PSQt Namespace Reference


class  MyWidget
class  Brushes
class  Colors
class  CustomButton
class  Donut
class  DragBase
 Base class for draggable figures like circle, line, center, etc on the plot. More...
class  DragCenter
 Derived class from DragBase for draggable circle. More...
class  DragCircle
 Derived class from DragBase for draggable circle. More...
struct  DragFig
 DragFig - struct for DragStore. More...
class  DragStore
 Contains static factory method Create for DragBase objects. More...
class  Frame
 Inherits from QFrame and sets its basic parameters. Is used to display widget frame. More...
class  GeoImage
 Generates image using geometry and ndarray of intensity. More...
class  GeoTree
 Implementation of the geometry tree as QTreeView subclass. More...
class  Gradient
class  GUAxes
 Inherits from QGraphicsView and displays window with axes. More...
class  GUIImageViewer
 Widget/GUI for image viewer. More...
class  GUILogger
 GUI for Logger. More...
class  GUIMain
 Main GUI of application for detector sensors alignment. More...
class  GURuler
 Shows ruller on QGraphicsScene through QGraphicsView. More...
class  GUView
 Test widget, is not used in this project. More...
class  ImageProc
 Processing of raw image ndarray after zoom or intensity range selection. More...
class  LabColorRing
 Widget displaying interactive color rinng/wheel, which is used in WdgColorTable. More...
class  Lines
class  Logger
 Singleton for base class LoggerBase - messaging system. More...
struct  Record
 Record - struct for LoggerBase records. More...
class  LoggerBase
 Base class for messaging system. More...
class  Pixmap
class  PSQtGUIMain
 Test widget, not used in this project. More...
class  Puff
class  Shapes
class  TestThread1
 Tread-worker, inherits from QThread. More...
class  Text
class  ThreadTimer
 Tread-worker, inherits from QThread. More...
class  WdgColorBar
 QLable-type widget with interactive image of the color bar. More...
class  WdgColorTable
 Widget showing colot wheel and setting parameters (hue angles) for color table. More...
class  WdgDirTree
 Wiget works with file directory tree (Is not used in current project). More...
class  WdgFile
 Widget for file name input. More...
class  WdgGeo
 Widget for GeometryObject parameters editor. More...
class  WdgGeoTree
 Widget to display and edit geometry tree. More...
class  WdgImage
 Shows image in the inherited QLabel box. More...
class  WdgImageFigs
 Inherits from WdgImage and adds interactive figures on image. More...
class  WdgPointPos
 Widget to display two values for 2-d point position. More...
class  WdgPointPos3D
 Widget to display 3 values for 3-d point (x,y,z/intensity). More...
class  WdgRadHist
 Widget to display angular-integrated radial-projection historgam for (zoomed) image. More...
class  WdgSpecHist
 Widget to display spectral historgam for image. More...


typedef boost::shared_ptr<
typedef boost::shared_ptr<


enum  DRAGMODE {
 DRAGMODE - enumerator of modes for DragBase. More...
 DRAGTYPE - enumerator for DragBase type objects. More...
enum  LEVEL {
 LEVEL - enumerator of message types/levels. More...
enum  ORIENT { HR = 0, HL, VU, VD }
 ORIENT - enumerator for four color bar orientations; horisontal with raising color index to right or left and vertical with rising color index from to up and down. More...


