h5constants Namespace Reference


class  ConstantsStore
class  ConstantsLoad


def load
def save


dictionary ct
tuple data = load('ConstTest.h5')

Function Documentation

def h5constants::load (   file  ) 

takes a string filename, and returns a constants object.

Definition at line 78 of file h5constants.py.

def h5constants::save (   file,

store a constants object in an hdf5 file.  the object
can be a hierarchy (defined by python dictionaries) and
hdf5 supported types (int, float, numpy.ndarray, string).
the hierarchy can be created by having one value of
a dictionary itself be a dictionary.

Definition at line 83 of file h5constants.py.

Variable Documentation

dictionary h5constants::ct [static]

Initial value:

{ 'version' : 0,
            'subdict':{'first' : 1, 'second' : 'two','three' : 'bahahah'}

Definition at line 93 of file h5constants.py.

tuple h5constants::data = load('ConstTest.h5') [static]

Definition at line 99 of file h5constants.py.

Referenced by psana_examples::DumpEpics::dumpPvDataArray(), psana_examples::DumpPnccd::event(), psana_examples::DumpCsPad2x2::event(), psana_examples::DumpCsPad::event(), psana_examples::DumpAcqTdc::event(), ImgPixSpectra::CSPadPixSpectra::event(), ImgPixSpectra::CSPad2x2PixSpectra::event(), ImgPixSpectra::CameraPixSpectra::event(), CSPadPixCoords::PixCoordsTest::event(), CSPadPixCoords::CSPadInterpolImageProducer::event(), cspad_mod::CsPadPedestals::event(), cspad_mod::CsPad2x2Pedestals::event(), cspad_mod::DataProxyT< DataType, ElemType >::getTypedImpl(), cspad_mod::DataProxy2x2::getTypedImpl(), and CSPadPixCoords::save2DArrayInFile().

Generated on 19 Dec 2016 for PSANAmodules by  doxygen 1.4.7