Source code for pyimgalgos.cspad_arr_producer

"""User analysis module for pyana framework.

This software was developed for the LCLS project.  If you use all or 
part of it, please give an appropriate acknowledgment.

@version $Id: 12470 2016-08-11 21:23:21Z dubrovin@SLAC.STANFORD.EDU $

@author Mikhail S. Dubrovin

#  Module's version from SVN --
__version__ = "$Revision: 12470 $"
# $Source$

#  Imports of standard modules --
import sys
import logging

# Imports for other modules --
#### from pypdsdata import xtc

#### from pypdsdata.xtc import *
from psana import *
import numpy as np

[docs]class cspad_arr_producer (object) : """Produces from CSPAD data numpy array of shape=(4, 8, 185, 388) or (185, 388, 2) and specified data type.""" dic_dtypes = { 'int' :, \ 'int8' : np.int8, \ 'int16' : np.int16, \ 'int32' : np.int32, \ 'uint' : np.uint, \ 'uint8' : np.uint8, \ 'uint16' : np.uint16, \ 'uint32' : np.uint32, \ 'float' : np.float, \ 'float32': np.float32, \ 'double' : np.double \ } def __init__ ( self ) : """Class constructor. Parameters are passed from pyana.cfg configuration file. All parameters are passed as strings - source - string, address of Detector-Id|Device-ID - dtype_type - string, output array data type - key_out - string, unique keyword for output array identification - val_miss - float, intensity value substituted for missing in data 2x1s - print_bits - int, bit-word for verbosity control """ self.m_src = self.configSrc ('source', '*-*|Cspad-*') self.m_dtype_str = self.configStr ('data_type', 'int') self.m_key_out = self.configStr ('key_out', 'cspad_array') self.m_val_miss = self.configFloat('val_miss', 0) self.m_print_bits = self.configInt ('print_bits', 1) self.set_dtype() if self.m_print_bits & 1 : self.print_input_pars() if self.m_print_bits & 1 : self.print_dtypes() self.is_cspad = False self.is_cspad2x2 = False
[docs] def set_dtype( self ) : try : self.m_dtype = self.dic_dtypes[self.m_dtype_str] except : msg = __name__ + ' WARNING: specified data_type = %s is not implemented' % self.m_dtype_str print msg self.print_dtypes() self.m_dtype = np.int16 #if self.m_dtype_str == 'int' : self.m_dtype = #elif self.m_dtype_str == 'int8' : self.m_dtype = np.int8 #elif self.m_dtype_str == 'int16' : self.m_dtype = np.int16 #elif self.m_dtype_str == 'int32' : self.m_dtype = np.int32 #elif self.m_dtype_str == 'uint8' : self.m_dtype = np.uint8 #elif self.m_dtype_str == 'uint16' : self.m_dtype = np.uint16 #elif self.m_dtype_str == 'uint32' : self.m_dtype = np.uint32 #elif self.m_dtype_str == 'float' : self.m_dtype = np.float #elif self.m_dtype_str == 'double' : self.m_dtype = np.double #else : self.m_dtype = np.int16
[docs] def print_dtypes( self ) : msg = '\nImplemented data types:' for k,v in cspad_arr_producer.dic_dtypes.iteritems() : msg += '\n%10s : %10s' % (k,v) print msg
[docs] def beginjob( self, evt, env ) : """This method is called once at the beginning of the job. It should do a one-time initialization possible extracting values from event data (which is a Configure object) or environment. - evt - event data object - env - environment object """ if env.fwkName() == "psana": self.config = env.getConfig(CsPad.Config, self.m_src) else : self.config = env.getConfig(TypeId.Type.Id_CspadConfig, self.m_src) if self.config : self.is_cspad = True self.is_cspad2x2 = False if self.m_print_bits & 2 : self.print_config_pars_for_cspad(env) return if env.fwkName() == "psana": self.config = env.getConfig(CsPad2x2.Config, self.m_src) else : self.config = env.getConfig(TypeId.Type.Id_Cspad2x2Config, self.m_src) if self.config : self.is_cspad = False self.is_cspad2x2 = True if self.m_print_bits & 2 : self.print_config_pars_for_cspad2x2(env) return msg = __name__ + ' WARNING: CSPAD or CSPAD2x2 configuration is NOT found!' print msg
[docs] def beginrun( self, evt, env ) : """This optional method is called if present at the beginning of the new run. - evt - event data object - env - environment object """ "cspad_arr_producer.beginrun() called" ) pass
[docs] def begincalibcycle( self, evt, env ) : pass
