Source code for pyimgalgos.centroid_smoother

import numpy as np
from skbeam.core.accumulators.histogram import Histogram
from PSCalib.CalibFileFinder import make_calib_file_name, find_calib_file
from PSCalib.h5constants import save as h5save
from PSCalib.h5constants import load as h5load

from mpi4py import MPI
rank = comm.Get_rank()
size = comm.Get_size()

calib_type = 'photon_position'

[docs]class CentroidSmootherCalib(object): ''' A calibration object that needs only to run once. Data and constants will be saved to be used by the CentroidSmoother object. ''' def __init__(self, nBins=100): ''' Parameters: nBins - (Optional) The number of bins for the histogramming of the absolute distance from the center of the pixel for each centroid ''' self.nBins = nBins self.absDist = Histogram((self.nBins, 0.0, 0.5))
[docs] def add(self, centroids): ''' Parameters: An array of floats of the rows and columns of peak centroids in the shape (x, 2) for x peaks. Computes, for each centroid, the absolute distance from the center of the pixel that the centroid is in. The values range from 0 to 0.5. ''' flattened = centroids.flatten() absPosInPixel = abs(flattened - np.rint(flattened)) self.absDist.fill(absPosInPixel)
[docs] def save(self, ds, det, rNumBegin, rNumEnd=None): ''' Parameters: ds - datasource as obtained via psana.DataSource() det - detector used as obtained via psana.Detector() rNumBegin - run number that the saved data begins with rNumEnd - (Optional) run number that the saved data ends with From the given parameters, saves the data that has been added by add() along with the bins which are computed from the value for nBins. ''' cdir = ds.env().calibDir() src = str( absDist = comm.reduce(self.absDist.values) if rank == 0: nSum = absDist.cumsum() nTotal = absDist.sum() self.startBin = np.append(0, nSum[:-1] / (2 * nTotal)) self.endBin = nSum / (2 * nTotal) fout = make_calib_file_name(cdir, src, calib_type, rNumBegin, rNumEnd) writedict = {'version' : 1, 'startBin' : self.startBin, 'endBin' : self.endBin} h5save(fout, writedict)
[docs]class CentroidSmoother(object): ''' With the datasource, detector and run number, this object will fetch the relevant data as saved by the CentroidSmootherCalib object and read it in. ''' def __init__(self, ds, det, rNum): ''' Parameters: ds - datasource as obtained via psana.DataSource() det - detector used as obtained via psana.Detector() rNum - run number of data ''' cdir = ds.env().calibDir() src = str( fin = find_calib_file(cdir, src, calib_type, rNum) readdict = h5load(fin) self.startBin = readdict['startBin'] self.endBin = readdict['endBin'] self.nBins = len(self.endBin)
[docs] def getSmoothedCentroids(self, offsets): ''' Parameters: An array of floats the rows and columns of peak centroids in the shape (x, 2) for x peaks. Output: An array of floats of the rows and columns of the smoothed centroids in the same shape as the input. Given an array of centroids, this function smooths and returns them. ''' fracOffsets = offsets - np.rint(offsets) fracROffsets, fracCOffsets = fracOffsets[:, 0], fracOffsets[:, 1] rCentroid = self._correctedOffset(fracROffsets) cCentroid = self._correctedOffset(fracCOffsets) return np.dstack((rCentroid, cCentroid))[0]
[docs] def _correctedOffset(self, offsets): signs = np.sign(offsets) signs[signs == 0] = np.random.choice([-1, 1], np.sum(signs == 0)) offsets[abs(offsets) >= 0.5] = signs[abs(offsets) >= 0.5] * (0.5 - 1e-6) bins = (abs(offsets) / 0.5 * self.nBins).astype(int) randsInBin = np.random.uniform(0, 1, len(offsets)) * \ (self.endBin[bins] - self.startBin[bins]) centroids = signs * (self.startBin[bins] + randsInBin) return centroids
if __name__ == "__main__": from ImgAlgos.PyAlgos import PyAlgos from psana import * import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ds = DataSource('exp=xcs06016:run=37:smd') det = Detector('epix_2') setOption('calib-dir', '/reg/neh/home/jscott/calib') alg = PyAlgos() alg.set_peak_selection_pars(npix_min=1, npix_max=4, amax_thr=0, atot_thr=35, son_min=0) centroids = [] for nevent, evt in enumerate( if nevent == 25: break nda = det.calib(evt) peaks = alg.peak_finder_v1(nda, thr_low=10, thr_high=30, radius=1, dr=0) for p in peaks: centroids.append([p[6], p[7]]) print '%d total peaks.' % len(centroids) centroids = np.array(centroids) calib = CentroidSmootherCalib() calib.add(centroids), det, 0) cs = CentroidSmoother(ds, det, smoothCents = cs.getSmoothedCentroids(centroids) smoothDist, edges = np.histogram(smoothCents.flatten(), bins=50, range=(-0.5, 0.5)) smoothRD, edgesR = np.histogram(smoothCents[:, 0], bins=50, range=(-0.5, 0.5)) smoothCD, edgesC = np.histogram(smoothCents[:, 1], bins=50, range=(-0.5, 0.5)) plt.figure() plt.plot(calib.absDist.values) plt.figure() plt.plot(edgesR[:-1], smoothRD, marker='x') plt.title('Rows') plt.xlim(-0.5, 0.5) plt.figure() plt.plot(edgesC[:-1], smoothCD, marker='x') plt.title('Columns') plt.xlim(-0.5, 0.5) plt.figure() plt.plot(edges[:-1], smoothDist, marker='*') plt.xlim(-0.5, 0.5)