void center (QWidget &widget)
std::string strLevel (const LEVEL &level=DEBUG)
LEVEL levelFromString (const std::string &str="INFO")
std::string strTimeStamp (const std::string &format=std::string("%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S"))
double doubleTimeNow ()
uint32_t fRGBA (const float R, const float G, const float B)
 Returns uint32_t color code for R, G, and B parameters. R - red [0,1] G - green [0,1] B - blue [0,1].
uint32_t HSV2RGBA (const float H, const float S, const float V)
 Returns uint32_t color code for H, S, and V parameters. H - hue [0,360) S - black/white satturation [0,1] V - value of color [0,1] ???
uint32_t * ColorTable (const unsigned &NColors=0, const float &H1=0, const float &H2=0)
 Returns uint32_t* color table for requested parameters. NColors - number of colors H1, H2=[-360,360] - extended to negative hue range.
ndarray< uint32_t, 2 > getColorBarImage (const unsigned &rows=20, const unsigned &cols=1024, const float &hue1=-120, const float &hue2=60)
 Returns 2-d ndarray with colorbar image.
void setPixmapForLabel (const QImage &image, QPixmap *&pixmap, QLabel *&label)
 Sets image as a pixmap for label.
int string_to_int (const std::string &str)
void print_font_status (const QFont &font)
template<typename T>
std::string val_to_string (const T &v, const unsigned &prec=0)
void set_pen (QPen &pen, const std::string &opt)
void set_brush (QBrush &brush, const std::string &opt)
void set_pen_brush (QPen &pen, QBrush &brush, const std::string &opt)
QGraphicsPathItem * graph (QGraphicsScene *scene, const float *x, const float *y, const int n=1, const std::string &opt=std::string("-bT"))
QGraphicsPathItem * graph (QGraphicsView *view, const float *x, const float *y, const int n=1, const std::string &opt=std::string("-bT"))
QGraphicsPathItem * hist (QGraphicsScene *scene, const float *x, const float *y, const int n=1, const std::string &opt=std::string("-bT"))
QGraphicsPathItem * hist (QGraphicsView *view, const float *x, const float *y, const int n=1, const std::string &opt=std::string("-bT"))
bool is_file (const std::string &path)
bool is_directory (const std::string &path)
bool is_link (const std::string &path)
bool dir_exists (const std::string &dir)
 check if directory exists
bool file_exists (const std::string &fname)
 check if file exists
bool path_exists (const std::string &path)
std::string basename (const std::string &path)
std::string dirname (const std::string &path)
std::string split_string_left (const std::string &s, size_t &pos, const char &sep)
void splitext (const std::string &path, std::string &root, std::string &ext)
std::string stringTimeStamp (const std::string &format=std::string("%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S"))
std::string getFileNameWithTStamp (const std::string &fname)
std::string getGeometryFileName (const std::string &fname="geometry.txt", const bool &add_tstamp=true)
template<typename T>
void getMinMax (const ndarray< T, 2 > &nda, float &vmin, float &vmax)
template<typename T>
void getAveRms (const ndarray< T, 2 > &nda, double &ave, double &rms)
template<typename T>
ndarray< uint32_t, 2 > getUint32NormalizedImage (const ndarray< T, 2 > &dnda, const float &amin=0, const float &amax=0, const unsigned &ncolors=0, const float &hue1=-120, const float &hue2=-360)
void set_window (QWidget &widget, int x, int y)
void set_brash (QBrush &brush, const std::string &opt)

Typedef Documentation

typedef boost::shared_ptr<PSCalib::GeometryObject> PSQt::shpGO

Definition at line 18 of file GeoTree.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<PSCalib::GeometryObject> PSQt::shpGO

Definition at line 20 of file WdgGeoTree.h.

Function Documentation

void PSQt::center ( QWidget &  widget  ) 

Definition at line 15 of file center.cpp.

Referenced by main().

std::string PSQt::strLevel ( const LEVEL level = DEBUG  ) 

Definition at line 191 of file LoggerBase.cpp.


Referenced by PSQt::GUILogger::GUILogger(), main(), PSQt::LoggerBase::setLevel(), PSQt::Record::strRecordBrief(), and PSQt::Record::strRecordTotal().

LEVEL PSQt::levelFromString ( const std::string &  str = "INFO"  ) 

Definition at line 203 of file LoggerBase.cpp.


Referenced by main(), and PSQt::GUILogger::onCombo().

std::string PSQt::strTimeStamp ( const std::string &  format = std::string("%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S")  ) 

Definition at line 215 of file LoggerBase.cpp.

Referenced by getFileNameWithTStamp(), PSQt::LoggerBase::message(), PSQt::LoggerBase::print(), PSQt::DragStore::print(), PSQt::DragCircle::print(), PSQt::DragCenter::print(), and PSQt::DragBase::print().

double PSQt::doubleTimeNow (  ) 

Definition at line 227 of file LoggerBase.cpp.

