
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //===================
00002 // This application launches the work threads and main GUI 
00003 //
00004 #include <getopt.h>
00005 #include <stdio.h>      // printf, fgets
00006 #include <stdlib.h>     // atoi
00007 #include <iostream>
00009 #include <QApplication>
00010 #include "PSQt/GUIMain.h"
00011 #include "PSQt/GUIImageViewer.h"
00012 #include "PSQt/WdgDirTree.h"
00013 #include "PSQt/WdgFile.h"
00014 #include "PSQt/WdgImage.h"
00015 #include "PSQt/WdgColorTable.h"
00016 #include "PSQt/WdgGeoTree.h"
00017 #include "PSQt/WdgGeo.h"
00018 #include "PSQt/WdgPointPos.h"
00019 #include "PSQt/Frame.h"
00020 #include "PSQt/ThreadTimer.h"
00021 #include "PSQt/allinone.h"
00022 #include "PSQt/Logger.h" // for DEBUG, INFO, etc.
00023 #include "PSQt/GUILogger.h"
00024 #include "PSQt/WdgColorBar.h"
00025 #include "PSQt/WdgRadHist.h"
00026 #include "PSQt/WdgSpecHist.h"
00028 //===================
00030 void usage(char* name) {
00031   std::cout << "Usage: " << name << " [-g <geo-fname>] [-i <image-array-fname>] [-L <logger-level>] [-h] [<test-number>]"
00032             << "\n      -g <geo-fname>         - (string)   geometry file name"
00033             << "\n      -i <image-array-fname> - (string)   image n-d array text file name"
00034             << "\n      -x <x-center-offset>   - (unsigned) image center x-coordinate offset in pixels"
00035             << "\n      -y <y-center-offset>   - (unsigned) image center y-coordinate offset in pixels"
00036             << "\n      -L <logger-level>      - (string)   verbosity level can be DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, CRITICAL, ERROR"
00037             << "\n      -h - this help message"
00038             << '\n';
00039 }
00041 //===================
00042 int main( int argc, char **argv )
00043 {
00044   //cout << "argc = " << argc << endl;
00045   cout << "Command line:";
00046   for(int i = 0; i < argc; i++) cout << " " << argv[i]; cout << '\n';
00048   // ------------------
00049   char *ivalue = NULL;
00050   char *gvalue = NULL;
00051   char *xvalue = NULL;
00052   char *yvalue = NULL;
00053   char *Lvalue = NULL;
00054   int c;
00055   extern char *optarg;
00056   extern int optind, optopt; //, opterr;
00058   while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, ":g:i:x:y:L:h")) != -1)
00059       switch (c)
00060       {
00061         case 'g':
00062           gvalue = optarg;
00063           printf ("-g: gvalue = %s, (string) file name for geometry\n",gvalue);
00064           break;
00065         case 'i':
00066           ivalue = optarg;
00067           printf ("-i: ivalue = %s, (string) file name for image n-d array\n",ivalue);
00068           break;
00069         case 'x':
00070           xvalue = optarg;
00071           printf ("-x: xvalue = %s, (unsigned) image center x-coordinate offset in pixels\n",xvalue);
00072           break;
00073         case 'y':
00074           yvalue = optarg;
00075           printf ("-y: yvalue = %s, (unsigned) image center y-coordinate offset in pixels\n",yvalue);
00076           break;
00077         case 'L':
00078           Lvalue = optarg;
00079           printf ("-L: Lvalue = %s, (string) possible values: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, CRITICAL, ERROR, NONE\n",Lvalue);
00080           break;
00081         case 'h':
00082           //printf ("-h: ");
00083           usage(argv[0]);
00084           return EXIT_SUCCESS;
00085         case ':':
00086           printf ("(:) Option -%c requires an argument.\n", optopt);
00087           usage(argv[0]);
00088           return EXIT_FAILURE;
