius value' elif ntest == 3 : nda, title = rb.pixel_phi(), 'pixel phi value' elif ntest == 4 : nda, title = rb.pixel_irad() + 2, 'pixel radial bin index' elif ntest == 5 : nda, title = rb.pixel_iphi() + 2, 'pixel phi bin index' elif ntest == 6 : nda, title = rb.pixel_iseq() + 2, 'pixel sequential (rad and phi) bin index' elif ntest == 7 : nda, title = mask, 'mask' elif ntest == 8 : nda, title = rb.bkgd_nda(nda), 'averaged radial background' elif ntest == 9 : nda, title = rb.subtract_bkgd(nda) * mask, 'background-subtracted data' else : t1_sec = time() pf = polarization_factor(rb.pixel_rad(), rb.pixel_phi(), 94e3) # Z=94mm print 'Time to evaluate polarization correction factor %.3f sec' % (time()-t1_sec) if ntest ==10 : nda, title = pf, 'polarization factor' elif ntest ==11 : nda, title = arr * pf, 'polarization-corrected averaged data' elif ntest ==12 : nda, title = rb.subtract_bkgd(arr * pf) * mask , 'polarization-corrected background subtracted data' elif ntest ==13 : nda, title = rb.bkgd_nda(arr * pf), 'polarization-corrected averaged radial background' elif ntest ==14 : nda, title = rb.bkgd_nda_interpol(arr * pf) * mask , 'polarization-corrected interpolated radial background' elif ntest ==15 : nda, title = rb.subtract_bkgd_interpol(arr * pf) * mask , 'polarization-corrected interpolated radial background-subtracted data' else : print 'Test %d is not implemented' % ntest return print 'Get %s n-d array time %.3f sec' % (title, time()-t0_sec) img = img_from_pixel_arrays(iX, iY, nda) if not ntest in (21,) else nda[100:300,:] da, ds = None, None colmap = 'jet' # 'cubehelix' 'cool' 'summer' 'jet' 'winter' if ntest in (2,3,4,5,6,7) : da = ds = (nda.min()-1., nda.max()+1.) if ntest in (12,15) : ds = da = (-20, 20) colmap = 'gray' else : ave, rms = nda.mean(), nda.std() da = ds = (ave-2*rms, ave+3*rms) prefix = 'fig-v01-cspad-RadialBkgd' gg.plotImageLarge(img, amp_range=da, figsize=(14,12), title=title, cmap=colmap)'%s-%02d-img.png' % (prefix, ntest)) gg.hist1d(nda, bins=None, amp_range=ds, weights=None, color=None, show_stat=True, log=False, \ figsize=(6,5), axwin=(0.18, 0.12, 0.78, 0.80), \ title=None, xlabel='Pixel value', ylabel='Number of pixels', titwin=title)'%s-%02d-his.png' % (prefix, ntest)) print 'End of test for %s' % title #------------------------------
[docs]def test02(ntest) : """Test for 2-d (default) binning of the rad-phi range of entire image """ #from Detector.GlobalUtils import print_ndarr from time import time import pyimgalgos.GlobalGraphics as gg from PSCalib.GeometryAccess import img_from_pixel_arrays arr, geo = data_geo(ntest) iX, iY = geo.get_pixel_coord_indexes() X, Y, Z = geo.get_pixel_coords() mask = geo.get_pixel_mask(mbits=0377).flatten() t0_sec = time() rb = RadialBkgd(X, Y, mask) # v0 #rb = RadialBkgd(X, Y, mask, nradbins=500) # , nphibins=8, phiedges=(-20, 240), radedges=(10000,80000)) print 'RadialBkgd initialization time %.3f sec' % (time()-t0_sec) #print 'npixels_per_bin:', rb.npixels_per_bin() #print 'intensity_per_bin:', rb.intensity_per_bin(arr) #print 'average_per_bin:', rb.average_per_bin(arr) t0_sec = time() nda, title = arr, None if ntest == 21 : nda, title = arr, 'averaged data' elif ntest == 22 : nda, title = rb.pixel_rad(), 'pixel radius value' elif ntest == 23 : nda, title = rb.pixel_phi(), 'pixel phi value' elif ntest == 24 : nda, title = rb.pixel_irad() + 2, 'pixel radial bin index' elif ntest == 25 : nda, title = rb.pixel_iphi() + 2, 'pixel phi bin index' elif ntest == 26 : nda, title = rb.pixel_iseq() + 2, 'pixel sequential (rad and phi) bin index' elif ntest == 27 : nda, title = mask, 'mask' elif ntest == 28 : nda, title = rb.bkgd_nda(nda), 'averaged radial background' elif ntest == 29 : nda, title = rb.subtract_bkgd(nda) * mask, 'background-subtracted data' elif ntest == 30 : nda, title = rb.average_rad_phi(nda),'r-phi' elif ntest == 31 : nda, title = rb.bkgd_nda_interpol(nda), 'averaged radial interpolated background' elif ntest == 32 : nda, title = rb.subtract_bkgd_interpol(nda, method='linear', verb=True) * mask, 'interpol-background-subtracted data' else : print 'Test %d is not implemented' % ntest return print 'Get %s n-d array time %.3f sec' % (title, time()-t0_sec) img = img_from_pixel_arrays(iX, iY, nda) if not ntest in (30,) else nda # [100:300,:] colmap = 'jet' # 'cubehelix' 'cool' 'summer' 'jet' 'winter' 'gray' da = (nda.min()-1, nda.max()+1) ds = da if ntest in (21,28,29,30,31) : ave, rms = nda.mean(), nda.std() da = ds = (ave-2*rms, ave+3*rms) elif ntest in (32,) : colmap = 'gray' ds = da = (-20, 20) prefix = 'fig-v02-cspad-RadialBkgd' gg.plotImageLarge(img, amp_range=da, figsize=(14,12), title=title, cmap=colmap)'%s-%02d-img.png' % (prefix, ntest)) gg.hist1d(nda, bins=None, amp_range=ds, weights=None, color=None, show_stat=True, log=False, \ figsize=(6,5), axwin=(0.18, 0.12, 0.78, 0.80), \ title=None, xlabel='Pixel value', ylabel='Number of pixels', titwin=title)'%s-%02d-his.png' % (prefix, ntest)) print 'End of test for %s' % title #------------------------------
[docs]def test03(ntest) : """Test for 2-d binning of the restricted rad-phi range of entire image """ from time import time import pyimgalgos.GlobalGraphics as gg from PSCalib.GeometryAccess import img_from_pixel_arrays arr, geo = data_geo(ntest) iX, iY = geo.get_pixel_coord_indexes() X, Y, Z = geo.get_pixel_coords() mask = geo.get_pixel_mask(mbits=0377).flatten() t0_sec = time() rb = RadialBkgd(X, Y, mask, nradbins=200, nphibins=32, phiedges=(-20, 240), radedges=(10000,80000)) if ntest in (51,52)\ else RadialBkgd(X, Y, mask, nradbins= 5, nphibins= 8, phiedges=(-20, 240), radedges=(10000,80000)) #rb = RadialBkgd(X, Y, mask, nradbins=3, nphibins=8, phiedges=(240, -20), radedges=(80000,10000)) # v3 print 'RadialBkgd initialization time %.3f sec' % (time()-t0_sec) #print 'npixels_per_bin:', rb.npixels_per_bin() #print 'intensity_per_bin:', rb.intensity_per_bin(arr) #print 'average_per_bin:', rb.average_per_bin(arr) t0_sec = time() nda, title = arr, None if ntest == 41 : nda, title = arr, 'averaged data' elif ntest == 42 : nda, title = rb.pixel_rad(), 'pixel radius value' elif ntest == 43 : nda, title = rb.pixel_phi(), 'pixel phi value' elif ntest == 44 : nda, title = rb.pixel_irad() + 2, 'pixel radial bin index' elif ntest == 45 : nda, title = rb.pixel_iphi() + 2, 'pixel phi bin index' elif ntest == 46 : nda, title = rb.pixel_iseq() + 2, 'pixel sequential (rad and phi) bin index' elif ntest == 47 : nda, title = mask, 'mask' elif ntest == 48 : nda, title = rb.bkgd_nda(nda), 'averaged radial background' elif ntest == 49 : nda, title = rb.subtract_bkgd(nda) * mask, 'background-subtracted data' elif ntest == 50 : nda, title = rb.average_rad_phi(nda),'r-phi' elif ntest == 51 : nda, title = rb.bkgd_nda_interpol(nda), 'averaged radial interpolated background' elif ntest == 52 : nda, title = rb.subtract_bkgd_interpol(nda) * mask, 'interpol-background-subtracted data' else : print 'Test %d is not implemented' % ntest return print 'Get %s n-d array time %.3f sec' % (title, time()-t0_sec) img = img_from_pixel_arrays(iX, iY, nda) if not ntest in (50,) else nda # [100:300,:] colmap = 'jet' # 'cubehelix' 'cool' 'summer' 'jet' 'winter' 'gray' da = (nda.min()-1, nda.max()+1) ds = da if ntest in (41,48,49,50,51) : ave, rms = nda.mean(), nda.std() da = ds = (ave-2*rms, ave+3*rms) elif ntest in (52,) : colmap = 'gray' ds = da = (-20, 20) prefix = 'fig-v03-cspad-RadialBkgd' gg.plotImageLarge(img, amp_range=da, figsize=(14,12), title=title, cmap=colmap)'%s-%02d-img.png' % (prefix, ntest)) gg.hist1d(nda, bins=None, amp_range=ds, weights=None, color=None, show_stat=True, log=False, \ figsize=(6,5), axwin=(0.18, 0.12, 0.78, 0.80), \ title=None, xlabel='Pixel value', ylabel='Number of pixels', titwin=title)'%s-%02d-his.png' % (prefix, ntest)) print 'End of test for %s' % title #------------------------------
if __name__ == '__main__' : import sys ntest = int(sys.argv[1]) if len(sys.argv)>1 else 1 print 'Test # %d' % ntest if ntest<20 : test01(ntest) elif ntest<40 : test02(ntest) elif ntest<60 : test03(ntest) else : print 'Test %d is not implemented' % ntest #sys.exit('End of test') #------------------------------ #------------------------------