Source code for lightpath.controller

While the :class:`.BeamPath` object provides basic control functionality, the
:class:`.LightController` is what does the organization of all of LCLS's
devices. After parsing through all of the given devices, each beamline is
contsructed as a :class:`.BeamPath` object. This includes not only devices on
the upstream beamline but all of the beamlines before it. For example, the MEC
beampath will include devices in both the FEE and the XRT. The
:class:`.LightController` handles this logic as well as a basic overview of
where the beam is and what the state of the MPS system is currently.
import math
import logging

from happi.loader import from_container

from .path import BeamPath
from .config import beamlines

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class LightController: """ Controller for the LCLS Lightpath Handles grouping devices into beamlines and joining paths together. Also provides an overview of the state of the entire beamline Attributes ---------- containers: list List of happi Device objects that were unable to be instantiated Parameters ---------- client : happi.Client Happi Client endstations: list, optional List of experimental endstations to load BeamPath objects for. If left as None, all endstations will be loaded """ def __init__(self, client, endstations=None): self.client = client self.containers = list() self.beamlines = dict() endstations = endstations or beamlines.keys() # Find the requisite beamlines to reach our endstation for beamline in endstations: self.load_beamline(beamline)
[docs] def load_beamline(self, endstation): """ Load a beamline from the provided happi client Parameters ---------- endstation : str Name of endstation to load Returns ------- path: BeamPath """ try: path = beamlines[endstation] path[endstation] = dict() except KeyError as exc: logger.warning("Unable to find %s as a configured endstation, " "assuming this is an independent path", endstation) path = {endstation: {}} # Load the devices specified in the configuration devices = list() for line, info in path.items(): # Find the happi containers for this section of beamlines start = info.get('start', 0.0) end = info.get('end', math.inf) logger.debug("Searching for devices on line %s between %s and %s", line, start, end) containers =, active=True, start=start, end=end) # Ensure we actually found valid devices if not containers: logger.error("No valid beamline devices found for %s", line) continue # Load all the devices we found logger.debug("Found %s devices along %s", len(containers), line) for c in containers: try: dev = from_container(c) devices.append(dev) except Exception as exc: logger.exception("Failure loading %s ...", self.containers.append(c) # Create the beamline from the loaded devices bp = BeamPath(*devices, name=line) self.beamlines[line] = bp # Set as attribute for easy access setattr(self,' ','_').lower(), bp) return bp
@property def destinations(self): """ Current device destinations for the LCLS photon beam """ return list(set([p.impediment for p in self.beamlines.values() if p.impediment and p.impediment not in p.branches])) @property def devices(self): """ All of the devices loaded into beampaths """ devices = list() for line in self.beamlines.values(): devices.extend(line.devices) return list(set(devices)) @property def incident_devices(self): """ List of all devices in contact with photons along the beamline """ devices = list() for line in self.beamlines.values(): devices.extend(line.incident_devices) return list(set(devices))
[docs] def path_to(self, device): """ Create a BeamPath from the source to the requested device Parameters ---------- device : Device A device somewhere in LCLS Returns ------- path : :class:`BeamPath` Path to and including given device """ try: prior, after = self.beamlines[].split(device=device) except KeyError: raise ValueError("Beamline {} not found".format( return prior