References CalibPars::status().

Referenced by PSQt::LoggerBase::message().

uint32_t PSQt::fRGBA ( const float  R,
const float  G,
const float  B 

Returns uint32_t color code for R, G, and B parameters. R - red [0,1] G - green [0,1] B - blue [0,1].

Definition at line 28 of file QGUtils.cpp.

Referenced by HSV2RGBA().

uint32_t PSQt::HSV2RGBA ( const float  H,
const float  S,
const float  V 

Returns uint32_t color code for H, S, and V parameters. H - hue [0,360) S - black/white satturation [0,1] V - value of color [0,1] ???

Definition at line 39 of file QGUtils.cpp.

References fRGBA().

Referenced by ColorTable(), PSQt::LabColorRing::setColorRing(), and PSQt::WdgImage::setColorWhellPixmap().

uint32_t * PSQt::ColorTable ( const unsigned &  NColors = 0,
const float &  H1 = 0,
const float &  H2 = 0 

Returns uint32_t* color table for requested parameters. NColors - number of colors H1, H2=[-360,360] - extended to negative hue range.

Definition at line 66 of file QGUtils.cpp.

References HSV2RGBA().

Referenced by getColorBarImage(), PSQt::WdgColorTable::getColorTable(), PSQt::WdgColorTable::getColorTableAsNDArray(), getUint32NormalizedImage(), PSQt::WdgImage::setColorBar(), PSQt::WdgColorTable::setColorBar(), and PSQt::WdgColorBar::setColorBar().

ndarray< uint32_t, 2 > PSQt::getColorBarImage ( const unsigned &  rows = 20,
const unsigned &  cols = 1024,
const float &  hue1 = -120,
const float &  hue2 = 60 

Returns 2-d ndarray with colorbar image.

[in] rows - number of rows in the color bar image
[in] cols - number of columns and colors in the color bar image *
[in] hue1 - first limit of the hue angle [0,360]
[in] hue2 - second limit of the hue angle [0,360]

Definition at line 88 of file QGUtils.cpp.

References ColorTable(), DEBUG, MsgInLog, and CalibPars::shape().

Referenced by PSQt::GeoImage::getRandomImage().

void PSQt::setPixmapForLabel ( const QImage &  image,
QPixmap *&  pixmap,
QLabel *&  label 

Sets image as a pixmap for label.

Definition at line 112 of file QGUtils.cpp.

Referenced by PSQt::WdgColorTable::setColorBar(), and PSQt::WdgColorBar::setColorBar().

int PSQt::string_to_int ( const std::string &  str  ) 

Definition at line 124 of file QGUtils.cpp.

Referenced by PSQt::WdgColorTable::onEdiH1(), and PSQt::WdgColorTable::onEdiH2().

void PSQt::print_font_status ( const QFont &  font  ) 

Definition at line 131 of file QGUtils.cpp.

template<typename T>
std::string PSQt::val_to_string ( const T &  v,
const unsigned &  prec = 0 

Definition at line 101 of file QGUtils.h.

void PSQt::set_pen ( QPen &  pen,
const std::string &  opt 

Definition at line 152 of file QGUtils.cpp.

Referenced by set_pen_brush().

void PSQt::set_brush ( QBrush &  brush,
const std::string &  opt 

void PSQt::set_pen_brush ( QPen &  pen,
QBrush &  brush,
const std::string &  opt 

Definition at line 191 of file QGUtils.cpp.

References set_brash(), and set_pen().

Referenced by graph(), and hist().

QGraphicsPathItem * PSQt::graph ( QGraphicsScene *  scene,
const float *  x,
const float *  y,
const int  n = 1,
const std::string &  opt = std::string("-bT") 

Definition at line 201 of file QGUtils.cpp.

References set_pen_brush().

Referenced by graph(), and main().

QGraphicsPathItem * PSQt::graph ( QGraphicsView *  view,
const float *  x,
const float *  y,
const int  n = 1,
const std::string &  opt = std::string("-bT") 

Definition at line 218 of file QGUtils.cpp.

