Source code for pyimgalgos.image_save_in_file

"""User analysis module 

This software was developed for the LCLS project.  If you use all or 
part of it, please give an appropriate acknowledgment.

@version $Id: 11271 2016-01-30 00:02:41Z dubrovin@SLAC.STANFORD.EDU $

@author Mikhail S. Dubrovin

#  Module's version from SVN --
__version__ = "$Revision: 11271 $"
# $Source$

#  Imports of standard modules --
import os
#import sys
#import logging
import tempfile

# Imports for other modules --
#from pypdsdata import xtc

#from pypdsdata.xtc import *
#from psana import *

import psana

import numpy as np
import scipy.misc as scim
from time import sleep
#import tifffile as tiff
#from PythonMagick import Image
#from PIL import Image
import Image
from CorAna.ArrFileExchange import *

#from cspad_arr_producer import *

[docs]class image_save_in_file (object) : """Saves image array in file with specified in the name type.""" def __init__ ( self ) : """Class constructor. Parameters are passed from pyana.cfg configuration file. - source - string, address of Detector.Id:Device.ID - key_in - string, keyword for input image array of variable shape - ofname - string, output file name (type is selected by extention) supported formats: txt, tiff, gif, pdf, eps, png, jpg, jpeg, npy (default), npz - mode - int, 0-save one event per event, >0-length of the ring buffer (or round robin) for event browser - delay_sec - int, additional sleep time in sec between events for event browser - print_bits - int, bit-word for verbosity control """ self.m_src = self.configSrc ('source', '*-*|Cspad-*') self.m_key_in = self.configStr ('key_in', 'image') self.m_ofname = self.configStr ('ofname', './roi-img') self.m_mode = self.configInt ('mode', 0) self.m_delay_sec = self.configInt ('delay_sec', 0) self.m_print_bits = self.configInt ('print_bits', 1) if self.m_print_bits & 1 : self.print_input_pars() if self.m_mode > 0 : pbits = 0377 if self.m_print_bits & 16 else 0 self.afe = ArrFileExchange(self.m_ofname, self.m_mode, pbits) self.list_of_dtypes = [ psana.ndarray_float32_2, psana.ndarray_float64_2, psana.ndarray_int8_2, psana.ndarray_int16_2, psana.ndarray_int32_2, psana.ndarray_int64_2, psana.ndarray_uint8_2, psana.ndarray_uint16_2, psana.ndarray_uint32_2, psana.ndarray_uint64_2 ]
[docs] def beginjob( self, evt, env ) : pass
[docs] def beginrun( self, evt, env ) : "image_save_in_file.beginrun() called" ) = self.exp = env.experiment() self.evnum = 0
[docs] def event( self, evt, env ) : """This method is called for every L1Accept transition. - evt - event data object - env - environment object """ self.image = None if env.fwkName() == "psana": #self.image = evt.get(psana.ndarray_float32_2, self.m_src, self.m_key_in) for dtype in self.list_of_dtypes : self.image = evt.get(dtype, self.m_src, self.m_key_in) if self.image is not None: break else : self.image = evt.get(self.m_key_in) if self.image is None : #if self.m_print_bits & 32 : msg = '%s: WARNING! CSPAD image np.ndarray %s is not found in evt' % ( __name__, self.m_key_in ) msg ) print msg return #self.image = evt.get(self.m_key_in) if self.image is None : return self.evnum += 1 if self.m_print_bits & 8 : self.print_part_of_image_array() if self.m_mode > 0 : self.afe.save_arr(self.image) sleep(self.m_delay_sec) return name_pref, name_ext = os.path.splitext(self.m_ofname) fname = '%s-%s-r%04d-ev%06d%s' % (name_pref, self.exp,, self.evnum, name_ext) if self.m_print_bits & 4 : msg = 'Save image in file %s' % fname print msg if name_ext == '.txt' : np.savetxt(fname, self.image) # , fmt='%f') elif name_ext in ['.tiff'] : """Saves 16-bit tiff """ tmp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='r+b',suffix='.tiff') tfile = #img = Image.fromarray(self.image.astype(np.int16),'I;16B') img = Image.fromarray(self.image.astype(np.int16)) cmd = 'convert %s -define quantum:format=signed %s' % (tfile, fname) os.system(cmd) elif name_ext in ['.tiff', '.gif', '.pdf', '.eps', '.png', '.jpg', '.jpeg'] : """Saves 8-bit tiff only... """ scim.imsave(fname, self.image) elif name_ext == '.npz' : np.savez(fname, self.image) else :, self.image)
[docs] def endjob( self, evt, env ) : pass
[docs] def print_input_pars( self ) : msg = '\n%s: List of input parameters\n source %s\n key_in %s\n ofname %s\n print_bits: %4d' % \ ( __name__, self.m_src, self.m_key_in, self.m_ofname, self.m_print_bits) msg ) print msg
[docs] def print_part_of_image_array( self, r1=50, r2=60, c1=100, c2=110 ) : msg = '%s: Part of the image: image[%d:%d,%d:%d]:' % (__name__, r1, r2, c1, c2) msg += '\n%s' % str(self.image[r1:r2,c1:c2]) msg += '\n image.shape = %s' % str(self.image.shape) msg ) print msg #----------------------------- #----------------------------- #-----------------------------