MergeArrays Namespace Reference


def get_list_of_input_file_names
def print_time_stamp
def spectra_merging

Function Documentation

def MergeArrays::get_list_of_input_file_names (  ) 

Returns the list of files with 2-d arrays which need to be summed.

Definition at line 9 of file

def MergeArrays::print_time_stamp (  ) 

Prints the current local time.

Definition at line 34 of file

def MergeArrays::spectra_merging (   out_fname = ''  ) 

Merging of spectral arrays.

1. Get the list of files for merging from get_list_of_input_file_names()
2. Add the spectral 2d arrays together
3. Save them in the file out_fname

Definition at line 43 of file

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