[docs] def event( self, evt, env ) : """This method is called for every L1Accept transition. - evt - event data object - env - environment object """ self.arr = None if self.is_cspad : self.proc_event_for_cspad (evt, env) elif self.is_cspad2x2 : self.proc_event_for_cspad2x2 (evt, env) if self.arr is None : msg = __name__ + 'WARNING!: image is non-available' print msg return if self.m_print_bits & 8 : self.print_part_of_output_array() #print 'self.arr.dtype =', self.arr.dtype evt.put( self.arr, self.m_src, self.m_key_out ) #print '\ncspad_arr_producer: evt.keys():', evt.keys()
[docs] def proc_event_for_cspad( self, evt, env ) : # 1. Get data if env.fwkName() == "psana": data_tot = evt.get(CsPad.Data, self.m_src) # returns psana.CsPad.DataV2 object if not data_tot : return nQuads = data_tot.quads_shape()[0] data = map(data_tot.quads, range(nQuads)) # makes list of <psana.CsPad.ElementV2 objects else: data = evt.get(TypeId.Type.Id_CspadElement, self.m_src) if not data : msg = __name__ + 'proc_event_for_cspad: DATA IS NOT FOUND' print msg return # 2. Fill output array accounting for dtype and configuration if self.m_val_miss == 0 : self.arr = np.zeros((4, 8, 185, 388), dtype=self.m_dtype) else : self.arr = np.ones ((4, 8, 185, 388), dtype=self.m_dtype) * self.m_dtype(self.m_val_miss) for q in data : # where q is an object of pypdsdata.cspad.ElementV2 quad_num = q.quad() roi_mask = self.config.roiMask(quad_num) quad_data = # shape=(8, 185, 388) nsects = quad_data.shape[0] if self.m_print_bits & 32 : print 'quad_num=%d roi_mask(oct)=%o nsects=%d data.shape=%s' % (quad_num, roi_mask, nsects, str(quad_data.shape)) # Copy quad data (N<8, 185, 388) -> to CSPAD arr (4, 8, 185, 388) - changing data type ind=0 for sect in range(8) : if roi_mask & (1<<sect) : self.arr[quad_num,sect,:] = quad_data[ind,:] # - copy changing data type ind += 1
[docs] def proc_event_for_cspad2x2( self, evt, env ) : if env.fwkName() == "psana": elem = evt.get(CsPad2x2.Element, self.m_src) # returns psana.CsPad2x2.ElementV1 object if not elem : print 'CsPad2x2.Element is not found!' return else: elem = evt.get(TypeId.Type.Id_Cspad2x2Element, self.m_src) # returns CsPad2x2.ElementV1 object if not elem : return if self.m_val_miss == 0 : self.arr = np.zeros((185, 388, 2), dtype=self.m_dtype) else : self.arr = np.ones ((185, 388, 2), dtype=self.m_dtype) * self.m_dtype(self.m_val_miss) self.arr[:] =[:] # shape= (185, 388, 2) - copy changing data type
[docs] def endcalibcycle( self, evt, env ) : pass
[docs] def endrun( self, evt, env ) : pass
[docs] def endjob( self, evt, env ) : pass
[docs] def print_input_pars( self ) : msg = '\n%s: List of input parameters\n source: %s\n print_bits: %4d\n dtype_str: %s\n dtype_str: %s\n key_out %s\n m_val_miss: %s' % \ (__name__, self.m_src, self.m_print_bits, self.m_dtype_str, str(self.m_dtype), self.m_key_out, self.m_val_miss) msg ) print msg
[docs] def print_part_of_output_array( self ) : msg = __name__ + ': arr[2,4,:] :\n' + str(self.arr[2,4,:]) \ + '\n arr.shape = %s arr.dtype = %s' % (str(self.arr.shape), str(self.arr.dtype)) msg ) print msg
[docs] def print_config_pars_for_cspad2x2( self, env ) : msg = '%s: List of configuration parameters for CSPAD2x2' % (__name__) print msg print " payloadSize =", self.config.payloadSize() print " asicMask =", self.config.asicMask() print " roiMask =", self.config.roiMask() print " numAsicsRead =", self.config.numAsicsRead() print " numAsicsStored =", self.config.numAsicsStored()
[docs] def print_config_pars_for_cspad( self, env ) : msg = '%s: List of configuration parameters for CSPAD' % (__name__) msg += '\n%s: %s' % (self.config.__class__.__name__, self.m_src) msg += '\n numQuads = %d' % (self.config.numQuads()) msg += '\n asicMask = %d' % (self.config.asicMask()) msg += '\n quadMask = %d' % (self.config.quadMask()) msg += '\n numAsicsRead = %d' % (self.config.numAsicsRead()) try: # older versions may not have all methods msg += '\n roiMask : [%s]' % ', '.join([hex(self.config.roiMask(q)) for q in range(4)]) msg += '\n numAsicsStored: %s' % str(map(self.config.numAsicsStored, range(4))) except: pass #if env.fwkName() == 'pyana': #self.list_of_sections = map(self.config.sections, range(4)) #msg += '\n sections : %s' % str(self.list_of_sections) msg ) print msg #----------------------------- #----------------------------- #-----------------------------