References graph().

QGraphicsPathItem * PSQt::hist ( QGraphicsScene *  scene,
const float *  x,
const float *  y,
const int  n = 1,
const std::string &  opt = std::string("-bT") 

Definition at line 226 of file QGUtils.cpp.

References set_pen_brush().

Referenced by pdscalibdata::CsPadCommonModeSubV1::findCommonMode(), pdscalibdata::findCommonMode(), hist(), PSQt::WdgRadHist::onRHistIsFilled(), and PSQt::WdgSpecHist::onSHistIsFilled().

QGraphicsPathItem * PSQt::hist ( QGraphicsView *  view,
const float *  x,
const float *  y,
const int  n = 1,
const std::string &  opt = std::string("-bT") 

Definition at line 266 of file QGUtils.cpp.

References hist().

bool PSQt::is_file ( const std::string &  path  ) 

Definition at line 293 of file QGUtils.cpp.

bool PSQt::is_directory ( const std::string &  path  ) 

Definition at line 273 of file QGUtils.cpp.

Referenced by dir_exists().

bool PSQt::is_link ( const std::string &  path  ) 

Definition at line 283 of file QGUtils.cpp.

bool PSQt::dir_exists ( const std::string &  dir  ) 

check if directory exists

Definition at line 303 of file QGUtils.cpp.

References is_directory().

bool PSQt::file_exists ( const std::string &  fname  ) 

check if file exists

Definition at line 319 of file QGUtils.cpp.

bool PSQt::path_exists ( const std::string &  path  ) 

Definition at line 310 of file QGUtils.cpp.

std::string PSQt::basename ( const std::string &  path  ) 

Definition at line 343 of file QGUtils.cpp.

std::string PSQt::dirname ( const std::string &  path  ) 

Definition at line 354 of file QGUtils.cpp.

std::string PSQt::split_string_left ( const std::string &  s,
size_t &  pos,
const char &  sep 

Definition at line 329 of file QGUtils.cpp.

void PSQt::splitext ( const std::string &  path,
std::string &  root,
std::string &  ext 

Definition at line 367 of file QGUtils.cpp.

Referenced by getFileNameWithTStamp().

std::string PSQt::stringTimeStamp ( const std::string &  format = std::string("%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S")  ) 

Definition at line 397 of file QGUtils.cpp.

std::string PSQt::getFileNameWithTStamp ( const std::string &  fname  ) 

Definition at line 409 of file QGUtils.cpp.

References splitext(), and strTimeStamp().

Referenced by getGeometryFileName().

std::string PSQt::getGeometryFileName ( const std::string &  fname = "geometry.txt",
const bool &  add_tstamp = true 

Definition at line 420 of file QGUtils.cpp.

References getFileNameWithTStamp().

Referenced by PSQt::GUIMain::onButSave().

template<typename T>
void PSQt::getMinMax ( const ndarray< T, 2 > &  nda,
float &  vmin,
float &  vmax 

Definition at line 178 of file QGUtils.h.

Referenced by getUint32NormalizedImage().

template<typename T>
void PSQt::getAveRms ( const ndarray< T, 2 > &  nda,
double &  ave,
double &  rms 

Definition at line 195 of file QGUtils.h.

template<typename T>
ndarray<uint32_t,2> PSQt::getUint32NormalizedImage ( const ndarray< T, 2 > &  dnda,
const float &  amin = 0,
const float &  amax = 0,
const unsigned &  ncolors = 0,
const float &  hue1 = -120,
const float &  hue2 = -360 

Definition at line 223 of file QGUtils.h.

References ColorTable(), DEBUG, getMinMax(), and MsgInLog.

void PSQt::set_window ( QWidget &  widget,
int  x,
int  y 

Definition at line 16 of file set_window.cpp.

Referenced by main().

void PSQt::set_brash ( QBrush &  brush,
const std::string &  opt 

Definition at line 176 of file QGUtils.cpp.

Referenced by set_pen_brush().

Generated on 19 Dec 2016 for PSANAmodules by  doxygen 1.4.7