00089         case '?':
00090           printf ("(?): Option -%c is not recognized.\n", optopt);
00091           usage(argv[0]);
00092           return EXIT_FAILURE;
00093         default:
00094           printf ("default: You should not reach this point... Option \"-%c\" is not recognized.\n", optopt);
00095           abort ();
00096       }
00098   //printf ("End of options: gvalue = %s, ivalue = %s, Lvalue = %s\n",
00099   //        gvalue, ivalue, Lvalue);
00101   for (int index = optind; index < argc; index++)
00102       printf ("Non-option argument \"%s\"\n", argv[index]);
00104   //return EXIT_SUCCESS;
00106   // ------------------
00108   std::string gfname = (gvalue) ? gvalue : std::string();
00109   std::string ifname = (ivalue) ? ivalue : std::string();
00110   unsigned    xcent  = (xvalue) ? unsigned(atoi(xvalue)) : 2000;
00111   unsigned    ycent  = (yvalue) ? unsigned(atoi(yvalue)) : 2000;
00112   PSQt::LEVEL level  = (Lvalue) ? PSQt::levelFromString(std::string(Lvalue)) : PSQt::INFO;
00114   cout << "\nStart app with input parameters\n" << std::setw(31) << setfill('=') << '='
00115        << "\n  geometry              : " << gfname
00116        << "\n  image array           : " << ifname
00117        << "\n  image center offset x : " << xcent
00118        << "\n  image center offset y : " << ycent
00119        << "\n  logger level          : " << PSQt::strLevel(level)
00120        << '\n';
00122   // ------------------
00124   QApplication app( argc, argv ); // SHOULD BE created before QThread object
00126   const bool do_print = false;
00127   PSQt::ThreadTimer* t1 = new PSQt::ThreadTimer(0,  5, do_print);  t1 -> start();
00128   PSQt::ThreadTimer* t2 = new PSQt::ThreadTimer(0, 60, do_print);  t2 -> start();
00130   if(argc==2) {
00131          if(atoi(argv[1])==1) { PSQt::GUIMain*  w = new PSQt::GUIMain(0,PSQt::INFO);  w->show(); }
00132     else if(atoi(argv[1])==2) { PSQt::MyWidget*       w = new PSQt::MyWidget();       w->show(); }
00133     else if(atoi(argv[1])==3) { PSQt::WdgFile*        w = new PSQt::WdgFile();        w->show(); }
00134     else if(atoi(argv[1])==4) { PSQt::WdgImage*       w = new PSQt::WdgImage(0);      w->show(); }
00135     else if(atoi(argv[1])==5) { PSQt::WdgColorTable*  w = new PSQt::WdgColorTable();  w->show(); }
00136     else if(atoi(argv[1])==6) { PSQt::GUIImageViewer* w = new PSQt::GUIImageViewer(); w->show(); }
00137     else if(atoi(argv[1])==7) { PSQt::WdgDirTree*     w = new PSQt::WdgDirTree();     w->show(); }
00138     else if(atoi(argv[1])==8) { PSQt::WdgGeoTree*     w = new PSQt::WdgGeoTree();     w->show(); }
00139     else if(atoi(argv[1])==9) { PSQt::WdgGeo*         w = new PSQt::WdgGeo();         w->show(); }
00140     else if(atoi(argv[1])==10){ PSQt::GUILogger*      w = new PSQt::GUILogger();      w->show(); }
00141     else if(atoi(argv[1])==11){ PSQt::WdgPointPos*    w = new PSQt::WdgPointPos();    w->show(); }
00142     else if(atoi(argv[1])==12){ PSQt::WdgColorBar*    w = new PSQt::WdgColorBar();    w->show(); }
00143     else if(atoi(argv[1])==13){ PSQt::WdgRadHist*     w = new PSQt::WdgRadHist();     w->show(); }
00144     else if(atoi(argv[1])==14){ PSQt::WdgSpecHist*    w = new PSQt::WdgSpecHist();     w->show(); }
00145     else {cout << "Input argument \"" << argv[1] << "\" is not recognized...\n"; return 0;}
00146   }
00147   else {
00148     PSQt::GUIMain* w = new PSQt::GUIMain(0, level, gfname, ifname, xcent, ycent);  w->show(); 
00149   }
00151   return app.exec(); // Begin to display qt4 GUI
00152 }

Generated on 19 Dec 2016 for PSANAmodules by  doxygen 1.4.7