PSHist::Exception Class Reference
[PSHist package]

Base class for exceptions for PSHist package. More...

#include <Exceptions.h>

Inheritance diagram for PSHist::Exception:

ErrSvc::Issue PSHist::ExceptionAxisEdgeOrder PSHist::ExceptionAxisRange PSHist::ExceptionBins PSHist::ExceptionDuplicateColumn PSHist::ExceptionDuplicateName PSHist::ExceptionStore List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Exception (const ErrSvc::Context &ctx, const std::string &what)
 Constructor takes the reason for an exception.

Detailed Description

Base class for exceptions for PSHist package.

This software was developed for the LCLS project. If you use all or part of it, please give an appropriate acknowledgment.

Exceptions.h 2050 2011-06-29 21:30:05Z salnikov@SLAC.STANFORD.EDU
Andy Salnikov

Definition at line 48 of file Exceptions.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PSHist::Exception::Exception ( const ErrSvc::Context ctx,
const std::string &  what 

Constructor takes the reason for an exception.

Definition at line 37 of file Exceptions.cpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on 19 Dec 2016 for PSDMSoftware by  doxygen 1.4.7